Dredge's Nightfall is unfair and inconsistent

BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081
edited May 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Nightfall is so unfair for survivor, why.

If you are on Pc and have good settings you are almost never bothered.

But, oh well, i am on console, with a Tv, oh the map is already preety dark. I speak with experience that maps like midwitch on console and Tv with low Brightness, because is my favourite setting, you can't see anything and i am constantly running into walls, the visibility is so bad.

When i am using colorblind mode and other stuff just to make the game brighter and not deal with this problems.

I understand having lower FPS, i accept the Lag, i even deal with the inputs on console constantly messing up because we can't have features like toggle/hold options in the controls, but nt seeing anything because maps are dark and my setup makes the game unplayable against one killer.

Well, sorry for the rant. But i feel like this issue won't be linstened or fixed since it's more of a console problem.


  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    I'm on PC with my luminosity to the max when I'm playing and I genuinely can't see anything during Nightfall. The only things I can see are related to the aura reading perks that I bring specifically because visibility in this game is very inconsistent. Their recent maps & reworks look cool but they're a pain to navigate tbh, even more so when you have killers that hinder your visibility.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,524

    I wnat to know, if nightfall could be easy to see through, how could it be usefull? Like even on nightfall dredge is loud af you dont need to worry about him sneaking on you.

    The only issue I see is when it generates headaches in people.

  • ili
    ili Member Posts: 71

    this is the objective of nightfall, if you are having difficulties use the windows of opportunity.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Are you aware that nightfall meant to be hard to see in? That it is meant to let you bump into stuff, so its better to avoid a chase during nightfall?

    Also, the maps are dark so survivors can better hide. killers should be able to lose a survivor in a chase, because they got into a dark spot and are overlooked, or can hide in a dark corner if the killer doesnt know they are there. If all the maps were bright, that would not really work.

  • Timmylaw
    Timmylaw Member Posts: 227

    Turn your gamma down on your TV if you're struggling to see, it helps a ton.

  • DrKetchup
    DrKetchup Member Posts: 162

    Listen to the sound he makes, learn to move your camera around while running in a straight line. If you use headphones, you will be able to pinpoint his location even through walls. If you have a friend that plays dbd get into a custom game and try to run a common loop that you know the layout of, but with your eyes closed. Once you figure that out, playing against killers like Oni, Spirit, Dredge, Demo and Clown would be like having wall hacks on.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,746

    Calibrate your stuff better.

    If you have an auto contrast option - turn it off. It mostly deteriorates your picture.

    My monitor (PC) and TV (PS4) look pretty similar.