What personal experiences have you had with certain characters?

Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,035

These are just my personal impressions/experiences, but the following characters always stand out to me because of certain characteristics:

Davids and Steves - Don't get me wrong, I like these characters, but more often than not they are the weakest link in the team

Feng Min - It breaks my heart, but half of these players are very toxic

Fancy Nancy - see Feng Min

Neas - they are mostly very altruistic

Aces - are often the best jukers on the team

Claudys - they love totems

Kates - low toxicity and mostly productive

Adams - lately I only meet toxic Adams :(

Yui - are mostly very lovable and least toxic players

Bills and Jeffs - either absolute beginner or highly competent

Ada, Rebecca and Leons - often very inexperienced players

As I said, these are just my personal impressions, so please don't feel offended if I made negative statements about your main <3 What about you?


  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    Jill players never let me get the STARS mori >:(

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,035

    When my Nemmy meets the next Jill, he'll mori her for you.

  • bazarama
    bazarama Member Posts: 295

    Steve players that I've played always the most toxic. Nancy a close second.

    Most Claudette's are fine but hate the Blendette survivors with dark clothing and bringing map offering for darker maps to hide the full game.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,127

    What about Zarinas?

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941
    edited May 2023
    • Every Leon player i've seen or play with are really the stereotype of the Himbo. They always die so fast. Except one who was body blocking me against Nurse one time.
    • I love Neas. Although they have the stereotype of being toxic, many do gens and will try to help you.
    • Rebecca's and Jill's always try to help and go for the impossible unhook although they could just save themselves and escape.
    • Mikaela waste too much time trying to find the books, they're one step above Meg.
    • Megs disappoint me, they are too selfish and scared of the killer.
    • Kates usually bring the most awful maps to play survivor on (Dead Dawg Saloon, Midwhich School come to mind). I dunno why they do it, they are a masochist (or really just like the map).
    • I find Jakes are closer to toxic, dead weight for the team. if they've been playing for a while. They just hate gens.
    • Fengs seem too varied to me since so many people play them. I cannot pinpoint a stereotype.
    • I don't see enough Yun Jins to have an opinion.
    • Dave's I am not fond of, either they are complete beginner or somewhat assholish (to me at least).
    • Bills are also extremely scared, like Megs.
    • Dwights used to be newbies, but now I see toxic Dwights more often (not to me usually but they wanna be chased by killer a lot, they make noice etc).
    Post edited by JustAnotherNewbie on
  • pokerdeck1
    pokerdeck1 Member Posts: 18

    p3 felix will pre drop every pallet, lisa garland doesn't take the game seriously, cheryl is a toxic troll same to nancy

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    In my experience, pretty much all Fengs and Claudettes are either babies or extremely toxic.

    Pretty much no in-between

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    What about Claire?

    For me it just varies too much, most Zarinas I see are great, they're just in the match to get stuff done and make sure we all escape.

    Bill's are always so helpful and kind, they always go to save me and help out, I love Bill's!

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,035

    In my experience, Zarinas behave similarly to Janes. I don't meet them often, but they rarely strike me as negative. They usually do a good job and aren't toxic.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,035

    No, don't reduce my poor Kate to her boobs. But thanks for the giggle anyway 😅

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,035

    Honestly, I would put Claire in the same category as Ada, Rebecca, and Leon.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,072

    Dwight: Toxic or not he will always be the loser in your place of work. They often go down.

    Meg: Definitely uses a lot of speed-related skills, always. Sometimes they are very annoying.

    Leon: Looks like a hero but often goes down very early. If the Chris or Carlos outfits are used prepare for toxicity.

    Claudette: The one who tries to pull the team together. The least toxic.

    David: Where is David?

    Ace: The most toxic.

    Steve: Tries to be the most toxic. Comes only 2nd after Ace but those wearing Scoops Ahoy try the hardest.

    Rebecca / Yoichi / Mikaela / Haddie / Jane: Look and play alright. I just can't be mad at Haddie or Jane.

    Feng: A lot of people use her. Her yells are the best and most satisfying.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247

    Adam's always have deliverance and if you catch them first/don't let them unhook safely there's a small chance they will auto DC on the spot

    I know Deli is an Adam teachable but it's really funny that most Adam's I come across have it equipped

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    megs are either total babies or juicers, no in-between

    neas clauds and zarinas are decent

    aces and nanc(ies?) are very good and experienced players (and generally "toxic")

    idk how i have a stereotype for her since noone plays her but haddies are generally super unproductive and selfish, they will pre drop the whole map

    leons, bills and jeffs are... uhhh... especially if they are low prestige they are the only survivors i will lobby dodge

    yuis and rebeccas are cute, and somewhat good

    fengs are average, i rarely see cracked fengs. not toxic tho

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Meg: Meghead or good and toxic

    Dwight: baby or toxic

    Claudette: baby, self care or good and toxic

    Jake: OK, I guess

    Nea: often toxic. Especially if wearing a mask or sunglasses.

    Laurie: ok

    Ace: Trolls or very good, sometimes toxic

    Feng: OK, but can be pretty toxic (with mask)

    David: either a baby or decent. Often very altruistic and they sometimes overestimate their skill.

    Bill: baby or decent. Quite altruistic.

    Tapp/Quentin: They exist? Joke aside, if you face a Quentin main they are most likely gods.

    Kate: decent, but sometimes toxic

    Adam: baby Adams have Deliverance and they are often quite chill independent of skill.

    Jeff: mostly not toxic if they are Jeff Mains.

    Jane: often babies.

    Zarina: they are sadly rare but decent.

    Ash: overconfident.

    Cheryl: baby or good.

    Yui: good

    Steve/Nancy: depends on the cosmetic. Scoops Steve are toxic af.

    Yun-Jin: often egoistic

    Felix: decent

    Mikaela: noobs or toxic. Meg 2.0

    Leon: baby, but sometimes decent, if they are Chris or Carlos they are usually more skilled

    Jill/Rebecca: decent

    Ada: decent or good.

    Yoichi: I don't see them really

    Haddie: decent or good. Very chill though.

    Vittorio: OK or decent.

    Thalita/Renato: besides people doing quests? Idk yet.

    Did I forget someone?

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    I see enough variety in survivors to not have "clichés" about most of them, but here's a few that have been true the large majority of the time in my experience:

    Bill & (not fancy cosmetic) David : Baby survivor who's crouching and hiding half the game

    Tapp: Not a new player, but just a bad teammate. No game sense or altruism.

    Ash & Ace : Wants to loop. Will either carry the survivor team or take them all down with him. Usually flashlight clicking and t-bagging.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    - Meg's usually either play really selfish/sandbag the whole team or hide the whole match refusing to do anything else

    - Claudettes are very altruistic and tend to be good loopers.

    - Dwights tend to play like newbies and really like hiding in lockers.

    - Bills are either really good at the game or sandbag the entire team. They'll either risk their life to save their team or bring the killer to survivors on gens.

    - Yun-Jin/Ada/Rebecca/Lisa/Ash: Are usually super toxic. They'll go for flashlight saves, body block whenever they can, and will t-bag whenever they get the chance.

    - Haddie/Jane/Zarina/: Try to be toxic, but fail miserably at it. They can be pretty altruistic though.

    - Jonah/Jeff/Yoichi: Never see them.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564


    From my exp:

    the most toxic survivors = Nea, Nancy, Claud, Feng

    the least toxic survivors = Rebecca, Kate, Felix, Vittorio

    the most altruistic survivors = Mikaela, Zarina, Jill

    the least altruistic survivors = Bill, Ace, David

    the worst teammates = Jane, Jake, Meg, Leon (they are usually throwing game)

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324
    edited May 2023

    Megladons : If you see a basic Meg with a mask expect them to be new. Cosmetic Megladons are usually quite good and helpful to the team.

    Nea: Entity, and quite often toxic

    Claudette: Loves that selfcare with spine chill. Usually wastes the whole match in a corner.

    Dwight: Good Boi

    Jeff: I love them no matter what. Usually the least toxic teammates.

    Feng: In my eyes the worst teammates you can have. Usually new players and just play the character for the cosmetics. Unhelpful and waits at the gates instead of helping the team in endgame. Hides often and doesnt do gens.

    Ace: Can be comp Ace or not. Usually Ace players are quite good and are rocking that comp outfit.

    Mikaela: Sigh.. Mix between Claudette and Feng for me. Doesnt really know what to do instead of boons.

    Bill: Again mix of new players and really good ones. You never know which one you get.

    Vittorio: Well lets just say i dont mind watching him walk away from me. *Wink wink*

    Steve: Scoops Ahoy Steve hands down eather hacker or juicer.

    Nancy: Usually toxic. Loves flashlights.

    Kate: Again mixed bag of whateverness. Never know which you get.

  • solato4
    solato4 Member Posts: 2

    Dwights+ Neas: Mostly toxic.

    Jills + Yoichis: Always helps, normally saves others from hooks.

    Leons: They're always the first to die.

    Megs: Either a tryhard or a baby.

    Jakes: Allergic to gens

    Claudettes: Trolls or throws the match.

    Bills: Carries the team, god loopers.

    Others: Too varied to form any stereotypes.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,009

    Nancy and nea's are hellspawn and killer are always wonderful people

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    Surprised Laurie hasn't been mentioned.

    A high hour Laurie in default or P3 clothing is a demon to be feared. Do not engage in a chase under any circumstances. They will squeeze every ounce of time out of every chase.