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Why Survivor Issues are Ignoring by Devs? ( Post Necro'd by someone for no reason )

Member Posts: 6,564
edited December 2023 in General Discussions

Camping & Tunnelling are keep ignoring by them. Actually they are just buffed it with DS's nerf and we got the worse anti-tunnel perk OTR.

Nurse nerfed from S - tier to S - tier. So they almost did nothing to her.

Blight did not got touched for years.

Spirit still has her busted add-ons for years.

Maps have strong 3 gen areas which survivors can not break it if killer is SM or Knight.

But whenever it comes to survivors, they have no mercy at all:

Dead Hard killed. Hatch & keys nerfed into ground. Med-kits nerfed so much. CoH is useless now. Solo survivors left in oblivion. They nerfed Self-Care too which was always weak perk. Flashlights nerfed. Iron Will butchered. I can list more here.

Probably next nerfs are coming for toolboxes, PT and other exhaustion perks since they got a lot complains from killers.

It is okey to listen killer mains and fix their problems. But why survivors are ignoring?

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member Posts: 1,072

    This sums up the issues pretty well, however, given these facts it is still possible to win as a survivor. Perhaps not altogether but if it is a soloQ does it really matter?

    On the other hand, for SWF there is no viable solution.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    I am all for your suggestion.

    And it is ok to ask why killers are camping & tunnelling. This issues should be fixed as well. I am not against this. But after 7 years, we still have same issues which is disgusting.

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    I would at least like for the devs to address all the useless addons and offerings in the survivor bloodweb which only purpose is to waste BP.

    The Luck offerings, most shrouds, most key addons, most map addons, the brown and yellow mist bottles. All this are barely used items/offerings and there is no reason anyone would buy them if not because they are forced to.

    I must have like 400 Chalk pouches that i will never use.

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    It wasn't much of a suggestion but an observation

    I don't want it to go too far

    But... Killers that are Tunneling should be blind and lose Bloodlust (Just a thought)

    And... Killers that are Camping should lose the hook meter/ the hook timers should be longer

    After that see what happens

  • Member Posts: 498

    Well until the community stops huffing collective copium that these strats are fun and fair to play against the devs won't ever see it as a serious issue.

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    I will also say that if I Camp and Tunnel here are my reasons

    Camping- If quick saves happen then I'll be more then happy to set up my campfire and tent (It's not even if the Gens are getting done quickly at this point)


    1) If I don't realize that the Survivor has recently been hooked

    2) If they get a Flashlight save or Sabo a hook... cause if I continue to ignore that Survivor it will keep happening so I'll deal with them first

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    I was with you until the us vs them crap.

    Yes tunneling and camping are issues and are too prevalent.

    But did you somehow miss the fact that the Devs are playing wack a mole with killer regression perks?

    That's half the reason it's as bad as it is. Killers are much worse at slowing down gens than they used to be and survivors are faster because they aren't filling their builds with 2nd chances... so... killers are slowing the game down by yeeting a survivor out the match.

  • Member Posts: 180

    The problem is its a game design problem and not a mechanic problem. Its also an issue of the devs taking too long to fix core issues in the game while adding additional problems along the way.

    All of the things nerfed for survivors above took literal YEARS to address while they so-called "buffed solo survivor" to compensate. I'm not going to downplay the HUD because while yes it can show useless things it also can show things that allow for me to make smarter, in the moment, decisions as a solo survivor.

    With all that being said, both sides feel not super fun right now. After 6 years of playing this game, this is the first time where I absolutely despise the meta on either side of the coin. I'm really hoping for a giant shakeup for the anniversary but with their track record, my hope remains devoured lol

  • Member Posts: 3,755

    Because everyone want's to camp and tunnel off hook and complain about how weak killers are.

    Can't buff the weak killers if you can just camp and tunnel off hook for the win, and increase the kill rate for theses killers.

    In the end it's never going to happen too much work involved for killers to play fair and the DEVs to put an end to camping.

    It's easier and lazier to just keep it in the game and call it a strategy.😂😮🤣

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    I hate to bring this up now... but their coding methods aren't good for the game as of right now

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    I have yet to see a single person on these forums or on twitter saying that tunneling is 'fun'. Can you please point to some examples please?

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    Of all these I sometimes use map offerings if a particular challenge can be done easier on a specific map (e.g. those with high elevation for Balance Landing challenges).

    But I am surprised to see how bad shrouds are these days. Starting the match together makes no sense as even if you are in the shack working on 1 gen it is completely useless. At least the community is smart enough to recognise this. Often when a 3rd person joins one of the other two leaves as it is simply not efficient.

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    Nurse after the last nerfs is finally fine, although they should've kept lightburn mechanic on her

    Blight and Spirit are fine base pwoer wise. They just need some of their addons nerfed.

    The last mid chapter was probably one of the best patches we've had in a long while. The only issue remaining is the existance of SM. Knight is boring as ######### but his 3gen potential is nowhere close to SM's.

    This game has one of the worst map design teams I've ever witnessed, and most of the new and recently reworked maps are extremely survivor sided.

    Honestly speaking, camping is the only issue I see for survivors, because it forces trades, and in some cases (bubba etc) it's just impossible to also trade, and the only band aid patch we have for this is locked behind a paywall. Tunneling is a skill issue on the survivor's side (both the tunneled person and the rest of the team, who should be slamming gens and not wasting time). Get better at chases and by the time the killer gets you to death hook, all gens will be done

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Tunneling and camping got buffed after 6.1 that is problem and they are more common than before. They are most unfun tactics for survivors so that is problem. Something needs to be done. As now games are gen rush/tunnel and camp I play less and less but there is not game like dbd so I still play it and maybe one day I hope they nerf these tactics at least a bit.

  • Member Posts: 296

    I nearly wet myself at op comments killers are looked after by the devs.

    What game are you playing?

    Moan about camping, tunnelling and slugging. There's a simple reason for that- gen defence nerfd into the ground.

    But thanks for the laugh.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Basekit BT isn’t good. Nurse is back to 6 blinks with her add-ons. The visual terror radius doesn’t affect survivorship anymore than the audible terror radius. Reassurance could have been OK if the original version had made it to live. But remember it was neutered b/c killers complained it would prohibit justified camping. The red herring was that it would somehow allow survivors to trap each other on hook, which is a very silly argument. You could have done better. Do better next time.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    1) Killers got a lot basekit buffs too.

    2) A lot survivor perks gutted as well.

    3) This perk is pretty meh. You can not even activate it for basement camping without being seeing by killers which will end with hit or down.

    4) Nurse nerfs did not fix her issues. She is still ignoring all core game mechanics. She nerfed from S - tier to S - tier.

    5) This was good first step for making solo-q better but ofcourse this is not good enough.

    6) I don't know why you added this lol. This mechanic added for people who has hearing issues. You were already hearing killer's TR, it is not survivor buff. It is QoL change.

  • Member Posts: 7,245

    I don’t feel that they’re really ignoring either side’s issues more than the other side’s. The game just has a lot of problems. A lot of those problems have been addressed over the last year, even if there’s still a long way to go.

    I definitely agree with you that camping/tunneling, Blight’s addons, and Spirit’s addons need to be looked at.

    That’s the result of the game having so much power creep. It went on for far too long and the devs are finally cracking down on it with nerfs because it’s the only way to fix it. This game has a lot of OP stuff on both sides, but a lot of it has been toned down over the past year.

    Also, I wouldn’t really call the Dead Hard and self-healing nerfs moving the goalpost. We couldn’t know the previous version of DH would still be too strong until it was introduced in 6.1.0 as it didn’t work the same way prior to that, Circle of Healing had constant complaints since its release (and because its two previous nerfs didn’t actually address why it was an issue), and players had been asking for medkit nerfs for years. Nor would I call it moving the goalpost for survivors to ask for nerfs to Call of Brine because while it wasn’t an uncommon perk prior to 6.1.0, the subsequent meta made it a very good pick especially given its newfound synergy with Overcharge. It’s also incompatible with Ruin which I think probably turned some players away from it when Ruin was still meta.

    It can also happen because of things being overbuffed. Eruption didn’t get a ton of complaints until it was buffed (even though I do think its original version with 16s Incapacitated was still bad design too) because almost no one used it prior to that.

  • Member Posts: 498

    1) Band-aid for a dumb-playstyle that is still unaddressed. Would gladly see it go if tunneling was gutted.

    2) Passive strong gen regression is degenerate and shouldn't exist, good riddance. Perks like pain-res are far healthier for the game.

    3) Licensed perk that is another band-aid for a dumb playstyle, its broken in swfs I'll give you that, but camping isn't good vs good swfs anyways.

    4) Nurse changes were a slap on the wrist, as long as she can double-blink instantly she will never be balanced.

    5) HUD changes were just QoL for solo-queue, nothing more.

    6) Are we really calling accessbility improvements Survivor buffs now? Lol.

  • Member Posts: 504

    What happens? Nobodys gonna play. Imagine the game which punishes you for completing an objective lmao.

  • Member Posts: 2,280
    1. While true, survivor got the equivalent of a watered down "meta" perk which frees a perkslot.
    2. Also true which is why we would like to point out both sides got perks nerfed and buffed.
    3. It does it's job and baring things like a 99 Meyers or going injured headfirst to basement, the killer isn't going to get a hit or down easy.
    4. This is opinion based so to each their own
    5. Why not?
    6. Think they added this because some tr like slingers are hard to hear unless close. Also I'm pretty sure some leave it on for a easier warning.
  • Member Posts: 373

    Survivor got the first nerf in 9 months and you can complain like this.

    How can you ignore all the nerf to killer between those you said?

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Whether camping and tunneling are legitimate strategies is irrelevant. It doesn’t change the fact that those strategies are incredibly unfun to play against.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Tbh I don’t see anyone run BT. The basekit haste/endurance survivors have after an unhook doesn’t discourage or stop tunneling. And yes it should help survivors escape from a killer—at any point in the trial. You aren’t owed a kill b/c you got a survivor on the hook after gates are up. Lol. Go after the unhooker and run Coup De Grace or STBL or some other perk that helps with lunge distance & speed. I won’t address the rest because you make me tired.

  • Member Posts: 3,322
    edited May 2023

    No one really thinks the devs of this game ignore survivor issues. But it’s important to note that the survivor issues addressed are done as a balancing afterthought to prevent too many people from abandoning the role. Killers received quite a few buffs in 6.0 and some were only dialed back b/c the queue times for killers rose quite a bit as fewer people came in as survivor (i.e. Eruption’s nerf). And the core issues that survivors have come down to camping + tunneling. Anything else is an offshoot of those two things, which have not been addressed. Tbh there’s really no way to solve those problems without altering game mechanics. Perks aren’t enough. BP incentives aren’t enough. Increasing survivor objective times aren’t enough. All of those things have been implemented yet failed to discourage camping and/or tunneling. It’s gonna take something extreme.

  • Member Posts: 178

    Because in the long run it would cost more money to properly fix the issue then any consequence of just small bandaid fixes that make it seem like trying to fix the issue.

    If people wanted it fixed, stop spending money?

  • Member Posts: 234

    To some Survivors; No Survivors issues are addressed until they literally cannot lose. 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 663

    Always fun to see the new copium.

    Not like the player base is shrinking or anything. Lol.

  • Member Posts: 5,960

    Now that's something we can agree on. To really 'solve' (if that is even possible) these issues they have to make some drastic changes to the game. They could try to add some reward for spreading hooks and also add base DS for a PTB to test it. They added 10 extra seconds to the gens but then nerfed the best slow down perks and now we're in kind of a weird spot, where games either end so fast the killer is physically unable to do anything or the killer could potentially hold the game forever (at least for me).

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    so like a slower hook rate but a basekit monstrous shrine

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