Share your fails

I know we're all high MMR here, but once in a blue moon when the stars align and we're having a bad day we end up being unlucky and/or making bad decisions.
Share some of them here. I'll go first.
I was working on a gen and it goes to 70%. Billy decides to check on me and he chainsaws me in the face (I saw him sprinting but I'm like, probably chasing someone around, I need to work on my gen, it's so close to being done).
Then I wised up a bit, but this isn't what we came here for.
Yesterday a teammate was on second hook and being chased by the killer. I wanted to help him by body blocking well we collided in a small space and none of us could pass and i got him killed, oops.
I had some awful bad Huntress and Wesker matches lately, and although I'm not the best with either of them, I have enough playtime and notion playing killer to know I should drop a chase after seeing Bloodlust 2-3 and gens popping and missing every attempt at hitting in a pallet. I couldn't even be mad at the survivors, it was just me being absurdly bad. Seriously I had at least 2 games as Huntress with no more than 1 hook and the one with Wesker was just stupid because I lost about 2 gens going around a stupid car/pallet with a survivor and was so frustrated that I couldn't catch them that I refused to leave. Didn't even get the kill. At least I could laugh a bit, but yeah it is important to recognize when I'm being dogshit
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I got CJ tech'd in my first tournament game on killer. It's amazing what nerves can do to your ability to play. You think to yourself "don't hit space don't hit space don't hit space", but your hand does whatever it wants and hits space anyway. It's why I usually clap back when people around here say comp players look bad. Take your DbD skill and cut it in half. That's probably how you perform in front of hundreds of people until you have a dozen or so games under your belt in that setting.
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Being able to perform in front of people is a skill of its own and you only get that with experience.
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Pretty much. It's not always a linear progression either. I had a rough first tourney, strung together some deep runs and top 4 finishes after that, but fell off hard after the first year. Nerves/anxiety had a lot to do with it. Much respect to the killers who consistently perform at that level.
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I can lose survivor in plainsight in open field. I don't know what's wrong with me, but sometimes it cost me dearly.
In other games I'm like blind mole too. Unless teammate take my head and point me on something with finger, I could lose elephant in the living room.
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I honestly don't feel like this was necessarily my fault, but I was on the upstairs gen in Father Campbell's Chapel while a survivor was on the ground level getting chased. I put myself on the side of the gen closest to the nearby open window, as I assumed if the survivor ran upstairs they would keep their forward trajectory off the staircase and out the open window on that side.
So when they did come upstairs, I turned and jumped the window behind me (medium vault due to angle) and turns out the chased survivor did a u-turn and wanted that one too. They got stuck behind me and immediately DC'd. I felt bad but also, they had to have heard me on the gen upstairs so why not take the pathway that doesn't result in the two of us caught up in the same small space? It was the only time I've ever made a team mate DC so it's kind of stuck with me as i felt bad.
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One time I got greedy for deliverance vs a nurse who was sweating really hard and I cost my team the whole game because of it as we all ended up slugged
Needless to say I learned my lesson, I basically never greed for deliverance unless I know for certain I can get an unhook off + I bring new BT on top of that
I've also lost a lot of Killer games because I get too complacent with my early game performance, I'll get three quick easy downs in a row and ease off then all the gens get done and I realise that I should've kept the pressure up.
Either that or I choke really hard in one specific chase. I've gotten better at breaking off chases that aren't going so well but in the past I've had winning positions turn into losses simply because I chased someone decent and they took me on a tour of all of the good parts of the map; costing me the game.
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I tried to tunnel a Team Misery member and got ######### on for almost a minute straight.
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In a match where I got 2k, the other 2 made it to the gates. Probably because it had been such a good match from both sides, the Claudette waved for me to do a chainsaw hit to push them out. I was Hillbilly. I lined it up. I missed a non-moving target. We just looked at each other in disbelief before she left. Her respect for me was both earnt, then lost, in a single moment.
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Soloq survivors rolled over me completely in the field. I was cornblind and got maybe two hooks. It was painful.
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Fails? I never make fails. Whenever the something go wrong it's either an issue with the game! Or the survivors are a P100 bully squad swf comms! Nothing is ever my fault, after all I have the highest MMR of anyone ever, I don't just have high MMR, I have the highest MMR.
(joking obviously, but tone can be hard to tell through text so yeah, joke)
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hahahaha this actually made me laugh out loud
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making bad decisions.
I don't do this.
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We don't talk about Badham.😁
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Same here. Corn is my enemy. But it doesn't work the other way around. I head in thinking a nurse will not be able to hit me in the cornfield. Whatever direction I choose to go... bam...!
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I can hear Leatherface's terror radius getting closer and see the red light on the stairs, so I run off into the tunnels under Badham. And then run face-first into Mikaela running the other way. It ended much like you think it did.
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More of a goofy one than a proper fail, but until a fews months ago I didn't know what the Padded Jaws addon did to Trapper's traps.
So when in a game I got trapped, and him hitting me didn't down me but simply left me injured, I thought there was a glitch and just stayed put to let him down me. He was as confused by my reaction as I was at being still standing !