Maybe it’s time to leave?

Lobbies are taking so long the game has become virtually unplayable. SWF is not even worth trying at this point.
Playing killer is no better, whilst lobby times are better, there is an epidemic of survivors D/Cing at the first sign of trouble (that’s if they even load in) which ruins it for everybody else.
Its such a shame because I love this game so much but I feel I may have to hang my gloves up, at least for a while anyway. I’ve bought all DLCs but certainly won’t be getting the next one. I’ll pay no more money whilst the game is in this state and cosmetics are being prioritised over huge bug/issue resolutions.
Sorry for the rant post, it’s just so disappointing the way this game has become. I hope to see you all in the fog again soon under better circumstances. Good luck
Just remember the devs are trying their best, it's not easy doing or making a game and these devs have lives of their own, they are trying...patience....just try to be patient and just await as they are listening and reading forums etc and doing their best
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No worries, summer will hopefully see a proper DC penalty so that you can play killer
Survivor lobbies will take long as long as killer gameplay is so awful (ur console I assume?)
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I totally understand that and it’s a great game, I love it. The thing is it never used to be THIS bad. There have always been small issues but the game was at least playable and fun.
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Mhm I am playing currently too and my first game for the daily mori - 1 loading screen DC, 2 ingame DCs (luckily the last guy was willing to get moried, so I didnt have to repeat)
Next game, no DC, actually sth surprising nowadays
Next game 2 man SWF DCed after they failed to flashlight bully me
Next game 3 DC, when the DS toxic squad rushes the hook to hard and gets slugged
lovely, so many months to go.....
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Yea I play PS4. DC bans will be a welcome change!
Its either play killer and have games ruined on a regular basis or play survivor and have 2, maybe 3 matches an hour
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Yea the DC rate has escalated hugely!!
I don’t understand how matchmaking has become so messed up? I think it all started with the Halloween event and hasn’t gotten better since? I may be mistaken though
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I honestly don't get why the loading screen issues are taking so long. It has been months. I would imagine this is a priority fix for them too.
I think they asked for feedback before so I'm assuming its because rhey can't find the cause?
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Not sure tbh, things just seem to be deteriorating in general. But hey, at least we have a new cosmetic for Dwight 👍🏻
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I mean, i only follow this game simply because of the story, i want to know what the final chapter is, and the only way we'll be able to see it is if we are able to keep it going by sticking with it through thick and thin, no matter what.
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There a ways off from that. It seems at least 4 more chapters are on the way.
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I can only talk about the situation on PC, but loading screen DCs probably make up max. 5% of all DCs
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On PS4 I rarely see a dc even with mori.
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Survivors had to wait for the lobby so long that they grumble and deal with the mori? XD
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It’s kinda hard to do that because it punishes people who actually do dc because of internet issues
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And you play as Legion? I still see people dc against him freddy and the doc.
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As a killer main, I'm seeing a lot of disconnections these days indeed (Im playing spirit). Usually from someone who first tries to use every cheese in the book, and when that fails, they DC. :/ Sometimes they don't DC but suicide on the hook.
Since I get bonus points from someone DCing, I dont mind. Its enough to be noticeable, but not enough to be disruptive. Must look different from survivor standpoint though.
Im confused though: how is killer gameplay "awful"? I thought survivors were fed up with all the nerfs and killers being OP and stuff. Yet it seems that there is no shortage of survivors. Personally I've never had as easy time playing killer as I do these days.
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I get usually 1-2 people to DC once every 3-5 games. It does suck a fair bit. Had 2 DCs between the 4 games I did today
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I took about 2 months off. I've played about 6 hours over the past two days. Honestly, I am glad I took the time off. The craze I had before feels over, I get bored of the game pretty fast. Definitely not getting irritated at things that irritated me before either. I'm a beta player with almost 5k hours, for context.
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Again, why buy the dlc when theres shards 4head
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Mainly because I just don’t get enough time to play to save up that many shards (I have a 6 month old baby).
This is also the reason I am contemplating leaving, I only have a small window of playtime per day if I manage to get on, and that time is spent just sat waiting for a lobby or playing a killer match against people who quit the second things get tough. Either way it seems to be a waste of time at the moment.
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Yea that sounds like a good idea, have a break and come back refreshed hopefully, thanks for the reply
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At least we can't see what anyone posts on the forums. It is all white boxes and useless. That is a pretty good job so far if you ask me. :)
Seriously, this game is slowly spiraling. Whiny players plus uninspired devs are not a good mix.
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DC against freddy and Doc are the most hilarious games....
Like control your ego people....
Play the game and get better...
As a killer player. I used to DC a lot from rage quits but now I don't really. I have kinda maxed out on my killers and BPs is often maxed out.
So I just play a killer that I want to try and learn and get better. Lose plenty of times but it's less stressful when I don't worry about 4ks.
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this might get some hope in you, but a little sad truth is, they can do so much to make an anti dcing update, but there will still be some people that will dc
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what kind of penalty?
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@kaister901 good to see some people play like that.
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I’m taking some time off myself. It was getting so hard to find a game with no killer lobbydodging or DCing or no survivors DCing in game and screwing us all over...
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I dont have the issues you're mentioning other than occasional off matchmaking, but I'll say like to every other I'm leaving post.
Bye. If you're not having fun, play something else. Nothing wrong with that. But some of us enjoy it still. No need to rant if youre done. It wont change your mind =].
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Exactly. Every post about survivors are wrecking or swf is broken. Okay? You learn something right? You played your best right? Then why does it bother you? Cant win em all.
It sucks to get a 0k, but then you sit back and say, where did I go wrong and how can I better deal with those situations.
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The first 5000 hours are definitely the most fun. Then it starts to get a bit samey...
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"I’ll pay no more money whilst the game is in this state and cosmetics are being prioritised over huge bug/issue resolutions."
Welcome to the Club !
Here have a sit, looks like you're gonna have a long wait.
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@TreemanXD In my games on PS4, I see survs dc'ing on a regular basis. But I agree on the mori part. Most survs probably dc because they (feel that they) are getting tunneled.
Aaaah, dc's are so annoying. The devs should be stricter when it comes to banning players for dc'ing too often.