
the 2nd strongest killer has 2 addons
one makes survivors exposed and the other one is replenishing his tokens instantly when getting a hit.
and these addons are in the game since release if im not mistaken.
BUT dead hard was unfair and the biggest problem in the game and went trough 2 reworks and these addons are still untouched.
First I would say blight is the strongest by now. Second yes some of blights addons need reworks. Another point DH alone would counter the Addon change, because if you rlly want to 12 hook you need 24 hits with Dh the number increase to freaken 36. So giving the survivors +50% of chase time isnt overpowert.
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I don't know why devs are not touching to Blight. What is so special about him?
They dared to try nerf Billy! Billy!!! But not even small nerf for Blight.
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I am very happy to see ppl are finally turning their focus to how stupid blight's addons are. Tho i would rather see more interesting changes like lowering speed heavily and making something like crow or adren vial basekit than just nerfing the addons. Having another under 110% speed killer would be neat
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In pubs Blight is way stronger than Nurse. His map pressure is insane (Nurse is slower) and his lethality is on par with Nurse.
As the game progresses, Blight is stronger (less pallets) while Nurse pressure is always the same.
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He for sure needs add-ons nerfed but I don't see what dead head has to do with it. Also I have not played much Blight in a very long time as I am in protest of Blight/Nurse but iirc the exposed one is kinda bad. His add-ons that IMO need looked at are Compound 33 (I think) the one that lets you break pallets without attacking AND gives hindered, Alchemist ring, along with the speed add-ons....He is fast enough people.
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Imagine complaining about iri tag. Lol
I can probably count on both hands the amount of times I’ve used that addon.
You will hardly ever see it.
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Yes, it is overpowered. It is not hard to get last rush hit for good Blights. Killers like Blight should not have one-hit downs. So this add-on needs to go aswell
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I think nurse is only better anymore if someone really insane plays with her like supalf because how massively she was nerfed. Whereas blight has got none and nerf to dh for example was lot more bigger buff for him than for nurse. Dh was/is very hard to hit correctly agains't her whereas easy agains't blight.
So before latest patch blights usually had to go through 3 health states before downing survivor but now only 2. Dh I think made blight more balanced/fair. After patch I have not escaped agains't blight but usually agains't nurse my whole team escapes with no problem.
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Dh ain't guaranteed man
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This is beyond false. Getting a successful iri tag down is so situational. If you let a blight zone you into the open, ESPECIALLY if you know they have iri tag, then it’s simply a misplay by you. The addon is far from overpowered and is HARDLY used.
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Salty. lol
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He for sure needs add-ons nerfed but I don't see what dead head has to do with it. Also I have not played much Blight in a very long time as I am in protest of Blight/Nurse but iirc the exposed one is kinda bad. His add-ons that IMO need looked at are Compound 33 (I think) the one that lets you break pallets without attacking AND gives hindered, Alchemist ring, along with the speed add-ons....He is fast enough people.
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I need to call doubt on 'how massively nurse was nerfed'.
I mean, it is appreciated that she cannot slug an entire team because she uses noed or she cannot burn a Midwich offering with an agi-starstruck build and make the four survivors play a no mither game but she is far from weak, very far from weak.
She maybe lost to Blight the strongest killer title but the main problem with her design that is how her power nullifies entire game mechanics like no other killer does still remains. You can change her addons, remove the range ones, make her attacks special and she will still be insanely strong.
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Dude, no one gets deadharded that often. If people still get deadharded like 3-4 times every match after the nerf it's definitely a YOU-problem, maybe don't immediately swing if a survivor switches directions. There is only one situation where DH is useful and that is when running through pallets, and even that is kinda a mindgame / can be countered and is not guaranteed to work. And honestly, without these situations this perk would be complete garbage, because anyone should be able to wait out/bait DH in the open...
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yeah that's my experience as well. Blight is faster at grinding hook-states then nurse is now which makes him the best killer. you can still loop blight but if your teammate are bad and go down, then you will lose faster vs blight then Nurse.
Nurse is still consistent at grinding hook-states which is why I think she is 2nd best killer still but she is slower at winning meaning that you can more easily gen-rush nurses then blights. Her internal cooldown of blinks and removal of instant down has decreased her downing speed potential. She is still very low counter-play in term of 1vs1, but her ability to erase you in the chase is a slower. Its kinda weird. they didn't need really nerf her ability to down but rather made her ability slower at downing you. My imagination and analogy is imagine old legion that took 4 hits to down, its like nerfing nurse that now she needs 5-6 hit to down you but you still lose the chase eventually. Personally I wish they would took different direction into changing her blink potency instead of time efficiency to down. For example, decreasing her blink m/s to 150%-200% m/s from 300%+ but return her ability to instant down. Kinda like reverse range add-on's. She is balanced I guess so no need change anything.
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I would also argue that Blight is now the #1 killer in the game. He has a much higher pick rate than Nurse, and a much larger percentage of DBD players can do well with him.
I really don't care how Blight and Nurse perform at 6,000+ hour comp games, because that's such a small percentage of the DBD players, that it doesn't affect me at all, and it honestly doesn't affect 99.99% of the other players either.
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Nah, you learn to play without this busted add-ons. It should not be hard because Blight is already S - tier killer even without addons.
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Thank you for caring about me but i am already good enough. But i still want to see nerf for most of Blight add-ons. Strong killer should not have strong add-ons.
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Disagree with that. Strong base-kit not deserves strong add-ons. Because this is not fair for Artist, Nemmy, Pyramid, Demo and all of other A and B tier killers. This killers are behind S because their add-ons are not perfect.
Why Blight has strong add-ons with strong base-kit? We need to be equal for all of them. Buff all of other killer add-ons or nerf Blight's.
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Honestly, Iri Tag is the one strong addon Blight has that I’m actually fine with.
But C33, Alch Ring, C21, and both speed addons should all go. It’s about time and has been for a while.
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To Blight level? Hell, no.
Artist balanced because her add-ons are weak. Same is going for all of A tier killer. B and below can get some buffs tho.
And S tier killers like Blight, Nurse and Spirit deserves some nerfs. Blight & Spirit some add-ons nerfs and for Nurse? Rework maybe. I don't see she is balanced at all.
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Artist has no mobility true but she still can pressure on gen with snipes. She is A+ killer. Strong and balanced.
And no, Blight has more than 2 for sure. I know you love your killer so much but this does not makes him balanced. If he needs nerf, he will take them.
We will talk and we will hope devs finally see and get him down. Just in time, Blight will take his nerfs as well.
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I already loop him for good. But it depends on which spot we are. If it is open enough, they will get hit no matter what.
And you are acting like only good survivors are exists. If killer is also good, there is not so much survivor can do against killer like Blight.
I know, you don't wanna see Blight nerfs but this will happen. I don't know when but he will not stay like this for forever. He will lose more than 2 add-ons, you can be sure about that. Because even you disagree, he has a lot busted or strong addons. He does not deserve strong addons since he has very strong base-kit.
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It is not equal at all. Especially after the latest Dead Hard and healing nerfs, it is favors Blight. So he deserves very good nerfs and hopefully he will get them.
Looks like we can not agree on anything, so i am stopping here. Have a good night or day.
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200% speed is still pretty fast. If not 200% then 225-250%. Nurse's old range add-on increased it by 50% and some people called it OP. so clearly doing the reverse might make nurse more fair in 1vs1. Perhaps her blink should also have no cooldown. Calling it useless trash is a bit extreme.
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Why would bhvr care about the 5 billy mains, Blight is more fun and sells more skins, blight is better.
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I mean isn't that suppose to be counter-play to nurse? Moving away from blink so nurse needs to make more prediction on blinks rather then blink directly on you on reaction. dunno, I don't think issue with nurse was downing speed. it was lack of prediction in her gameplay. Nurse kinda feels clunky to play now but her core strengths are the same.
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what dead hard has to with blights addons?
well.. DH countered a lot of addons in the game what were not really fair. especially against high tier killers DH wasnt a huge problem. DH countered high latency killers, insta down addons or maybe even insta kill addons from the lovely stalky boy.
and if you gonna nerf DH what countered a lot of BS you should have also nerfed all these strong addons.
but what BHVR did was nerfing DH and keeping all these BS and strong addons in the game. thats why DH has something do to with this topic.
and the fact that because of whining in the forum BHVR decided to nerf DH once again but didnt touch all problematic addons shows that they just want to hold hands of casual or inexperienced killers.
give me one reason why blights addons didnt get touched? only one, there is none.
so if you gonna complain about a perk like DH you should also not be biased and also talk about the strong killer addons.
why is dead hard going trough 2 nerfs in a short time while blights addons didnt get touched at all?
and i say that as someone who plays blight a lot but without alc ring and the insta down thing.
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This sounds more like you just miss DH. Blights add-ons need deleted (already said that) and I have no clue why they are not. Nerfing dead hard but not nerfing strong add-ons are two different cases. Had you made a post about how gen regression was heavily nerfed but all the gen progression left alone that would make more sense. Also fyi DH does not counter insta-down at all. You have to be injured which means you are one shot material anyhow. An insta down/exposed hit takes you from healthy to the floor so it actually counters DH.
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I just hope they bring range back she felt smoother to play with them. Instadown on her was too powerful but fun though.
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Nurse feels barely threatening anymore like I said now I escape always agains't her. Sure she is still good if you're great at her but before even bad nurses could down whole team so I call that massive nerf. She feels bad to play too now without range the blinks are just too short.
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May we ask how many times you've seen irri tag? May we also ask how many times you've seen dh save a survivor from a down?
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Remember when they announced they'd remove hug tech? Or when they removed Skybilly but Blight could still jump on top of various objects.
I swear, Blight is the golden child of DBD. He has not been nerfed once after patch 5.0.0 but they did buff Adrenaline Vial in 5.5.0.
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And the funny thing, SkyBilly was just meme. It did not give any advantage to Billy players. They were doing it for fun and mostly throwing the game.
But hug tech? It gives huge advantage to Blight player but yet, not removed.
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It does not give a “huge” advantage as you may think. It’s easy to recognize, and easier to counter.
The only people that think hug tech is overpowered are people that don’t know how to counter blight.
Literally… JUST. LEAVE. THE. TILE. The biggest mistake people make when a blight is going for a hug tech is just standing there waiting.
Want another counter to it? Run wide and guess what… the blight will hug tech right by you. Run wide when they go to flick the corner. It works every single time.
As soon as I see a survivor that knows these counters, I don’t try to hug tech them anymore, because it’s not that strong against good survivors. It’s just fun.
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You are nearly never in the open and yes you dont get allways Deadharded, but if you had a rlly long chase and this person manages to DH you you are done with the round. Its like you repair a gen get hit by old Erruption, than PR and after that old Pop on Top. So like -65% or so. Would you say this is fun. Also this would be on one out of three gens that where repaired at the moment and the killer doesnt have the abillity to do more than on objectiv at the time.
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You could say the same thing about old iri head. Yet it was still overpowered, complained about, and inevitably nerfed.
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What? I used/use iri head at a much higher rate. It’s easy to get guaranteed value out of.
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why would i miss a perk what never worked anyways? years ago it was exhausted on the ground and then they told us that they fixed it when the only thing they fixed was that it doesnt show the exhausted icon anymore, a perk who relys on the killer latency... the only perk im missing is Iron will if im honest.
seems like u didnt get my point. im just saying that i dont understand why devs nerf dead hard twice in a short time and dont fix problematic addons thats all.
and no the insta downs didnt happen when u had dead hard because it counted as "endurance" and ignored going into the dying state.
and about the gen regression meta aka kick the generator like a bot and do nothing else, if you think that was healthy for the game no comment on that. they literally took away very good perks of survivors.
every game is tunneling or camping without punishment i dont think that gen regression perks are the biggest problem here.
BHVR literally encouraged tunneling by making DS a 2 sec stun and every game someone gets hard focused on.
i play Huntress only with aura reading and not a single gen regression.
blight without gen regression
wesker without gen regression
nurse without gen regression
you dont need gen regression if you play a strong killer and have experience.
im pretty sure my win precentage as killer is above 60% if we consider 3K a win the point you making with gen regression is nonsense
so tell me how i win games especially after the DH nerf without using a single gen regression? all the nerfs coming to survivors will only benefit people who are experienced like i am and will do nothing towards the casual/inexperienced people because they dont even try to be good they just hope for nerfs nothing else.