Is David Less Popular Now?
my favorite character of all time is a male but idk in this game its all about the females for me. Well the attractive ones (sorry haddie).
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I don't play David that much anymore but that's because his perks aren't that great and, as a personal preference, I make builds centered around one perk of the character. When WGLF gave a 100% BP bonus he got a lot more time (I hated pre 6.1 DH so I only sporadically used that perk and did an unhooking build instead with him) but now his perks are a choice of an outright handicap, a situational perk for pick ups, and one that requires practice to use, has been heavily nerfed and can easily fail.
I'm not surprised to see fewer Davids since his perks aren't very good anymore and, when unlocking perks, there are a lot more survivors that have more valuable perks for newer players.
At least, I hope that's the reason. If it's due to homophobia that would be sad if we had that many small-minded people in the community and pretty hypocritical considering how common teabagging is and how the term teabagging originated.
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I'm taking issue with that being the reason that you'd drop her. If the model changed and she'd be ugly to you, sure. I might disagree, but that'd be the end of it. Attraction is attraction, and I can't nor want to change that for you.
Nobody is forcing you to play LGBTQ+ characters. I, nor anyone else, said anything of the sort. But avoiding them because of them being LGTBQ+ is... very, very questionable.
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It feels as if people care more about the orientation or sexuality of a character instead of you know, their personality, style, backstory or literally anything else. Not passing judgement but I would hope people really aren't that shallow
Again though, people like what they like. I sorta get it now at least. Sorta.
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This is going exactly how I thought it would.
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Because i am playing with female characters which i simp. If they are not straight, i won't simp since there is no point for me. I am not gonna hate them, i am not gonna shame them. I will just play with different characters i can simp.
So i still don't know why this is big issue right now. You can play with any character you want for any reason. My reason is that. I don't care about their lore. I'm looking to see if they're attractive. And even if they are attractive are they straight or not. I am not female so i can't simp for lesbian woman. And i am not gay, so i can't simp for male character either.
I hope this made it clear for you.
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Yeah, obviously there are some who won't play David for absurd, insecurity based reasons or straight up bigotry, and those losers can kick sand. I mean, I'm sure some people played David because they wanted to identify with their perception of what he was, but let's be honest most of those people were just tiny little half men fantasizing about being a badass, and their fragile masculinity couldn't take any association with anything gay, so they stopped playing him.
These types are pathetic, of course.
But there are other reasons we see fewer Davids:
- There are just more survs than before. The more characters are introduced, the smaller each slice of the pie gets.
- His perks have gotten less useful. Not just DH, but WGLF. He used to be a character you'd want to level first; not so much anymore.
- His most recent visual iteration isn't that great. His face vaguely reminds me of a kappa
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The issue is that much like racism, people don't realize there are more subtle forms of bigotry and that even good ppl can exhibit them.
Homophobia can manifest in other ways that's not just "I actively hate and attack LGBT ppl."
But I think the convo is too nuanced for an internet forum. So probably best to leave it alone.
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I mean there's no 'point' in simping a straight fictional character either to be fair. Like there's zero chance of reciprocation regardless of what her sexual orientation is.
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"I don't care about their lore"
yet her lore is the reason for you to drop her...
I'm sorry, no, I don't understand. But I've massively derailed this thread already, so I'm going to leave it there.
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Fictional characters are not real, that's correct. But you still can like them how ever you want. Game, comic, movie characters have simps. That's not rare thing tho.
I just pointed my reasons why i would drop her. Not because i hate LGBT+ community, the reason i will play character i can simp. And if i looked like homophobic i have topics which i suggested to add more LGBT+ characters. I think i am misunderstood here.
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Why is your head canon enough for an unconfirmed character (def not confirmed straight either) but not enough for a confirmed character? It’s your head canon either way.
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Are they less attractive because they're not straight? I mean nothing visually changes, and it's not like their orientation has any effect on you, since they're, you know, not real people.
I am a straight male and there are plenty of lesbians out there who I find attractive, and the fact that they'd have absolutely no use for me sexually doesn't change that. You can still appreciate people that can or would never be available to you, and you can identify with people who aren't aligned exactly as you are. If you can't, then maybe it's time for some introspection.
But hey, it's a video game, play whoever you want to.
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But I wasn't referring to anybody else in my comment except for those that don't play him because he's gay.
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This devolved so much quicker than I thought it would goddamn
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Hello, what did I miss?
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Don't mention teh gey, because it triggers the right wing snowflakes. (this is why we still need representation btw, it's tiring not being able to even exist without being a controversial topic)
This causes more moderate people to feel they have to 'defend themselves' in case they look bigoted. This is what's happening with the OP. You do not need to 'defend' your right to play or not play a certain character for your own personal reasons. (however unusual those reasons might be, simp-only options is weird, but it's not inherently bigoted) There isn't any reason I wouldn't play a given character, other than maybe aesthetics (for example, I don't like Yoichi's bright yellow raincoat coat and I haven't got any other cosmetics for him), but I would certainly play my favourite characters more, and those would be the ones I can either identify with, or find particularly stylish.
But when someone very clearly singles out David's sexuality as the sole reason they won't play him, but will play every other character specifically because they're not gay, there's no room for interpretation. They could have kept their prejudices to themselves, but they felt the need to express their homophobia on a public platform.
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Hey everyone, I realize this is a heated topic, but let's try and reign this thread in a bit okay?
Let's please try and keep the focus here on the game and the topic at hand, and not let that topic of discussion shift to other players, or arguments between players.
Going forward, let's ensure this thread follows the rules, and that the discussion is constructive.
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I have certainly been greeted with a lot of argumentative nature in here. I do have my disagreements with both parties, but I mostly disagree with arguing over all of it, so I do try to stay away from threads like this if I can.
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All I can say is I have every right to ignore David from now on for whatever reason I have just as others might now play David for the reasons they have.
The "grow up" and stuff from some people well keep on being intolerant.
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Ah yes, the paradox of tolerance. My favourite excuse.
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Of course you're free to ignore David, but coming in here just to announce (in not so many words, but clearly) that it is because he is gay, your intolerance is the the clearest of all.
You could have kept it to yourself, but you just had to. Don't act persecuted here. That dog won't hunt.
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This entire topic was a rhetorical device from the start. Probably best to kill it.
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i agree with you
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Why do you think David is less popular? What would be the most logic answer?
Ok I don't want people to think I'm gay this is why I don't play David. This does not mean I dislike gay people or don't want David to be gay.
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Who didn’t see this coming, I think it was clear from the start why the topic was created in the first place, best thing any mod can do is just close it and move on, no matter what anyone says in here there is going to be one side that doesn’t see it as the other does, and then all you will have is people calling people phobes of some sort because the other doesn’t agree with them. It’s a game, with fictional character, just let it be whatever you want it to be.
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His lore is boring, there's hotter survivors, and most people unlocked his perks a long time ago so there's not really any reason the play him now. I still play him from time to time, but I prefer Adam and Felix since they're quieter.
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This threads vibes
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I still see lots of Davids. This is probably just a rhetorical thread by somebody who doesn't like the LGBT aspect of David, to get people to ask them about their views, which nobody really cares about, which is why they had to make the thread themselves in the first place.
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To be fair, I noticed less David players as well, there have been less. And yeah it might be one of the reasons that he got revealed as gay. Though it’s only one of multiple possible reasons and this is exactly a perfect reason why we still need good representation after all and that the argument that no one cares just doesn’t hold.
other reasons are that David got significant less cosmetics than previously, other hot/buff male survs got released that fall in one or more niches that David filled as well, his perks are kinda meh now, and sure, grunts of pain/IW nerfed as well as male characters being less popular in general are also minor factors. And possibly also to some degree what peanits said about the new prestige system.
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Back in the early 2000s I was at a college conference where there was a presentation on what type of character models people chose to play. Back then the overwhelming majority was male gamers chose male models. That has shifted a lot, perhaps because improvements in graphics have made female models more visually appealing.
People choose models for a variety of different reasons.
Some are only interested in the game. If a model gives a tactical advantage, that is the one they choose.
Some prefer simplicity, whoever they started with they just kind of stay with. I'm in this camp. When I started playing I thought Claudette's perks were the obvious ones to get first and she's just been my main ever since.
Some want visually appealing, this can be sexiness, fashion, etc.
Some want to identify. They want to be able to feel like they are the character they are playing as. It helps them get more into the game by feeling for a moment like they are the character.
-Why people identify with certain characters really changes from person to person. Sometimes it is because a character is similar in appearance to the player, sometimes lore, sometimes it is more someone who they aspire to be (Ash is a classical example of this for male gamers, a general everyman who saves the day while being funny, tough, etc.). At times it can be a really minor detail that causes people to identify with someone.
Some people have particular characters that they feel like they are helping. I.E. by escaping with Kate I'm not playing Kate, I'm saving Kate.
One thing that I've noticed which is new for me (I now coach high school students) is that it is becoming more common for people to feel like they can't intrude into certain areas/characters. David would be a possible example of this, if as a non-LGBT individual you played a LGBT character you are taking space that was not meant for you.
I feel like a mix of those answers the question, but also just expansions of character roster.
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If you think someone said something that goes against the forum rules just flag it. There's no need to name call even if you feel you're right and especially not over someone's personal reason as to why they do or don't play any given character. Name calling devolves into fighting rather than continuing a conversation. Its completely unfair to question their stance on inclusion over this.
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His perks were getting nerfed / changed several times (WGLF was great perk with BP and DH is finaly not meta anymore). Other Characters are getting new cosmetics and I would say probably even better than him. There are also more and more characters and Tome challenges for new characters also makes play these new characters more for a longer period of time.
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There have been a few mentions of his outfits, but it could be more impactful than people realize.
- His last outfit was The Nutcracker from several months ago. It was... pretty meh ngl
- Before that, his story Rift outfit which I didn't like but at least the items can be combined with things from outside to be good
- Saint Patrick's Day, a green recolor in the Rift of something else he had
- Getting the timeline wrong here, but his Blighted outfit was a meme too with people making Dr. Robotnik outfits with that bald head. His Valentine's Day outfit was great but it was over a year ago.
Since it's been over a year since David got something really high quality, combined with the pushes to make Vittorio, Felix, & Renato the new hotties, he lost some fans for sure.
...and the aforementioned insecure gamers and/or Dead Hard being nerfed.
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Well, after checking David's skins I've decided to get the one where he has shaved head and beat-up face and start playing him as my third surv.
People focus on his sexuality too much. David is the only survivor that visually represents how it was to be a young male in Eastern Europe growing up in the late 90's. I'm not joking.
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Why? Some people like to identify with fictional characters they are playing as or are reading about. One detail may spoil this process.
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I still use David and I still see a lot of them as killer.
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Why would you not love him? My little boy
Joke aside, It's the only one male character I play in the survivor side, but for now, I don't play him with the prestige change
Before, I just give the level 45 at one character with perks who interest me, and go back with David for playing it and get the new perks for him
Now, I try something different, with the change, all survivor get the three perks from all your characters you got at prestige 3, so, for the survivor side, killer, i can't play some of these, I play who I level up at prestige 3 and try to make some build with at least, one perk of him
When I'm gonna finish all the survivor, I'm gonna retake David
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He's so babygirl
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I don't think anyone's afraid.
...ok, so back to the topic. I've played around 20 games with David today and seen him in pretty much every 3rd lobby. He seems fine.
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Unfortunately this thread has gone far far off-topic, and well beyond the scope of what should be discussed on the forums.
As this has devolved into personal squabbles and insults, and has become less of a discussion regarding the game, and more of a breeding ground for political arguments, this thread will be closed.
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I know this discussion is closed but I want to emphasis our stance here. LGBTIAQ+ is not a political topic!
Dead by Daylight is a game that has a wide and varied playerbase which we celebrate - we keep the post regarding David King and inclusivity pinned as a reminder of what inclusivity means to people and why it is so important. We will not tolerate homophobic, racist or other hate speech on this platform, we never will either!
There were some comments on this thread that were way over the line and were very anti LGBTIAQ+ and those go against the ethos of the forum and of Behaviour Interactive, and as such they have been removed and action has been taken against the person/s responsible for those comments.
I will remind you all, our forum rules are available for all to see here and these are rules you agreed upon when signing up to this platform.
We as a team are happy to discuss any areas which might not be clear, please do not hesitate to reach out to the moderation team who will be happy to clarify things.