Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Thoughts on the COH change? was it the correct one?

After playing for a while with and against the new COH, to me it seems it was detrimental change to solo players and an improvement to SWF.

When playing solo survivor and with the perk, nobody on the team would bother grouping up and heal with the perk, causing matches to go downhill rapidly. I wouldn’t recommend solo players to use the perk. (Inner healing and BTL Med-Kit are better options)

When I played killer, the few matches I did go up against the perk, the team I went up against managed to get really good use out of the perk. I cant presumably confirm nor deny it was a SWF but the teams that would use the perk used it efficiently well, patched up and ready to go within seconds.

Now my question to you guys is, was the change COH change, the correct change?


  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    People have to learn to adjust and play like a team even if they lack the comms advantage of a swf.

    COH is a great tool for that now, but it is going to be hard for people to just suddenly adjust to doing that when a lot have spent months or years leaning very strong self healing to act as loosely affiliated lone wolf operators. Folks will get there eventually.

    The perk works the exact same for both swf and solos and solos. Y'all have the same level of information in regards of CoH as it shows the aura of people in its field.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I rather like the new CoH. I've taken it a couple of times to try it out and it seemed appreciated by the solos in my lobbies as well, though running to the boon is not always the most efficient choice.

    I'm sorry, though, for all the solos who had to crouch and emote for me to realize they were waiting at the boon and that it was why I could see them. I'm an Aftercare user so I'm used to always having a couple of yellow people running around in my field of vision !

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    I won't run it anymore as a solo. Sure, my teammates can see my aura, but I'm not gonna sit there and wait for someone to run over to me. Might as well bring a medkit instead.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Botany + Self Care is good option too. You are using 2 perk slots, true but you can heal whenever you want and anywhere you want. In current meta, this combo is actually very useful.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,480
    edited May 2023

    It's not the perk problem that your teammates don't use it correctly. I have already had some solo matches with good players, where this perk decided the outcome of match as it was before his "nerf".

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    I too have got use out of it as a usual build is CoH, shadow step, bot knowledge and Lithe. That has been good to me with the recent changes

  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 954

    Good change. It's not OP but still very useful for a team-oriented playstyle what with the auras. As long as it stays up for more than one heal, you can still get lots of value and regroup much faster.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    It's just another casual V experienced players issue

    If what people are saying is true...

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,892
    edited May 2023

    People that only used it because it provided a 24 second self care. Now that its gone the people who used it for that reason think its "useless". Its not a useless perk until the players themselves make it useless by giving it no value.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    I just don't think it's worth it. After the healing nerf, it takes 30.5 seconds to heal with that combo. That on top of 2 perks slots is too heavy a cost when medkits exist.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,720

    It's definitely overall weaker and I see a lot less of it, but I've been in games where it really helped out the survivors.

  • miniwengsel
    miniwengsel Member Posts: 385

    Hard to say, because the perk in genaral is bad sor the game.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Yeah but how can anyone be expected to make balance decisions around something they have no control over?

    You can't balance soloq against swf you can only balance killers vs survivors. There is no balance decision to be made about people doing callouts in a discord. Hence my saying that CoH affects swfs and soloq equally as you're both survivors and more the to the point you're not playing against them killers are. They could buff or nerf everything in this game to insane degrees and ultimately it still function that much better for a coordinated team talking to each other. Soloq survivors need to develop macro around picking up on what their current teammates are doing and act accordingly.

    It can be done, people do it in other games all the time. Dbd's not that out of step with other games. It takes more work, but it can be done. Having the absolute onslaught of constant on-demand self-healing while fun and funny was insanely bad design to the point I honestly think it made players overall worse at the game, myself included. I got used to just doing dumb things and less observant because I knew I could just go rub bone and get all the healing I needed with no input from my team. That's not good.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,862

    What’s another assym game where solo players who are grouped as a team must practice a healing macro to restore themselves? I’m just curious b/c you said players do it in other games all the time.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I find the reverse to be true tbh. It's improved for solo's but significantly weaker for swf

    It does happen that you go in the boon and nobody comes to heal you while nobody is on gens either. But that's honestly typical soloq hell shenanigans. They probably wouldn't have healed you if you were right next to them cause they are to busy opening 3 chest for the archive or something.

    There is also the flipside where injured teammate go to the boon area while 2 others are on gens who are 75% each and the third is getting chased around main for 2 minutes already. Sorry but those people need to get the game sense that at that point grouping up to heal is not the play

    Thing is if you have a decent team it helps you coordinate heals with the aura reading.

    Swf on the other hand has that coordination by base. They can meet up and heal anywhere.

    They don't need to spend 14 seconds setting up the boon. And the 8 seconds per heal the boon would give is made up most of the time by not having to travel to a specific location. Also a lot less risky.

    Swf can use it to good effect sometimes ofcourse but not much more then solo's and they are honestly better of with 1 or 2 people running we'll make it instead

    If there is one more change i would like to see to CoH it would be that injured survivors in the boon see all other survivors aura. Then you'll atleast know if nobody is coming

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Last Year springs to mind for me at the moment. Because even with option to talk folks tended to not talk so you needed to be paying attention to the game in a macro sense to know what your teammates were doing. Yet, that's something you should be doing in any team game asym or not. Playing pick up squads or duos in Fortnite? You need macro. Playing soloq in LoL? Macro is super important. Heck, even in MW2 which I've been playing a lot of recently can require it when you see one of your teammates has Last Stand or you're in a game mode where revives are just a thing for everyone.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,176

    for once I agree but it is what it is.

    strange, i think its kinda reverse. we'll make it is good for soloq because it needs very little coordination. You unhook and heal under hook. Often its within the player who running we'll make it to calculate when he activates the perk and thinks the perk should be used. Like if a killer is 50 meters away from hook, the player can estimate how long heal will take by the time killer returns the hook if he returns to the hook. The perk pretty simple to use.. and the rewards are not that great but... at least its health-state healed Those aren't too common in soloq... without med-kits.

    COH requires finding totem and it supposely has more reward then we'll make it because it has no timer. the boon have no timer. so the perk's healing speed is active all the time. in my experience, if SWF were using COH, they were often using it to bodyblock me in chases. Other then that, they didn't really need perk because they often have such potent gen efficiency that healing is kinda meaningless when your winning games super fast. I don't think the perk is worse or better at that. I imagine its about the same for SWF. new version has faster healing but you need two people to do it. Old version allowed 3rd person to stay on generator while other player self-cares to go for bodyblocks. So it is similar for SWF while being universally worse for solo. I don't really run anymore. it requires me to babysit the totem and babysit entire team. The whole reason I run healing perks is to NOT babysit the team and spend less time healing...