
KMainEZ Member Posts: 129

I hope this game improves for the people left playing it. Was fun for a minute there. Be nice to each other, glhf


  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141


  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,367

    Rest yourself great warrior...the fight is over

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    This is nice.

    Somebody who had the self-realisation to leave the game on good fate rather then force themself to play it untill they hate it.

    Hope you have fun in the next game you delve into!

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,336
    edited May 2023

    Take it easy and hopefully you left off on a good note with the game.

    Usually it's riding that high with the hopes that the old feelings of enjoyment return for what ever reason. When the feeling never returns it turns into resentment for the game.

    I know this because I've had a few games I experienced this with in the past. I absolutely don't feel like that with DBD even though I absolutely hate some decisions BHVR make personally. I know they're doing their best for the game and that's what keeps me playing.

  • impulse_90
    impulse_90 Member Posts: 64

    Because every other person that leaves the game out of frustration deserves any less sympathy? People get to high MMR as killer and then ragequit out of frustration not because they're bad at the game but because playing killer at higher MMR is completely and totally unfair. I for one am sick of these developers adding more and more characters into the game and not addressing the core gameplay issues that have been around since the start.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Any others who leave this game just moaning and groaning leaving the forum deserves less sympathy? Yes! Quite a few people who leave don't leave because the game is bad but they are bad, or an style they liked got nerfed.

    People don't even know what mmr they are!! A better killer may be mid mmr and the survivor just had a boosted opinion of themself. Oh, sorry - I forgot everyone is top 1% mmr. My bad.

    This game has faults and some leave because they no longer enjoy it, but others don't have the sense to just leave because they want easy mode and cannot get it, or play in a way which means they are reliant on perks and not skill. Sorry, but those who leave this forum with a post of moaning and crying have no sympathy from me. Someone who just isn't enjoying the game but leaves wishing others well does. Attitude is important for any respect they get.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,072

    Never expected such a thread. Enjoy and rest while being away (or you happen to play something else).

    I'll do the same following this rift. A little less DbD and a little lower blood pressure. 🤓

  • Wilx
    Wilx Member Posts: 99

    Good luck. 🙂 Once I'm done with the rift, I'm a off too. Fingers crossed on the much needed improvements.

  • Roaroftime
    Roaroftime Member Posts: 435

    The new killers and unnecessary updates r rlly sending the game down hill I'm not finding as many rounds fun anymore, might have to join u, I've definitely been playing less :/

  • PowZapBamWoofMeow
    PowZapBamWoofMeow Member Posts: 195

    I took a 2 year break came back December and love it so much more now that I am close to getting Twins to P100.

    Sure the game is still frustrating but it’s a love hate relationship.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    Love you. Hope you can return eager to play again

  • impulse_90
    impulse_90 Member Posts: 64

    Here's a thought then. Just shutup and let them vent their frustration maybe? You sound like the type to heap more hurt on people that are frutration and lashing out because let's face it the games never been worse than it is and it just keeps going downhill. Many people quit and vent at this very fact so maybe instead of being a toxic loser and making sure that those people don't come back how bout I dunno? Be a decent human being and have something nice to say or not say anything at all instead of being deliberately toxic.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I haven't played in a long time. Last 2 chapters were pretty meh, but 2 big games came out at the same time (Splatoon 3 and Pokemon ScVi). I'm a switch player so these are two of the biggest games imo (although ScVi fell a little flat IMHO).

    But in my mind, Splatoon 3 is a very similar game, but with several improvements.

    -Matches are quicker, for both casual and ranked matches. If I'm a time crunch (20 mins) I'm more often than not going to choose a DBD match. For S3 I can get 5 casual matches or 3 ranked matches in at the same time.

    -lobbies can switch teams on a fly, or you can remain on same team in S3. If you want to switch roles or killers you have to leave completely.

    -leveling up. We get cash and automatic rewards in S3. I can buy outfits and new weapons that I want only if I don't want a slosher I won't get one. Granted DBD streamlined the web process, but there are times that I want to play Scratched Mirror Myersbon an indoor map, but I have neither scratched mirror nor indoor offerings. I'll keep getting dead rabbits and Judith letters due to RNG. But the RNG and need for perfect perks and builds makes the process frustrating.

    I think if DBD were to add these type of improvements it may bring some more life to the game (split mode which they hinted at previously, gives survivors/killers ability to switch roles/killers post match, and then make rewards cash only of which we can buy the add ons/perks/offerings to match the playstyles that we want).