Killers with very satisfying hits (Thoughts?)

Freddy - something about his claws slicing into survivors and the blood dripping
Sadako - cricle go bap
Pig (with drill) - the sound afterward just
Pyramid head (with rites of judgement) - difficult but feels amazing when you get it right
Clown - I just love the laughter he has after while also coughing.
As for Freddy - his door destruction is great (unless the scratching sound makes you uncomfortable).
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huntress hatchet hit noise is PEAK
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I find Ghostface's to be the most satisfying
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Exposed hit with the sound of your night shroud disabling and then wiping the blood off the knife like squeezing toothpaste out just *chef's kiss*
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shpltch "AAA"
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*spins knife* HYEH HYEH HYEH
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Doctor. Gotta love the giggles.
And Billy. Nothing like hitting a survivor with a curve and then spinning in celebration.
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Wesker' s knife very satisfying - in a game sense only :)
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Also, successful pallet hit!!! I just love the sound the Doctor makes when he is stunned.
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12 knife combo as Trickster and then hearing that laugh.. mmmmmm
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Or when he looks at his hands after main events. A mild version of Legion's "drug addiction".
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Plague when she swing that censor and backflips a survivor *chef's kiss*
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Trickster. The bop and the twirl
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Hitting a spicy 180 flick on blight is unparalleled.
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I really wish Artist had a satisfying noise when hitting a cross-map snipe.
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Victor snipes...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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Trapper - the snap of a trap with a scream is the most satisfying thing in the game. Even when I'm a survivor it puts a smile on my face.
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Knights crab glove swipe of the blade is very satisfying. Skull Merchants, too. Plus her new cosmetics weapons have differing animations.
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The sound of Oni's Kanabo as he angrily beats survivors to a pulp on the ground.
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Trappers traps are always a lovely sound. Oni's katana blade makes a lovely 'cling' sound when swung.
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Getting a hit with Sadako at the very end of her hitbox is a very satisfying thing to me.
Second is knight M1, just because I am a medieval aesthetic fan.
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I think nothing beats Oni's regular hit into popping power. It's so direct and cool.