Boil Over Users That Take It To The Extreme

I've had roughly three matches today where I would have a survivor either run to a corner with no hooks near it at all or to the 2nd story of a main building and just sit there. I dont see how survivors find that fun. I play both sides pretty evenly but I will see quite a few people doing this.
My question is how is that fun? Any decent killer will know just to slug you and not bother dealing with that so your fun is ruined and you are now hurting your teammates too.
It’s boring and should be reworked.
It rewards boring and unpleasant gameplay and unfairly punishes controller players who can’t deal with the increased struggle effect.
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Its not that its fun, its that its about the only way you can get any real benefit from boil over other than your team taking hits to buy you any wiggle time. The hooks in this game favor the killer. Wiggling off is rare, even with perks that help you do it. If the survivor knows they can have a better chance at using the perk successfully by distancing themselves as far as they can from a hook then they will do it. Try not to focus on survivors who do this and they'll either have to eventually go back to objectives or do nothing to which you'll win anyway.
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I remember when boil over was at full power after the rework and I was sent to dead dawg by a 2-man swf. They would just run to the same place in main on repeat and after a few attempts I just bled them to death no matter how much the other 2 would try to help. All I got in post game was "killers take the game too seriously". They don't even know what they want me to do at the point.
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I've went against that many boil over bully sqauds that the very second I see anyone running boil over now, I will just slug them and stand over them until they bleed out
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The perk needs to be reworked entirely.
The way wiggling impacts movement is annoying enough when playing on controller. Boil over on a map with tight doorframes or weird collision is just miserable.
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It should requires at least another teammate with Sabo, Breakout and a body block hit to let you wiggle out. Boil over alone should never let you easy escape.
To OP. I tried to Sabo a hook, blind killer while kicking pallet with Residual manifest and act like I making a mistake and down, combined with Boil over, in Lery map. I never get a single wiggle out. Honestly with that specific builds, my goal is only to get the build works once per match. So yes its fun.
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I cant believe I just read:
"The hooks in this game favor the killer"
You can sabotage them.
You can body block them.
A kill destroys them creating a dead zone.
What favour are you seeing?
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If it helps understand my position on this better, I'm a console player lol
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They exists near where they fall.
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THE KILLER SHOULDN'T HAVE A 99% SUCESS RATE TO A HOOK EVERY TIME UNLESS THEIR AN OFFERIN BROUGH IN ITS KINDA MIND NUMBIONG EVEN PLAYING AS KILLER I KNOW I HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH TIME TO GET TO A HOOK WITH OUT IRON GRASP AND IF I DO HAVE IRON GRASP I CAN WALK THE ENTIRE MAP WICH SEEMS VERRY OP I UNDERSTAND THE KILLER NEEDS TO GET TO A HOOK BUT THE KILLER Should HAVE TO TAKE INTO A COUNT if THEIR NO HOOK AROUND BECUASE HE DON'T RIGHT NOW HE WILL MOST LIKELY HOOK THEM unless their some one savo or body blocks which 90% of the time ant going to happen because most people play solo q are only worried about them selves until all gens are done and maybe they might help get some one off hook but that far and few between as well most just leave and let you die on hook
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I had one survivor who did that .. ran into the corner of a map where they knew no hooks were (because I had used the only viable one to sacrifice another and 3 of the 4 brought the oak offerings). I tried to hook them and the wriggled out and ran back to the same part. I then slugged them and left them to bleedout whilst I chased the other remaining one. They were then pissed about it for some reason. Self-fulfilling prophecy.
I think it's more to do with hook placements. They ought to be looked into more. I meam, how long is Ormand goibg to be hookless on the second floor for?
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The devs have openly said that the only reason there even is a wiggle meter is to keep the killer from taking you to the basement every down regardless of where the killer is on the map
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Boil Over escapes without help from the team is very rare. I tested it out and even used other perks like flip flop and unbreakable to see how often I could wiggle free. I was only able to escape a few times out of several matches played over about a week or so. Even with an entire build around wiggling free it was difficult to do without help unless I was fortunate enough to have a nearby hook despawned from an eliminated survivor.
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yeah I give up trying to hook them after 2 - 3 attempts if they don't want to be hooked then they can bleed out. I hate having to do that though, it isn't efficient and makes a game last a lot longer than it needs to.
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I don’t blame survivors at all. This is 100% on the devs for not addressing bad map design. All they need to do is fix hook dead zones and survivors wouldn’t be able to abuse this.
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I haven't seen the perk in months. Guess you're extraordinarily unlucky
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Boil Over needs an entire rework. Wiggling out without help from your teammates should not be a thing, the game isn't balanced around it.
As said earlier in the thread, you pretty much HAVE to play in a scummy way to get value out of it by running to an unhookable spot and that's clearly not something that should even be a thing.
I've seen squads bring Badham offering and Basement-in-Killer-Shack offering and just running to main building's basement whenever the killer was nearby. Coupled with No Mither there's no way of dealing with them except standing over them and downing them every single time they pick themselves up. Oh, and they had Soul Guard so they had endurance each time too.
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Personally I love boil over for both survivor and killer, I see nothing wrong with it, the only problem I have is the hook placement other than that boil over is fine, then again I'm petty and mind game the boil over user and vise versa, I'll only give up if survivor hide in the corners of the map the entire game and only do gens when someone is getting carried that's when the game gets unfun because your in the match for longer than you want to be.
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I'd like boiled over to be changed. It's way more of an issue as a console player and I think it naturally encourages playing in ways that upset both survivors and killers (survivor you ate getting slugged while killer you often have to slug people). It's a perk I think both sides lose on most of the time
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It doesn’t need to be altered in anyway that weakens it, because it was recently nerfed with the wiggle escape mechanic change. I haven’t seen someone escape with Boil Over since before then. I’ve tested it myself and it seems that unless you’re incredibly lucky with hook spawns you won’t escape with it alone. As killer I’ve noticed it doesn’t really affect sway like it once did. But I get that the impetus for many killer mains is to ensure survivors have 0 utility with their perks.
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What exactly is the killer supposed to take into account?
The killer can't control the way hooks spawns nor can they control the way a survivor decides to run. So what exactly is the killer taking into account? Are they supposed to just drop chase and let the survivor go because the survivor ran to area where the game decided not to spawn hooks? It's not even like we have the increase hook offering anymore as it was changed to affecting hook distance. Not that it works in anyway that helps usually. Killers don't have the option to do anything to you outside of hook you so what do you expect the killer to do when they literally aren't designed with tools to deal with someone running to a deadzone. Outside of running iron grasp and agitation on perma lock which is nonsensical.
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If a Survivor runs Boil Over, I tunnel or camp them: if you're going to make it extremely annoying for me to hook you after winning a chase against you, then I'm sure as hell gonna make sure I don't have to do it too many more times. I especially don't like the Boil Over/Power Struggle, Tenacity, Flip-Flop and Unbreakable combo that I see surprisingly often. It makes no sense to me that there's a whole suite of perks that Survivors can use to punish the Killer for doing their job, to the detriment of being at all useful to their team or to avoid getting downed in the first place. I agree with OP that I don't understand how it's any fun, especially when the most efficient response from a killer is to slug the offending Survivor (and even camp their body so you can't get helped back up or use Unbreakable).
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I mean yeah if you just throw Boil Over into any old build and play normally then it's useless. Hooks are scattered around close enough to each other that Boil Over normally doesn't do anything.
The issue is when they bring a combination of perks and offerings to force areas of the map where they are literally unhookable. They don't need teammates to bodyblock or sabo or run Breakout, they literally are unhookable all on their own, and that's a problem.
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I'm baffled by survivor players trying to defend this. I just had a game against an incredibly toxic SWF team. They all brought flashlights/tool boxes and ran Boil Over. We ended up in the Red Forest. Hooks were far enough apart that I got I think 2 hooks the entire game, despite constantly downing them. Slugging them? Not possible because they were all on comms so as soon as one was close to going down another one was right there to pick them up. Killers can't just stand over one person and let survivors do gens for free. There wasn't any counter play to this, it was literally pick them up and let them go free, or leave them on the ground for their friend to pick them up and get no BP for hooks. Cool, real fun game play there. Either Boil Over needs to be completely reworked, or there has to be a bunch of hooks added and no safe areas on any map.
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Boil Over either doesn't work at all or it works too well -- those are its only settings. I don't know what I would replace it with, though, because I don't like fighting over downs in either role.
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I dont have a problem with it usually, its only when survivors will go to an area where they know there arent any hooks and will just use boil over to escape and then run back to the corner.