Dodge reason?

Veroles Member Posts: 868

What's a reason where you would say "Allright guys, maybe next time?" -> Leave Lobby?

For me:

As Killer: 4 Toolboxes. I know those are mostly just glass canons and those are to beat but nevertheless i do not really enjoy it.

As Survivor: People with Keys. Leads mostly in a giving up mentality quite fast.



  • devotedDBDenjoyer
    devotedDBDenjoyer Member Posts: 269
    edited May 2023

    I mostly dodge if I see multiple high prestiges when I'm tired (higher prestiges tend to bring stronger items so when I'm tired I don't want that noise, I know high prestige doesn't mean skill but with strong items you don't truly need to be very skillful.) I don't dodge very often though, because I have a surprisingly lenient dbd battery that lasts a long time and I don't tire too easily.

    I don't tend to dodge as survivor at all I normally deal with what hand I get dealt.

  • Wowie
    Wowie Member Posts: 556

    Claudettes in dark clothes carrying medkits

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,851

    As Killer: Survivors with garbage ping

    As Survivor: Level 1 Megs, Clauds, or Neas with default skins, & Megs with Masks (jeezus Christ masked Meg always sucks). I may get 1 Smurf out that bunch 1 every 20 games, so that means they’re noobs 95% of the time.

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    I have seen survivors dodge lobbies because one of the team members had below 1000 hours.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited May 2023

    If I have strong reason to believe they are swf (typically if several have similar names) I'll bail

    Post edited by IWasLeft2Die on
  • iHeffe
    iHeffe Member Posts: 6

    When I play survivor I dodge when I see a Rebecca in the lobby.

    There might be some great one’s out there but from my experience they seem to be the players that go next/ D.C. for the most littlest thing no matter the prestige level.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,878
    edited May 2023

    No reason I'll dodge as a survivor.

    As killer, maybe if I see 2 or more TTVs that look like a SWF, for example similar names, same outfits, 3+ medkits, and they all loaded together. I used to dodge as Wraith if I saw 2 or more flashlights, but that's not a problem now.

    Even so, unless I've had a particularly bad strong of games and I'm losing patience, I probably won't even dodge then.

    I do think there should be a disincentive to lobby dodge though, because this leads to backfilling, which screws matchmaking. Maybe a less strict, shorter term version of the DC penalty, e.g. if you dodge 3 lobbies in a row, or within 10 minutes, you get a 1 minute penalty, a fourth dodge within 10 minutes and you get a 5 minute penalty, which is the cap.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,138
    edited May 2023

    I know that ! =) I've actually never had a bad experience with TTVs. I even play from time to time with one who stomped my friends and I nearly a year ago, haha ! Rewatching that was very instructive, especially since I'd only just started playing at that point.

    I'm just very nervous to do something dumb and be badmouthed in front of an audience. I've been extremely lucky ever since I started playing and met many wonderful people, my endgame chats are nearly always very positive, but I see so many viral videos going around about toxic streamers that I just don't feel like risking it. ^^'

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141

    I almost never do except for one time as surv I was on a streak of getting braindead Mikaela teammates and started getting war flashbacks whenever I saw a Mikaela in the lobby

  • Senaxu
    Senaxu Member Posts: 123

    if there is more than one player on an external platform(consol) in the lobby.

    Unfortunately, these people are often not really useful.

  • maximo99ac
    maximo99ac Member Posts: 164


  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,248

    4 P100 Aces with matching names.

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 291

    if everyone has items that make me believe I'll either be super rushed (4 toolboxes) or be denied decent pressure (4 medkits, though it depends on which killer as well).

    As I a survivor, I tend to dodge when I see someone with a bad ping or if I myself have one.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,353

    The only thing worse than Charlie in the tree is a Mikaela on the deck.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,353

    "I do think there should be a disincentive to lobby dodge though, because this leads to backfilling, which screws matchmaking. Maybe a less strict, shorter term version of the DC penalty, e.g. if you dodge 3 lobbies in a row, or within 10 minutes, you get a 1 minute penalty, a fourth dodge within 10 minutes and you get a 5 minute penalty, which is the cap."

    I agree, entirely due to how it borks the matchmaking so badly.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,600
    edited May 2023



    3 or 4 clone survivors

    More than two +50 prestige

    More than two with +3k hours


    1 or more survivors with red ping bar

    1 or more survivors with less than 100 hours

  • LiaLight
    LiaLight Member Posts: 75

    I have a serious question that so far nobody I talked to could give me a proper answer to: Why is it even possible to dodge a lobby as killer? and to see so much information as killer (names + prestige + can look at steam profiles) in the lobby?

    As a survivor I get it since sometimes not the whole lobby loads in even if you queue up together but if that was fixed, then I also wouldn't understand the concept of being able to back out of a lobby for survivor either.

    If you are searching for a match, a match was found, then you should just have to play the next match in my opinion. The whole dodging + backfilling cycle is just causing issues for the matchmaking.

    I do like that suggestion by Seraphor above to dis-incentivize lobby-dodging by implementing some sort of penalty.

    That said I don't usually dodge any lobbies.

  • MalekithHatesSnow
    MalekithHatesSnow Member Posts: 215

    Because playing 4 prestige 100s with 4 toolboxes and matching names as Pig is like pulling out your tooth with a crowbar

  • LiaLight
    LiaLight Member Posts: 75

    So you are saying the sole reason the Devs designed it like this so people can pick and choose their opponents because they are basically only looking for easy wins? And screw up the matchmaking in the process?

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    Same here. I have no interest in playing a game where the playing field is tilted heavily in the other side’s favor.

  • MalekithHatesSnow
    MalekithHatesSnow Member Posts: 215

    No im saying the devs refuse to balance low tier killers which are basically insta losses if there's even a hint of SWF I'd play the 4 man prestige 100 squad with Nurse or Iri Wesker not with Pig not really in the mood to wait out the entire egc when 5 gens pop in 30 seconds

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868
    edited May 2023

    That is in general a good question but i guess that's worth an own topic because that can be discussed pretty deep and many people have different point of views to this.🙂

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 1,744

    As killer i only dodge if the lobby look to easy that it. Probably cause i win a lot with killer so I just don't care anymore.

    As survivor i dodge often for many reasons. You got to be completely ruthless when playing solo q if u wanna win.

    ● low prestige numbers

    ● not having any items

    ● default cosmetics

    ● low hours

    ● trolling name implying u might throw the game

    ●bringing a key

    just one weak link and bam tunnel fuel

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    There is no legitimate reason to dodge. Frankly, the devs should remove the lobby entirely. Just immediately start the game when 5 players are found. Maybe then matchmaking would work properly because people can't back out for whatever petty reason.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Honestly, if they did that I think there would be much less killers (whether for legitimate or illegitimate reasons). If they removed lobbies altogether they'd have to remove SWF altogether since those are the lobbies most often complained about and even if they removed the actual technical lobby you could just preplan before joining each other

  • Fawiola
    Fawiola Member Posts: 88

    I dodge If I see no one have medkit or anything in the hand because that show me no one want escape. I play 80 % with aura key plus open handed and kindred. Not for the hatch basically. And I dodge If I see everyone hide the name

  • lifeisstrange
    lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300

    As survivor:

    Low level prestiges with default outfits (unless bloodied version)

    People with flash lights(I only trust my swfs with this) people who tend to bring flash lights tend to not do gens and always wanna try do saves which 95% of the time they fail or the killer has light born

    People with keys

    People with similar names and outfits

    People with names that makes me feel they are not going to be helpful or is a utter troll

    People who hide their names

    As Killer

    Honestly I cant say since we have the notorious perk call franklins to easily deal with people items so no reason for me to really dodge.

    Fun fact that evil dead does have this lame feature that if you back out of too many lobbies you get a tiny penalty which imo is stupid cause I do not want no level 1 person with no abilities part of my team. The penalty though is just a mare 5mins though if you let it go that high else it starts out at 1min.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    As killer, nothing. I already hurt myself logging in so I might as well hurt the wound even more.

    As survivor, multiple M*kaela and F*ng players. Whenever I see them as a teammate, I sense the lobby will throw and I personally won't let it slide

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    When one of my family members suddenly urgently needs a ride.

    Or when i have a unexpected visitor.

    You know actual legit reasons

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868
    edited May 2023

    Really? My personal experience is a lot of people with no items are usually more efficient than people with items. Especially flashlight users are mostly the epitome of slugging in my games😅.

    Post edited by Veroles on
  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Another question I have, why can't killer change to a different killer in the lobby screen?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,404

    Unless it's the people that I'm not allowed to play against, I never dodge.

    Dodging is bad.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,330

    I dodge toolboxes these days.

    I am really not a fan of having the timing of my games suddenly thrown off because someone brings a quirked up toolbox. Especially during bp events I won't play single game against a team that tries to bring even a single toolbox in with them. If you find it mid trial, cool whatever, but we're not loading in with toolboxes from start.

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,404


    People who are on Xbox and will knock me off if I'm in their game.

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868
  • Sandt21
    Sandt21 Member Posts: 761

    Four prestige 100 survivors. NOPE!

  • MrSlayer
    MrSlayer Member Posts: 189

    Honestly I dodge lobby when I see multiple Claudettes. I had some awful games with people playing her. Don't want to risk another one.

    As a killer I dodge lobby when I smell swfs. If I see multiple flashlights or tool boxes I just equip Franklin's.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,237
  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,060

    As a survivor I almost never leave the lobby.

    As a killer:

    1) Any indication of an SWF

    a) people with similar nicks (clan names)

    b) identical character chosen

    c) only legendary / expensive skins present (the person probably has 5K plus invested in the game)

    2) TTV present

    Not always. Some of them are awful team player. They don't go for a save as they have their audience. Sometimes it makes a match easier for the killer.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,879

    Only if they have red ping bars by them, because I feel the hit validation and general playis not going to be fun with high ping.

    Otherwise, whether it's a load of Fengs, P100s or flashlights, I just say "Bring it!".

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,404

    Certain people on Xbox who I first encountered years ago.

    They'll DDoS me if I'm in their lobby and it usually goes on for quite some time.

    It's a very annoying experience.