Face camping

If the killer is with in 16 meters of the hook or something for 5 seconds... the survivor on hook is transferred to another hook on the other side of the map.. so thiers a punishment to face camping...
You could abuse this as any killer with high mobility by constantly going to the hook and forcing the hook to teleport, preventing the survivors from unhooking. Would be easiest as Dredge or Blight
Post edited by EQWashu on5 -
I will stand 17 meters from it, if someone goes to save I will go there to send survivor away.
If you ever played PH, you can guess where that survivor will go.
It also doesn't make sense, you can as well remove basement with this.
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Or accept that sometimes the Killer has to camp, and he decides when to do so?
Plus people have pointed out why it could be abused by Killers. Not to mention Survivors could run the Killer, force a hook change, then a teammate gets a free unhook.
So tired of these 'Punish Killers for doing something I don't personally approve of' threads. Accept that your opponent is trying to win as much as you are.
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we should definitely punish the killer for camping.. nobody cares about you trying to win
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Why the hell should camping instead be rewarded?
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Well then we should definitely tunnel and camp. Nobody cares about you trying to escape.
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You wouldn't tunnel and camp if doing so was punished would u?
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This change would make defending hooks no longer possible. I'd honestly see more slugging if this became the case
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Why the hell should camping be punished?
Accept that the Killer is trying to win as much as the Survivors. You don't get to decide how or when. End of story.
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Because it's a lazy boring strat? Accept that the game wouldn't reward laziness if it was good, but it's like some of y'all don't want the game to be good ๐
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What you really mean is that you died and want to limit how the Killer wins while hiding that behind a smokescreen of 'The health of the game'.
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I'll also add that if killers are unable to defend hooks then survivors would also have to give up something significant to compensate for it (such as one fewer possible hook). You couldn't just change hooks this significantly and expect very many people willing to play killer anymore.
Post edited by IWasLeft2Die on1 -
Go ahead and put words in my mouth I really do not care lol, camping not being viable would indeed be healthy for the game whether u like it or not ๐
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By which you mean 'Healthy for Survivors winning more'. ๐๏ธ
Look at all that not developing DBD you've done; You don't get to decide what's 'healthy'. I've also noticed whiny Survivors always claim punching Killers in the crotch with massive nerfs is 'healthy for the game':
- Removing Killers they hate.
- Removing perks they hate.
- Removing/Punishing camping.
- Removing/Punishing tunneling.
- Removing/Punishing slugging.
All these, somehow, are 'healthy for the game'. Almost as if your average Survivor main has 0 clue how game balance & game design work, and simply want easier wins.
As long as Survivors can focus gens from 0-100%, Killers can focus kills. Deal with it.
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If you think camping being viable is healthy for the game then yeah strange af take good for u and ur just wrong it's not even a conversation lmao, but we got it u don't want kills to take actual effort
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If you think punishing camping is healthy for the game then strange take since the devs have said otherwise. But good for you, but you're just wrong and it's not even a conversation.
But we get it; you don't want the Killer to win.
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The devs are wrong, crazy idea ik. Also I do want the killer to win just in a way that actually takes effort =) but of course that means not winning for someone like u!
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If you are so against killers having the possibility of defending hooks, enforce that rule on yourself and play killer. Hook someone and go on the other side of the map immediately and dont go to the other side of the map until that survivor is unhooked. See how that goes.
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Wanting the game to change to promote fun playstyles doesn't mean I think I dictate the way a player plays.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
Most people here want the game to have more fun playstyles for both sides, but simply making killers unable to defend hooks is not the way. Yes it would be more fun for survivors but it would be absolutely miserable for killers.
You are projecting a lot in this 1ettuce. I recommend not assuming everyone is a lazy killer just because they think having hooks essentially teleport right away is a bad idea.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
Making killers less able to defend hooks and more able to defend gens is the way IMO, I'm not saying I agree w this exact idea but to say that camping should straight up be a viable strategy...I wish we'd just get real sometimes
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Well there lies the issue where there isn't much remaining for gen defense that's very beneficial or even interesting as the killer. If these got buffed I could see more variability in playstyle. I don't love the idea of dictating that players can't play a particular playstlye as a whole. I don't think nerfing a playstyle as a whole is the way to encourage change but maybe making other playstyle more appealing in a positive way is the way to go.
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So... here's the thing.
I do think that the game should not be encouraging camping and tunneling nearly as much as it does. Pop and DS both desperately need to be buffed.
However making those strats not an option is also not a good idea simply because the end game exists the way it does. At that stage of the game, the gens are done so defending them isn't an option. Exit gates go too fast to be defended vs more than 1 survivor and can't really be changed because of the post hatch stomp situation. So what's left? Defending a hook if you've got one.
That's why camping has to stay at least semi viable. It is literally the only card left for a killer to play in the end game. The game should never get to a point where the killer might as well open the gate and stand in the corner/basement once gens are done because they have no chance once that happens.
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I don't really think camping should be straight up removed just bc that just doesn't make much sense. I just think it shouldn't be as effective as it currently is/can be, for example with bubba or stbfl or deadlock etc.
I'm fine with that but it should always have counterplay, but with again bubba as an example, it just doesn't
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I will adapt to whatever puts me in the position to win. The devs have plainly stated that Killing and escaping is the win condition so from either side I'm going to do whatever is most effective. Tunnel, gen rush, slug, gens over friends, camp, ignore healing for gens. Whatever works is what I will do.
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The counterplay is leaving.
Survivors don't get unhooks just because they think there should always be a way to save their friends. ๐คทโโ๏ธ
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Yeah bubba is obnoxious and I don't think anyone would really argue against that. I don't think I have had many hardcore campers in some time though, including bubbas. STBFL and deadlock are fine to me (well..maybe deadlock could be tweaked) but you and I have already disagreed on those in the past so no need to dive into those again. I don't think camping is really all that effective but that's because I don't consider a game a good unless I get a 3k and it's prior to all gens being completed. Some killers consider even a 1k a victory which is lame and I just don't see the fun in standing by a hook the entire game
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Variability in playstyle could be cool but I think both camping/tunneling should be made less effective AND not doing so be made more effective, not just one or the other. I think this bc I don't think camping should be as effective as spreading hooks for example bc there should be a reason not just to take the easy way out, and it's even worse how it is now where spreading hooks is both bad and very bad relative to other play styles
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Stbfl may be fine but stbfl for camping def is not (imo that is !)
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Sure, but against most killers it does have counterplay. Playing around hook grabs is possible.
So then it becomes a question of how do you make Bubba, Trickster, and maybe a few others worse at camping without messing things up for anyone else? Or for people attempting to play those killers without camping?
I don't have an answer, and I doubt the devs do either.
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I do this with Pyramid Heads cages.
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Well, I think again the issue is that gen defence isn't that viable nowadays which means just about every other strategy is also thrown out the window besides trying to eliminate a player fairly quickly. The "easier" solutions to this just aren't popular with doing one of any of the following
1. Buff gen defense perks/base gen defense (survivors will complain and some killers even)
2. Extend gen times either directly or nerf survivor gen related perks/items. This would also be boring for survivors
3. Lengthen the time to open the exit gates. This wouldn't be much different than extended gen times with it still not being fun
4. Survivors get 1 less opportunity to be hooked. This would go very poorly to survivors.
5. Buff killer chase potential. Killers have a good chance to still use to tunnel.
None of these are good options but they are quick and easy ones. I dont see any of them happening ( for good reason for most). Killers need to have a reason to leave that isn't just because they get punished for hanging around a hook.
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Someone named vampire toothy has this big ass document on how to fix a lot of things. In that document there's a suggestion for a "territorial zone." I don't agree with all aspects of it but I like the idea in general, basically it's a zone around the hook that changes a lot throughout the match to prevent it from being abused or unfair and the idea is that some killers/perks have specific hindrances while within the zone. Look up like vampire toothy twitter and it's prolly pinned
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we should punish survivors for doing gens too, then, nobody cares about you trying to win.
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I just want to ask.
What u will do if in one match u have 4 survivors with BNP and they complete 2 to 4 gens in 50s or 60s?
U will play nice, give up or try tunnel/camping to at least have 1 or 2 kills?
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Camping and tunnel it's a tool, sometimes we need because some survivors are very good at looping and doing gens, or they're bad at looping but very efficient on gens, in that scenario tunnel and camping can turn the game "table" at the killer favor or even doing nothing and the killer lose in the same way
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Ultimate question. See how the killer hater would play killer and see how they'd play.
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Why would there need to be a hard mechanic against camping? That's like saying to regress gens farther and farther every time a killer kicks (which should be a thing btw so counter tapping it).
Anyways, this type of mechanic has been tried and tested and abused and it failed.
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I would tunnel, what's your point? I said playing nice should become more effective on top of that
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Would a killer hater think sb and lithe should be nerfed O_O
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That's the point.
Sometimes using a "toxic" mechanic like tunnel or camping is a way to do something and if the killer are punished by doing this SWF will be a pain in the a..
Camping and tunnel in the beginning of the match is a sad thing, but have a game that survivor just genrush out of the game (with perks and tools, otherwise is just a bad gameplay made by the killer), is not that fun, waiting 5mins to find a match and have that match ending in 2min is sad, like being camped or tunnel.
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There is a punishment to facecamping... it's called "losing the game" if the other 3 survivors understand they should repair instead of throwing the game by afk'ing around the hook! Maybe replace one of your crutch perks with Kindred to help your team make the correct decisions!
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Swf is not a pain in the a if playing nice is buffed to compensate
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This would make Pyramid Head's auto-hooking mechanic irrelevant. plus I feel killers would use this to get a "perfect hook" so they have an excuse to camp the generator.
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Why would you lie
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Didn't know I was.
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Wow.. this post aged well...๐๐๐
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More like: once hooked, survivor is tranfered to random other hook at least 36m away from killer. Killer can't see hooked person aura. All Hook bonusses and properties that was on original hook apply also on new hook untill unhook, including scourge bonus or unbrakable basement hooks status.
Feature works from second hook or hook stage in the trial.
Feature deactivates when collapse is active.