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General Discussions

Do you think Haddonfield is stronger than before?

Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226
edited May 2023 in General Discussions

Idk why, even tho I know this map pretty well I still lose like 50-60% of my games there as killer, even when I play Blight.

Survivors that know what they're doing can make this map a living hell out for you, so it's either a skill issue by me or the rework didn't help and the map is still busted. I do get survivors sending me with an offering there quite a lot so I assume it's considered strong for them even thesedays.

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  • Member Posts: 795

    The problem is you have 3 gen from the get go. If you are competent enough you will make sure they dont get finished. At which point third of the map is under you surveillance, another third is the road which is a dead zone and the last third are the 3 houses on the other end of the map for which you dont care for.

    So this map is survivor sided if they do 2 middle gens first, otherwise its killer sided.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226

    I see, usually i never play into 3 gens unless the survivors did that to themselves, I'll guess i'll try to save these gens when I get this map then.

  • Member Posts: 1,141

    Haddonfield is like one of the dumbest maps ever lol, you got like the main house which is pretty good, 2-3 houses with God windows where you basically can't chase if you don't have a chase power, and the rest of the map is a dead zone. My guess is that this map can be very frustrating for either side but if u know what you're doing you can do really well

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226

    As blight I have a strong chase power but once good survivors know it's blight they camp the houses in chase and make it hard to use my power inside.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    I'd argue this is not as much of an issue anymore. They changed the spawn logic of the gens a bit and now you'll always get 1 gen on the second floor of Myers' House. This one is not as easy to defend as long as the survivors are committed to it.

    But you definitely have a point that Haddonfield is in a weird spot. It has some redeeming qualities for killers for all the wrong reasons and is otherwise ridiculously powerful against most killers.

  • Member Posts: 519

    im still in awe that they added an infinite in 2022

  • Member Posts: 498

    No you're just used to the braindead 3-gen that used to be guaranteed before its mini-update.

    Now it's a lot more fair for survivors. I'd still argue its killer-sided but that depends on the street/park pallet/gen RNG, which can turn it into a Survivor map.

  • Member Posts: 691
    edited May 2023

    I'd rather old Haddon if they removed house of pain. The new map is barely better compared to the old one imo. Went from a terrible designed map to a terrible designed map. But hey at least it looks good. That is the only thing that really matters in a PVP game I guess.

  • Member Posts: 4,155

    Why are houses allowed to have two windows on the same wall? That is my main grief of the new map.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226
  • Member Posts: 4,033

    Lol the old Haddonfield was far worse. They did a lot of fixes to it over the years. Before the remake it wasn’t so bad. But the forever fence issue alone was insane.

    The house of pain with the fall into it windows were insane. The main building with areas only reached by vaults was insane.

    Many many problems. Some were toned down like I said above but it is no comparison which one is better for the game. The current ideation.

  • Member Posts: 2,280

    Honestly we feel it's a wash overall. Street is death while it's easy to get a 3 gen even by accident while the houses are PAIN for a lot of killers and can burn so much time.

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    Going in them houses is a no no 90% of the time. All the houses are strong so it best just to watch the street. overall i think map slightly better for survivor now as the 3 gen is less closer

  • Member Posts: 141

    For M1 killers its pain for some M2 Killers its alright, its just weird that everything basiocally revolves around the houses and main street has not much.

  • Member Posts: 1,298

    If you play the map really nice as killer it's still pretty awful but you can just hard camp the 3 gen that always spawns and autowin if survivors don't know how to deal with them

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    I feel like it's pretty balanced nowadays honestly but some of the gens should be more spread out. Now I do think the map is less interesting looking than old haddonfield

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    Like more survivor sided than before? Good god no. Not even close.

    It's imbalanced, but the balance pendulum can go either way depending on how a game plays out.

    Old Haddonfield was a joke it was so easy to exploit as a surv.

  • Member Posts: 735

    It's so Bamboozle isn't a problem there.

    I wonder what the map designers were thinking by adding a 8 loop.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    Unless the map has changed since I last played (late November/early December), it has a nasty 3-gen spot. I've had killers not willing to chase me in the houses once they've spotted it. And many times the lack of co-ordination from survivors also doesn't prioritize those crucial gens unfortunately. So we end up 3-genning ourselves. If the killer can put two and two together, then we're not getting that last gen.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    As a survivor main, I honestly don't feel like I escape from this map to any higher degree than the others. The infinite building is very strong, and alot of killers are smart and won't let their time get wasted so they'll find someone else to chase, but no survivor is hanging out there 100% of the time. I'll certainly get caught out somewhere else eventually.

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    The map is pretty small so a full survivor team escape is very difficult. You'll definitely catch someone at the gate (similarly to Midwich).

    I had my longest SM match here where the killer was successfully locking down 3 gens (all on the same side).

    Also, because some gens are just "around the corner" upstairs killer with stalking ability or using Tinkerer can surprise survivors. Nothing beats a Bubba in the main building appearing and downing half the team because of this perk.

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