DC solution

If a player DC's CONSISTENTLY, maybe they should be placed in their very own DC lobbies for a set amount of time. The game can issue a warning that they on the verge of going into the quitters lobbies and most likely they will stop.
Now, I did say consistently. I know sometimes the game boots u out all of the sudden or your internet just flat out fails. So perhaps after a certain amount in a day, week or whatever.
Any suggestions to add to this or modify my thoughts are welcome to interject. Thank you for your time.
Or you can just make a normal punishment for each dc, as in all competitive games. 30 minutes + 30 minutes for each next one.
Especially now, when they want to add bots instead of real players who left the match, literally giving them carte blanche to leave any game for any reason with current penalty
Do you want to ruin the match for 4 other players? Please sit in the lobby for half an hour and think about whether you want to do this next time.
PS. YOUR bad connection also is YOUR problem, if you are going to play ONLINE game, if someone gonna hit me with "but my internet......"
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Worse. I think there should be an escalation of penalties for habitual offenders, leading to heavy bans. The system should be forgiving for the first couple (to account for connectivity issues), but spike if that player has numerous disconnections in a short time frame.
By heavy penalties I mean 24h/72h/Month/Perm (for people who do it multiple times every play session).
Don't want the devs wasting their time curating another server just for people who can't be bothered to play the game as it comes like civilized people.
There's just no excuse for repeatedly disconnecting. If your internet is being wonky, getting booted a couple time in a short time should tell you to step away until it gets better. People aren't entitled to ruin others' games by trying to force the issue when their internet is crapping the bed.
And if someone's internet is just always awful/unstable, online multiplayer games like this might not be for them. Not what they want to hear (I've been there, I get it), but the truth.
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That sounds good. Also I forgot about bots but hopefully they can be successful when or if they add them. Generally many things get messed up each patch. Let's hope bots don't make the game more buggy than usual.
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That sounds reasonable
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Realistically the first thing that needs to happen is self unhooking has to go. Until that happens dc's don't mean anything. Killers DCing doesn't really bother me because everyone is just out but of course they should still eat the penalty. Survivors just get to leave the game pretty much.
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DBD isn't competitive move.
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Yeah, you're definitely not competing against the other side. Dbd is a farm simulator. You're right.
DBD isn't tournament game? Yeah, that's true. Anyway, you can call it whatever you want, it doesn't change the essence.
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It looks like the DC Bots are coming.
Solves not all problems of course but will be a lot better than just a dc.