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Did you know or would enjoy baisment chest defender Buba?

I played three matches today as chest defender Buba. First match was very fun I had nice interaction with the survivors. Next game the Survivors think I would just refuse to play the match, because they dont know the playsyle. Last match no interaction with the survivors and I ask them if they know the playstyle. The know it and dont liked it so they reported me for doning so.

So now to my question Would you enjoy the playstyle and do you know the playstyle?

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  • Member Posts: 5,897

    I think it's funny personally. Last time I had one I went and searched the other chests to give him more items. He had quite the collection by the end.

  • Member Posts: 208

    I mean you are basically loading into a match and going afk for 5 mins while the survivors do gens, I can understand the meme but it's an incredibly dull game to play against and kind of a waste of time for survivors that want to play the game.

  • Member Posts: 89

    It's marginally more enjoyable than being face camped on hook but yes, very boring. Last time it happened we just ignored him, did the gens and left.

  • Member Posts: 99

    It doesn't appeal to me, but I've done stuff like that before. Fake afks and stuff.

    The reason it doesn't do anything for me is, for survivor it's kinda hard at the moment to get enough blood points to pip. Even with multiple chases. A basement bubba who doesn't chase is guaranteed no pip for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I honestly never get basement Bubbas, so it wouldn't bother me once in a blue moon. Nothing wrong with having a laugh.

  • Member Posts: 637

    I would actually love to have this as a game mode where people can intentionally join such a game. Potentially add a few unique features - would be good if they expanded items and chests to be protected and so on.

    I poster another thread where I said that players on both sides who have reached iri 1 might just want to have meme games and this would fit in with that idea :)

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    I always enjoy a peaceful match. Reprieve among tenser games.

    I wouldn't engage, but appreciate the quiet.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    I mean it can be fun to go against if it's rare but I absolutely understand people being frustrated because the killer is basically just afk in the basement the entire game, and that's if they even bothered to check the basement, if I assume the killer is afk I just do gens and move on to the next game, i'm not going to check the basement in case someone wants to meme. And as killer I wouldn't have the patience to wait in the basement and hope something happens lol.

  • Member Posts: 410

    yeah, but I had a bigger Teror Radius and as Killer I am iri one as rank and I want some chill games after the sweat. ;D

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    Someone watched Spooknjukes' latest video.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    I mean if the TR doesn't move I'm not the kind to go check what's going on tbh, but you do you lmao I've had fun against chest Bubba before, I just wouldn't do it myself

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    It’s fun once in a while, but if it became a daily occurrence it would get old quick.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    No it's boring

  • Member Posts: 1,006

    I'm happy to play any goofy game a killer wants to play. Attempting to raid the chest without getting killed sounds like fun.

  • Member Posts: 441

    I love it. These kind of interactions with the killer usually lead to the most fun games. But that you're getting reported for it is not surprising, most players nowadays have forgotten what games are for and behave like literal AIs. Their only goal is to accumulate some points on a virtual profile, do their challenges, farm "achievements". Then they blame you for wasting their time... not realizing that's the point of playing video games.

    Anyway. If I face you with a SWF, we'll open the chest. I guarantee it. Nobody will leave until that chest gets opened.

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    Ah so that's why Bubba was staying in basement... in 1.6 hours I met such a Bubba only once. None of us cared about him, completed the gens, left and said gg. Not sure what the fun is in this.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    It can be amusing, sure. It's nice when there are niche games like this which aren't taken seriously.

    Recently, I had a really unusual trial because I was a survivor in a trial at Mother's Dwelling with The Skull Merchant. The Skull Merchant had basically set up CCTV around the house and had moved in. Try and get in there, and she went barmy. Stay away and she would just nod at us.

    Odd, but a fun game! Well ... until I released I had Rancor too late (why always me and rancor?!?), but as she decided to rip my heart out I wasn't mad because it was just a meme game.

    So yeah, I prefer most trials to be normal, but a sprinkling of silliness is always welcome!

  • Member Posts: 1,096

    One time I had a chest build and went against a chest defender Bubba. I offered every single item from other chests in exchange for whatever was in that chest, which I recall being a green key, and it was accepted. Best transaction of my life.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    They can be fun if survivors play along. I've tried to play as a gardening Nurse in Haddonfield, blinking around and fixing up the hedges. Unfortunatly most of the time the survivors just do gens and leave and then hurl abuse at you in endgame chat.

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