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General Discussions

Tunnel heavy killers vs Play fair and fun killers

Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226
edited May 2023 in General Discussions

Yeah yeah, I know it's generlization and people play differently but cmon, we all know we find some specific killers to play more scummy and some killers are just always there to have fun and chase.

For me it's like this:

Tunnel/camp heavy killers:

  1. Nemesis
  2. Wesker
  3. Wraith
  4. Trickster
  5. Sadako.

Play fun killers:

  1. Billy
  2. Blight
  3. Huntress(sometimes).
  4. Oni.

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  • Member Posts: 3,333

    It is just a game and if you are having fun doing what you are doing then great.

    Some players are more competitive and play the game competitively which is okay even if you or I personally don't enjoy playing that way.

    Also lets take a look at the killers you've listed with your broad generalization.

    Sadako has a problems with her kit that make the game quite difficult for her so she often needs to get one person out of the game very quick so she has a chance.

    Trickster's a 110% movement speed ranged killer whose power requires him to focus one player pretty intently to gain value. He's the weakest of the ranged killers so it is understand that they would tunnel.

    Blight is the most notorious pick of "tunnelers" and is pretty purpose built to tunnel.

    Oni is also pretty well known for being a "tunneler" pick

    Point just let people play the way the want to play instead of calling them scummy. You are implying they are doing something wrong or deliberately against the rules. They're just trying to do the same thing you're doing in your own way.

  • Member Posts: 240

    I had a wraith the other day who didn't tunnel or camp and got a 4K. He earned it too. It was a fun game too even though I died. He hooked every survivor once without ever returning to a hook to chase the unhooking survivor. He systematically chased and hooked each one of us without tunneling once. He did it again once we had all been hooked the first time. Wraith is a strong killer so I don't understand why people need to camp or tunnel. IMO, people who camp or tunnel are bad at killer and refuse to take the time to get better by not camping/tunneling. I also see a lot of killers going back to the hook to go after the guy who just unhooked which is just as bad imo. Don't killers get more points for more hooks/chases/hits and all that? Maybe BHVR needs to get rid of the "rank" system altogether and just give BP based on how many games you played that month. They should be able to see the average amount of games it takes the average survivor/killer to get to Iri 1 and just make that number the amount of games to get 1M BP each month.

  • Member Posts: 147

    With the exception of Wesker, the 'tunnel/camp-heavy' Killers are all pretty weak or inconsistent. Only Billy on the 'play fun' list is really that inconsistent compared to Blight and Huntress (who is actually a horribly effective camper). Funny that the killers who struggle the most to get downs and hooks are generally the ones most inclined to defend or capitalise on them...

  • Member Posts: 236

    Ghostface or whatever the hell he's called def belongs on that campy tunnely list

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Huntress is in the wrong list. She is also camping a lot.

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    I remember playing Twins and receiving a complement in the form of remarking on me not being a camper

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited May 2023

    Adding the Boss Man PH to the tunneler list. Love that dude but he's just built to be a tunneling menace.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    Each scoring category has a hard cap of 8000bp. Depending on the killer getting points in certain categories is harder to do. Points also aren't completely binary you gain and lose points based a lot of stuff happening during the game. For instance you get points for hits, but you lose points when survivors heal up. You're losing a lot of points but the longer a killer can keep you injured or re-injure you the better the score. Eventually if you get enough hits, around I think 24, you max out regardless. Chases are weird you get more points for short to medium length chases with a bonus if you "win" the chases. You lose a small amount for losing the survivor, but even if you tunnel one survivor for a super long time you can max out your chaser. Maxing out hook points basically requires you to hook everyone three times for a total of 12 hooks. You lose a lot of points for camping, but generally you're not going to notice if everyone dies.

    Killers often go back to the hook precisely to pick up a new chase on the person who unhooked you. We even have a perk that is designed around incentivizing doing just that called Make Your Choice. The most common issue is people who've just gotten off the hook want to get their magically "basekit BT value" and will often not leave, but go for bodyblocks on someone who is often at full health. At that point you've already hit them most likely so might as well just go ahead and down then again. Tunneling is legitimate strategy as well camping, but survivors have bad habits of not distinguishing between strategic play and griefing play. There is also a lot of assumptions of skill or lack thereof made which tend to be in bad faith I feel. A lot of times you encounter people hard camping they legitimately don't know how to play the game whatsoever. Dbd gets a rather steady drip feed of new players on pc especially so you'll have folks who will camp or tunnel because they don't have the ability to juggle survivors or manage the complex macro gameplay of dbd yet. There people who just camp because they enjoy playing like that as well and I have to be honest if it is working for them enough that they can get the amount of bp required to build up killers and survivors for them I wouldn't call them bad at the game or refusing to learn how to play.

    There is more than one or two ways to play the game after all even if you aren't a fan of them, but there are tools to mitigate the strength of such strategies. I know they don't work all that well and you have no idea if a killer is gonna even do it before the game starts, but the tools are there to take the edge off.

  • Member Posts: 333

    If that was the case then I'm sorry to say your team was very below par. And the fact that you believe wraith is a strong killer makes me believe you aren't exactly an experienced player either.

    The simple fact is that at a moderately decent skill level survivors have to start making bad mistakes to give the killer enough leeway to spread hooks. And at lower high tier skill and above it is physically impossible to spread hooks unless you want to end up with 4-5 hooks (at best) and no kills.

    At the highest level of skill in DBD a killer, even strong ones that aren't Nurse, are literally considered to have done a great job if they managed to get 3-4 hooks against a competitive team of survivors with maybe a singular kill if the killer manages to successfully camp out the end game. Or perhaps 2 if they successfully tunneled out a survivor with the few hooks they did get. So I believe your view of what constitutes "good" or "fair" play from killers is heavily biased because you don't know what higher tier gameplay is like.

  • Member Posts: 180

    Demo is literally one of the most fun killers to go against AND he is absolutely adorable

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    I was thinking that. Demos are usually pretty chill. Don't see them camp that often and when i ay demo if i see someone unhook i always go for the unhooker as opposed to the unhookee

  • Member Posts: 195

    I think it’s the player behind the killer, not the killer itself.

    As a Twins main, I try to be fair, but I will slug if I can if ppl are injured, but I don’t let them bleed to death. I will tunnel if I’m not getting hooks.

    Thats my M.O. for all killers though. I don’t need to get 3-4K. Just 1-2 is fine as long as I feel like I’m getting my job done.

  • Member Posts: 410

    In this you can see, that if the killer is strong enough you dont need to tunnel (if you are good enough ( Me with Huntress is Just no :D)). The Killers, that are to weak just need buffs. The two outliers her are billy and wesker. Wesker is perfekt and doesnt need changes. Only problem with wesker is, that he can tunnel very well.

    The other outlier is billy he needs changes, but I guess because he is so well resived in the survivor comunity (but I still allways get teabagt and harassed in the endgamechat if I play him) you have a better mindset on him.

  • Member Posts: 410

    Its not about fun to play against its about This killer is playing for fun. (At the survivors the point of view)

  • Member Posts: 880

    Anything the killer does that isn’t cheating or exploiting bugs is fair. Tunneling, camping, slugging, 3-genning are all fair.

    Fun is a different story, but I think people have a pretty skewed idea of “fair.”

  • Member Posts: 300

    so true huntresses lately seem very tunnely and campy and its sad she use to be a killer i had respect for.

  • Member Posts: 300
    edited May 2023

    Honestly every killer tunnels or camp as soon as they lose 1 or 2 gens or heck even at 5. Literally had a plague did a full face camp at 5 gens when she down someone just now of replying to this post.

    Like just how unskilled can you be then you raise your mmr high get a swf full of loop gods squad then qq t bag clicky and swf needs to be nerfed like have a taste of your own medicine what you do to solo potatoes.

  • Member Posts: 136

    I’ve noticed that even the S-tier killers are hard camping and tunnelling now. If I see a Nurse, Blight or Spirit now, I pretty confidently know it’s going to be one of ‘those’ matches. Good times..

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