Would STBFL deactivate when the obsession is dead?
I explained how it makes it impossible earlier, unless you got something like deliverance that even helps against a camping bubba there's basically nothing u can do if the killer has high stacks. Also I'm not saying killers should consistently get 0ks, but it should be possible to get a 4 out if you make good plays against a camping bubba or any killer w high stbfl stacks, and yet it's really not
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Some people just don't want survivors to have any decent perks. All the complaints about DS always end up being how the killer perceives they deserve a free kill and the perk makes it harder, but not impossible to do so.
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You kinda ate here ngl
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No one is complaining about ds right now. No one has been complaining about ds for a while. You guys are really desperate to latch on to anything so you can justify nerfing perks that are perfectly fine.
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We're complaining about STBFL now? Are killers even allowed to have strong perks anymore?
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There's good reason for it, but of course just pull the "killers can't have anything" card ig
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Yeah... it's a shame really. I think playstyles people dislike (although still valid playstyles given the design and what BHVR has said in the past) make perks and various other aspects of the game as targets to be nerfed when some people (not even the majority) will still tunnel and camp no matter what changes are made. I get being annoyed about being tunneled and camped, but those aren't going away whether we want it to or not
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If you literally can't be downed until the killer hooks another survivor will killers really still tunnel then?
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I'm obviously excluding unrealistic scenarios like "what if survivors got guns and could shoot the killer dead LOLZ" (and yes I've seen several posts with that exact suggestion)
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I mean I'm j saying there's def things that could be done to really really discourage tunneling or even make it basically impossible, they've just gotta be wanted and balanced with buffs to killers that spread hooks, so basically never
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I do think those things could certainly happen but then there would have to be something to balance out killers needing to spread hooks more, which would likely include buffing gen regression and/or increasing gen times significantly but I don't think the latter will happen. Unfortunately if you spread hooks and try to shoot for 12 hooks 9/10 you'll lose pretty hard so you have to settle for something like 8 or 9 hooks total instead. I'd love to be able to play where I can pick and choose who to target more but right now killers don't have the ability to do that much.
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You counter it by making the obsession seem like the most appealing survivor to chase, and having the obsession take protection hits to keep the killer's stacks low. It's really not rocket science...
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In one of my most memorable and fun games (at least for me), I was playing as the Pig on the Grim Pantry and this David, who was my obsession, kept bumping into me. The starts sorta aligned, and when I bumped into him I was at 8 stacks for STBFL and downed him with an ambush attack. This gave me permanent 8 stacks and I went to town with it. It was really cool, seeing the Pig power up like that, but obviously the fun was short lived, as they never stood a chance, with 8 stacks there was basically nothing they could do that would generate enough room.
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Just about fully agree
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Personally I think the main issue is being able to bypass the perk's downside with special attacks. As cool as the interaction is, all it does is lessen what little amount of counterplay the perk already has.
I think damaging the obsession by any means removing 2 stacks would be a much healthier solution. It'd mean that if the Obsession is being proactive and trying to counter the perk, they can't just be sidestepped
Something that is an issue but one I don't have a solution for is camping with STBFL, these days without STBFL if you're close to a hook and camping - you can force a trade almost every time if there's no other survivor to help. STBFL makes this even easier and I feel like it def rewards camping more than it does chasing, despite it being a chase oriented perk.
Or just reduce the amount of stacks you can get, idk about that though.
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Killers who can get reliable hits with their power, don't need STBFL. It's hardly an actual problem.
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I disagree, I've seen many killers who have powers that can injure/down also using STBFL because of how strong it is and how trivial it makes camping hooks
Demogorgon, Pig, Nemesis, Slinger (Chain break), Pinhead (Iri fang only), Wesker and Knight are the killers I see this perk on the most since they have ways of injuring the obsession without m1ing. The others who I see using the perk are pure M1 killers who can't injure you in a chase without m1ing you.
I'm not saying it's a problem to the point that it needs to be changed asap, but I def think it undermines the balance and thematic aspects of the perk.
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So stbfl isn't a problem if killers need it but also isn't a problem if killers don't need it?
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I want to say something but not in the mood to get railroaded by passionate people so I'm going to say this.
"Period Ahh, Period Uhh"
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No but it should lose a token from special attacks also.