Killer instinct and lightburn*wraith*

Removing off lightburn off wraith was a bad idea, I dont care its gone off nurse cause honestly it was near impossible to even get one on her, only maybe got 2 lightburns in the 3 years of playing, artist birds still can be rid of via locker so np there, removing it off hag was a nerf since usually flashlights=a hag would franklins it and her traps safe but now we can simply wipe it(not saying i dont mind that but thats a nerf to her as she is a pretty tough killer to use , yet yall buff one of the easiest killer for even beginners players, by removing it off wraith was way too much, he easily can catch up to survivors in the breath of an eye, + always notorious of blocking off a window/pallet when you try run to it, if lightburn cant return back to him then we should be able to go through him when he is cloaked
Finally with all these aura reading perks killers have I think killer instinct should be gone since its pretty much something that can be use to find survivors no matter where they are at(lockers dont even work on that) and there is no perk that counters killer instinct. Wesker/Neme getting that alert if you cure yourself/ mend simulator uses it to injure everyone on your team lil to no effort(spread out strat dont work on tiny ity bity maps on legion only big maps). I think honestly only killer its actually fair on cause he does sorta need it is triangle head.
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Ok let's see where to start ahh yes Lightburn on Wraith....he didn't need it. It was a WAY outdated mechanic that saw little use. If a Wraith blocking a window is getting you...I'm sorry that's a bit of a skill issue.
Yes Wraith while cloaked is a F-1 race car but can't do anything while cloaked and has to ding-a-ling and phase out to even be a threat, even then the decloak time is long enough to get ouside of lunge range especially after they nerfed his decloak lunge speed. Also if you see a Wraith running to a window or vault to block it why would you continue to run towards it. Wraith is only a threat when they are in Hit and Run mode.
KI is a weak information gathering tool for's like the motion sensor in Aliens. It tracks movement but only a threat if you stand still. The delay in pings gives just a general area of where a survivor is at.......
Also....WHAT ITTY BITTY MAPS most are large and annoying to transverse u less you have a travel power killer.
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There isn't meant to be anything to counter Killer Instinct because that's the entire point of it. It's exclusive to killer powers and should stay that way, likewise it should remain uncounterable. Certain killers' powers are built around its presence.
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Lightburn is a bad mechanic, because it's existence punished survivors for not bringing a flashlight against a handful of killers with a rooster so big. If Wraith is too strong without lightburn existing, then he should be balanced around it not existing. But I don't particularly think Wraith is a problem that needs to be addressed.
As for killer instinct, it's only on a few killer powers. Killers do not have perks to give them Killer Instinct and it should remain both tied to killer powers and unblockable tracking ability.
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aint no skill issue its situations where it is the only pallet or window that is available with no other ones to go to if he chooses to block that only one ther and most wraiths uses those op uncloaking add ons. Dont act as if that aint a thing.
Why I love lightburn is i just sit on my gen and min mr ding dong thing he gonna get a hit its a instant flash bang and easy get away with it and parental guidance. Now flashbang feels dull with him not being able to be burned.
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I have NEVER been hit by a uncloaking Wraith that I knew was there or going for a obvious block. Even with his OP addons ...really... And tbh that could be part of the reason....with flashlights there's a chance wraith wouldn't get burned but FB it's unavoidable.
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Nah Lightburn was a dumb mechanic to put on Wraith.
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Wraith is a stealth Killer, he’s supposed to punish bad positioning. If you were in an area where there is only one good loop and the Killer was smart enough to block that loop, then you deserve to get hit.
Killer instinct is designed to not be countered. If it could be countered or was removed, then Killer powers need to be buffed to compensate accordingly.
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Sorry, but "breath of an eye"
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Wait, we're not complaining about Skull Merchant anymore? Leave my Wraith alone, he's in a good spot.
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Bad postioning? That aint even valid statment. Survivors have to be mindful of trying to avoid 2 or 3 genning which is an rng issue of the game. so you have no choice at times but to be in certain spots with 1 or no good window pallet or loop.
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Everyone knows she's a problem. What is the point of creating yet another thread where you repeat everything, that was already said?
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Then the wraith is rewarded for seeing the weakness of that particular gen and utilizing it affectively. Lightburn was a outdated mechanic that had no business still existing in the game. The wraith is far from the strongest killer in the game and removing lightburn didn't make him op at all. Leave him alone.
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so you just liked an easy win, we get it.
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Did I like an easy win with flashbang against Wraith?
Sure I did, but I don't cry it was nerfed, because I know it was broken against him.
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so not even try to make an argument against it. Just say it's incorrect because author may be killer main.
Give it some effort you lazy survivor main.
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I bet your that type of myers player that uses cheap tombstone piece for instant free moris for easy wins , flashbang is by no means no easy win and is a perk the requires skills of use .
Whatever excuse you wanna put even if lightburn is not to go back to him the survivors should able to past by him while cloaked, acting as if a killer body block pallet/window with 0 effort and the other killers cant do that like he can effectively is pure ignorance. Also Killer instinct is an very outdated mechanic too that should not be existing no more in the game with how many aura reading perks killers have.
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it was easy win against Wraith.
He gets near you -> drop flashbang. Wow, so much skill...
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Oh wow the 1 out of 30 killers that works against cry me a river, mr tombstone piece=is skilled(not),. is flash light /pallet saves no skilled also?
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Lol problem is no matter what we say your not here to listen or actually discuss this. Your just mad that your favorite toy got taken from you so your crying about it. Wraith blocking a window isn't unique to him. Anybody with speed can body block something. Legion can do it than cancel his power. Blight can use first dash to block the window than second for the hit.billy can aim for window and stop his dash just in time. Wraith just does it better than all of them and that's why you singled him out.
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Also dont act like your perfect yourself am sure you complain about something you dont like just like anyone else does and ill still stay by what I said if lightburn is gone and is an outdated mech like you said so should killer instinct.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Still think that it should be suppressed if a Survivor is in a Locker.
Legion seeing Survivors in a Locker kinda really just throws new Survivors for a loop, and is pointless against experienced Survivors.
And then that adds something to pivot around when designing new Perks/Powers.
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I don't care about killer instinct one way or another. Never said anything about it. And personally I have complaints yes. But most are personal like pyramid heads add ons and things of a smaller scale. Not that big a deal
Post edited by pigslittlepet on0 -
Ever considered that you SHOULD be pressured as a survivor? Like what is the point of the game if everything is spoon sped to you without risk?
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I can ask the same of killer too when they complain about swf. Shouldnt you get some type of challenge rather than always getting easy wins vs solo que. Stomping solo que is spoon feeding.
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Except that solo queue isn't an automatic win for killers. Survivors who believe otherwise are literally just ignoring their own mistakes and shortcomings and instead choosing to blame a perceived balance issue with DBD. Meanwhile just 1 look at what survivors in a tournament setting can do and anyone with functioning eyes can see the massive gap between survivor and killer.
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if it was that rare then why are you crying it's not possible anymore?
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Lightburn was a punishment for the survivors who did not bring a flashlight to the trial against wraith. This killer, however, is no real threat unless it is uncloaked. Cloaked it is just annoying, but not threatening at all. Try to anticipate its moves and mindgame them out of your way.
The Killer Instinct thing...well, it is not strong at all, and aura reading would be far better to replace it. But if that were the case, surv mains would complain so you have this thing pinpointing at the survivor's location in a certain zone, but tracking them is difficult with it as it comes and goes. So either replace it with auras or leave it be, these are the only factible options I believe.
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Umm what and when did I say anything mentioning rare?
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Same for killers who complain on anything survivors do and play igorance, can be as petty as omg the survivor 360 and dodge my attack. Instead of just being patient admiting they didnt play patient and got outwitted and wont admits it was their fault, they ignore it saying survivor has it easy.
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Where are you seeing people complain about spins? Cause I'm not seeing any thing anywhere about that.
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so it was regular thing that got you easy win and you are crying it went away?
it can't be both. either rare so it shouldn't matter, or regular and you just like an easy wins
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You sure love the word cry, I guess you was one of those that cry about flash bang, how is flashbang an easy win that only work on one killer perfectly and not the other 29? Have some common sense. Its the same like being a doctor crying about calm spirit or a spirit=(crying about iron will) when your still able to play around those perks (aura reading)
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killers that works against cry me a river
you were saying?
how is flashbang an easy win that only work on one killer perfectly
Well, this post is about Wraith. You made it about Wraith, because you are author. Other killers don't matter, they are not topic of this post.
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Ok, misunderstanding detected due to a poor choice of words from me. I was speaking about how survs with flashlights had an additional advantage against wraith others did not have.
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True mostly, but if one knew the timing well they would spend all the match using the mechanic to be as annoying as hell to the wraith player.
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Ok...I admit that trying to avoid that light beam was entertaining.
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Yup they love to tunnel and go to every freaking unhook and usually runs sloppy nurses make your choice and noed. Was fun blowing them up with fb when they think they gonna get an easy whack.
Post edited by lifeisstrange on0