DC Penalty

caro99 Member Posts: 5
edited May 2023 in General Discussions

So I’ve been playing DBD for a little over 2 years and I was never the type to DC because what’s the point! You join a game and expect it to go your way all the time, then you throw a fit and DC because it doesn’t. I completely get why they put a penalty on people who DC on a regular basis, but over the past two days my game would freeze and it would say I lost connection it’s happened so much so that I’ve reached an hour penalty. So my overall point here is I’d really hope they can find a way to tell if it was an intentional DC or not.

I love the game and I plan on getting an extremely long ethernet cable to run from my room to the router, but it sucks for people who don’t have that option.

Also I’m not so sure it’s my Internet I mean I can play other games fine like Rainbow 6, or Friday the 13th, even grounded and if my internet acts up I’ll lag but no major disconnects and lagging is rare for me.


  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127
    edited May 2023

    The true fix would simply be the option to reconnect to ongoing games, people who disconnect are replaced by a temporary bot player that will play the remainder of the game for them as a bot would, and they will be unable to leave lobby until the game is over, given only the options to reconnect or wait. if the player reconnects they will replace the temporary AI and continue with whatever is left (provided the bot didn't die). If they do not reconnect to the game they suffer a penalty. Obviously there would have to be limitations to this to prevent people from reconnecting last second after trolling their team and dodging the penalty, but it would solve a majority of issues if players who legitimately DC for cases out of their control could reconnect instead of being forced out and into a matchmaking penalty, as well as their team being automatically punished because their net hiccuped for one second.

  • miniwengsel
    miniwengsel Member Posts: 410

    The Problem is if there where no penalty for connection dcs. The Survivors which dc all the time would just disconnet there pcs.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,929

    Its not possible to "tell the difference" between an intentional DC and an unintentional one due to internet. I'd argue that it doesn't matter either, because both still ruin the game for everyone involved. And if your internet is not stable that is up to you to figure out and stablize.

    This is the correct answer. The best solution is to allow people to reconnect to the game and make them be replaced by a bot. And then when you DC you are unable to start a new game until the old game is over (even if your bot dies) as punishment (or after a short time limit, lets say 10 minutes, in case its due to someone holding the game hostage).

  • Senaxu
    Senaxu Member Posts: 337

    So you think it would be easier for the developers to replace a player who had a DC with a bot and if this player should then be interested in returning to the game, replace the created bot in order to actively participate in the game again..

    .. THAN ..

    ..the distinction whether the DC'd player had previously pressed the "Leave Match" button?

    Of course that would be amazing :D

  • NoHookDC
    NoHookDC Member Posts: 234

    Because players can easily DC without pressing 'leave match':

    • Alt+F4
    • Ctrl-Alt-Delete & close the game.
    • Shut down their console/PC
    • Pull the ethernet cable out.
    • Unplug the modem
    • Turn off their wireless card.

    All ways to DC without pressing 'leave match' and all quite impossible to track other than 'player left'.

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    It's not about "easy". As stated in other comments there are a multitude of ways to disconnect without pushing that button and have the same result. This system is absolutely better and solves the entire issue.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,929

    Ok, so lets say they made this distinction then. So now, when i want to leave the game intentionally, instead of clicking the "leave" button, i just disconnect my ethernet cable, or turn off wi-fi. So now i disconnect because my "internet" went out, but i'm actually intentionally disconnecting.

    The point is, it is not possible to tell the difference between a legitimate connection issue, and someone intentionally pulling the plug.

  • Senaxu
    Senaxu Member Posts: 337

    Yes, that's probably true, although to be honest it would be really funny to imagine that there are people who pull their ethernet cable or switch off their router/PC to fake a DC.

    What are you doing son?

    Ah dad, casual dead by daylight stuff today. :'D

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited May 2023

    Your game freezing and disconnectng you is ruining the game for the others in your match. The penalty system is doing its job by preventing you from ruining more players' games as frequently. 🤷‍♂️

    Sucks, I know, but stop playing, report the bug, and wait until the next patch comes out to see if that fixed it.

    Maybe start here, and see if this is the same bug you have..?