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I keep trying...

Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867
edited March 2019 in General Discussions

To convince my family to play DbD. They are the ones who got me into the game. We played KYF at first and had some fun. Then we started playing online. At first it was fun. We died most of the time, but we had a great time. Then, we started facing more and more campers and tunnelers. Eventually, my family fades off as other games have less toxic play styles. I switch to killer and get good experience at both.

Toxic SWFs suck, but are far and few between until red ranks. I keep trying to get my family to play again, but every time they agree to try, it is nothing but camping and tunneling all night long. They quit again. We are the least toxic group you could face. We consist of two horribly colorblind players and one legally blind player (my wife). Needless to say, after a night of being camped and tunneled, they are no longer interested in playing. I keep trying, but the killer community keeps proving them right.

Am I the only killer left that actually hunts and does not camp/tunnel? For crap sake, this game is boring af when playing survivor. I can't blame them for not wanting to play anymore.

As killer, I can face several survivors that are fun, and good sports after the game. As survivor, I can't find a single killer that is not a cheap camper/tunneler.

Camper - Terror radius never leaves the hook. Comes right after the unhooked the second they are hooked - turning into a tunneler.

Tunneler - Waits for the unhook and goes straight for the unhooked player. Usually a wraith, pig, or insidious player.


  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I get it it Dark, but when did 4k become the standard? I'm happy with a 2k. Granted, I regularly get 3-4k every match, but 2k is all it takes for me to feel like I did my job well. When did 4k become the standard for killers? Is it because of the toxic, crying survivor-types? (I know not all killers/survivors fit these categories, but it is getting worse and worse.)

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    8 matches, 8 campers/tunnelers. Wow. No wonder I get people actually giving me "gg - thanks for the fun" after my matches. So many crap killers out there. This is sad.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    9 of 9.....

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    10 of 10. Jesus. This is nuts. Seriously, if you never leave the hook enough for your terror radius to go elsewhere, you are very insecure. This is a boring M1-fest. Keep in mine, 2-3 of us escape each round. It is not about escaping, it is about boring-ass matches.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Holy crap! We just faced a great Spirit killer. No camp, no tunnel, good bp all around, and he 4k'ed us. Was a ton of fun. There is hope yet! 10/11.....

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Well, back to the norm....

  • Zanely89
    Zanely89 Member Posts: 134

    I keep getting kILLeR mAIn bTw vibe from this thread, I don't know why?

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Yes. At this point, I am. I am bound and determined to prove to myself that there are more good killers than there are campers/tunnelers. I'm failing horribly. I'm ready to go back to killer. Survivor is so boring.

    Much respect to you survivors that put up with this. Glad I don't do it. The game would be so unrewarding and boring to play as a tunneler/camper.

  • Duckodb12
    Duckodb12 Member Posts: 45

    I still don’t get where there’s some set of rules against killers playing how they want to. Some perks promote tunneling and if I hook a person and they have a teammate dumb enough to pull them down before I have a chance to leave of course I’m gonna down the same one again. If I run up on a toxic survivor teabagging and acting like an ass they’re probably gonna get camped when I hook them. If somebody in the lobby won’t ready up and try’s to be slick and get a toolbox then ready up so the match starts thinking they out smarted me so I can’t change a perk to counter what they’re bringing they’re getting tunneled and camped probably. How I play killer depends on the survivors every match is different but I don’t go outta my way to be nice and give survivors any help usually. The killer is there to kill them to help them eacape.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    That's great and all, but not every SWF is equal. My family swf consists of a legally blind woman, color blind man, and 2 who rarely play. No teabags, no flashlights. None of us have ever run DS. Nobody runs Adrenaline. Nope. We just try to have fun. But, we run into endless killers who hard camp and tunnel like crazy. They see SWF and they get all sweaty and have to end the threat as fast as possible. Thus, my wife and kids have had enough of the bs after one night of playing.

    I'm back to killing with Trapper and Hag. No worries on that. This game will never gain greater population as long as it promotes this stupid play style. Whether it is toxic killers or toxic SWF's, this game is screwed when it comes to growth. they need some new game modes that eliminate those styles of play.

  • Duckodb12
    Duckodb12 Member Posts: 45

    It sounds to me like this games not for you.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    No, the game is fine for me as killer. As survivor, no, not so much. Too much bs play. It is too often either a M1-simulator to beat a camper/tunneler, or it is occasional fun vs an actual killer trying to hunt down survivors as opposed to the simple minded camping/tunneling. Sorry, I'll stick to killer. Much better.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148
    edited March 2019

    You dont understand how the game works probably because you always face potato survivors play killer more

    ATOMIC_ACE_PUGG Member Posts: 359

    From someone who plays killer and survivor 50/50 I get what you mean but I cant blame the killers especially if they are playing a weaker killer. Its just bad game design there is just so much [BAD WORD] you can abuse on both sides its not really fun for new players. This is why it took me a while to actually get into this game and I have no life so that really says a lot about the game

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Camping is a sign of frustration of the killer (or the survivors being stupidly overaltruistic)

    Tunneling is just optimal playing by the killer, I know it sucks just like genrushing, but you cant blame players for playing optimally. Its up to BHVR to change that and give incentives / 2nd objectives

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    I as a killer try to be nice, I'll let people go. But what do I get in return? GG EZ NOOB KILLER GIT GUD. Right....I personally don't care about those dumbass comments but when most survivors act like pricks, you expect all survivors to act like pricks. Granted, I f*cking hate camping because it's boring AF, but tunneling is really just me chasing after you. If you're good at looping I'll go ahead and leave you alone and go after the people on gens. My playstyle honestly just goes off of how my matches in that day have gone. If most people are chill and say gg I'll be chill for most games too, but if you're just acting like a prick you're gonna have a bad time. Anyways, sorry about no one wanting to play survivor with you anymore, but when most survivors are d*cks, you expect most to be d*cks, it's just how it is my friend.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    I used to feel exactly like you do. And also switced to playing killer more often. Tbh I am amazed how you haven’t changed your mind after playing killer more. It is ten times more frustrating as killer. You can’t play nice, you can’t play tough without being called many names after chat. Now when I get camped I blame my teammates and if I get tunneled that means I wasn’t good enough at evading.

    Since we count our games today I played maybe 30 games as survivor at rank 2 and pretty much all gone the same. We start with disconnects either at loading screen or after they hear the nurse blink or Billy’s saw. Then area patroling killer never lets any unhooks or gets down the unhooked person immediately. And my last game a spirit couldn’t down anyone but me there was still 5 gens to go and my teammates did them all and escaped. And that was the first game I’ve enjoyed all day. Watching circling aimlessly spirit get -1 pip because of her lack of skills was enough for now. And thats on survivors not killer.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148
    edited March 2019

    Yeah sure lets reward people for playing bad and being unable to juke a killer. How about to change a game to the point when the game wont require anything to survive?

  • Braughless
    Braughless Member Posts: 19

    If you're looking for someone else to game with, add me. My husband is disabled so can't play and my kids are too young. I can always use a survivor friend, or even a good killer friend that let's me learn things like looking over my shoulder, which I still haven't figured out, good stealth play and better tactics. I can't rank up and learn better playstyle if I'm tunneled and camped.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Honestly, toxic survivors don't bother me that much. I play for fun and bp. I have fun when I down the teabagging fella. Yeah, some of the matches are tense with the lovely after-game chat to follow, but most are not. That, and I can dictate if the killer is a prick or not. As survivor, I run into way to many tunnels and camps. No fun, very boring. I don't play toxic, and won't ever stoop to it because it is not my style. So I can't blame my wife and others when they get tired of dealing with the childish play styles.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I'll have to get a hold of you in a PM or something. Be happy to help out.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited March 2019

    The 2K can be feel as a victory or as a defeat depending on the circunstances.

    If I get 2K by hooking only two survivors and the other two without any hook or only one hook I feel the trial end as a defeat.

    If I get 2k after hooking two times the 2 scaped survivors then I feel the triald end as a victory.

    The problem is the first case is more frequent most of the times due the genrush or the immersed stealthy tactics of some survivors.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052

    If they don't like the game then there's nothing that can really be done for that. It's not a game for everyone. However, as a killer, I will go for anneasy down if a survivor happens to charge straight for the hook before I have a chance to go patrol gens again. And usually I will go for both the unhooked and the unhooker. Or at least slug the unhooked for a while and try to chase the unhooker so that they have a chance of crawling away and getting rescued (as long as it's not TOO intense of a match.) After I have downed 3 of them, I don't really care of the last survivor gets the hatch, but if I happen to see the last two together, you're damn right I'm gonna slug one and chase the other.

    Trust me, killers want chill matches more than anyone.

    TL;DR, killers like me are opportunistic. Don't give us such a blatant opportunity and we won't go out of our way to 4k.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154
    edited March 2019

    Howdy my friend.

    To understand your situation a little better I would like to know your Survivor Rank, if it's ok with you.

    I play mostly Killer nowadays, I never camp or tunnel, unless I have no other choice or the survivors are unlucky/stupid. There are many killers that don't camp/tunnel like you and me, but it mostly depends on the Rank

    The forums are a bit weird right now so please @ me so I get a notification of your reply for sure

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    Again why genrush sounds like exploit or something? Gen rush only happens if you failed as a killer

  • Dark_Whorse
    Dark_Whorse Member Posts: 45

    No one surviving is the defacto 'win state'. A 3k is acceptable. A 2k means you basically got an F in killing, and as things are right now, if you end up with a 2k it's probably after an incredibly frustrating match.

    The simple thing is that it's far worse to lose as a killer than to lose as a survivor. There's far less return on effort expended and a general feeling of "Well, at least I put in work." if you end up with 1-2k. All you have to look forward next match is possibly ending up with a similar scenario and it takes its toll after a while. That's without factoring in the likelihood of each of those 1-2k matches being filled to the brim with toxic behavior, such as BMing and general abuse at the end of the match. Sure you can just close the chat box and not see it, but that's a pretty poor fix and you can't block emotes in-game.

    Now, I'm not saying that effort should = reward, but right now there's little comeback if you're stuck in a particularly difficult match-up with survivors that seem to know how to loop you for enough gens to get you in the sunk-cost mode. Something I'm sure every killer has experienced at least once, where too much happens as you're after one person that to let them go is to basically accept a complete loss. As a Killer it's all downhill from start to finish and even if you do well you're going to be met with vitriol. I don't know if it's the balance in the game right now being heavily survivor favored, and naturally being the more relaxed of the two playmodes, or if the matchmaking changes have thrown too many disparate ranks together. Either way, my experience with killer since the last rank reset has been miserable, and I'm suddenly finding myself with utter contempt for the survivor side of the game.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @Dark_Whorse I get what you are saying, but I disagree greatly on it being far worse to fail as killer. At least as killer you make minimum 15-20k unless you really got rolled over. As survivor, you can walk out with less than 1k if you had crap luck and meet the killer in the first 20 seconds then get face camped/tunneled to death.

    I do get what you are saying overall though.

  • Dark_Whorse
    Dark_Whorse Member Posts: 45

    Points don't really matter in the end. The experience getting said points does, and the killer experience is far worse than the survivor experience.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I guess it is just a matter of opinion. I find it complete opposite, especially since fun and getting BPs to drow your character base is how you broaden the gameplay experience. Killer is by far the easier path to me. Not alone e the more enjoyable one.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited March 2019

    Yes, getting camped and tunneled is annoying but so is getting looped and gen rushed.

    If Survivors piss me off by looping & gen rushing, I will not hesitate to tunnel or even camp. If you finish 2-3 gens on my first hook, you can expect a very unfun match for everyone.

    And it's just the simple truth that most if not all Survivors will loop whenever they get the chance to. Where is their empathy in that situation? They can loop a Killer for 3 gens and laugh about it with their friends but then complain when you camp them.

    Naturally, Killers will start to lose any sympathy for Survivors once they went through lots of such matches.

    Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind looping and I know that "it's part of the game!" and "just Survivors trying to escape!" but so is camping and tunneling "just Killers trying to get kills!".

    If you choose a playstyle that will annoy the opposite side, you can expect them to use annoying playstyles aswelll.


    Do you loop and/or gen rush? Prepare to get camped, tunneled and/or slugged.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Not sure what you count as gen rush, as there is no option to work on outside of gens, and maybe some totems. Yes, I work on gens. As for looping, yeah I will try to escape, but I tend to try to evade more than loop. No teabagging, no flashlight spam, no taunting, just trying to play. Most killers now days resort directly to camp and tunnel, which is super boring or frustrating depending. I've pretty much stuck to killer since this post. My family got bored with either being camped/tunneled in every match and either holding M1 all game until escaping or sitting on the hook all game. No chases, boring. Just fewer survivors is all.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    This is a discussion in which thoughts and ideas have been shared for several days. No trolls allowed.