Killer instinct and lightburn*wraith*

lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300
edited May 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Removing off lightburn off wraith was a bad idea, I dont care its gone off nurse cause honestly it was near impossible to even get one on her, only maybe got 2 lightburns in the 3 years of playing, artist birds still can be rid of via locker so np there, removing it off hag was a nerf since usually flashlights=a hag would franklins it and her traps safe but now we can simply wipe it(not saying i dont mind that but thats a nerf to her as she is a pretty tough killer to use , yet yall buff one of the easiest killer for even beginners players, by removing it off wraith was way too much, he easily can catch up to survivors in the breath of an eye, + always notorious of blocking off a window/pallet when you try run to it, if lightburn cant return back to him then we should be able to go through him when he is cloaked

Finally with all these aura reading perks killers have I think killer instinct should be gone since its pretty much something that can be use to find survivors no matter where they are at(lockers dont even work on that) and there is no perk that counters killer instinct. Wesker/Neme getting that alert if you cure yourself/ mend simulator uses it to injure everyone on your team lil to no effort(spread out strat dont work on tiny ity bity maps on legion only big maps). I think honestly only killer its actually fair on cause he does sorta need it is triangle head.

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