Im a bit concerned

The way David is getting nothing. And pride month is around the corner. Honestly, disappointed. Instead, here's another 5th feng cosmetic skin of the year. Just business.
DbD is a game and BHVR is not charity organization. Feng is keep getting costumes because they are selling. You are really expecting them to stop making Feng skins and give them to unpopular survivors?
Hey, actually they did this with the last collection. Unpopular survivors got skins and yet, they were still nowhere like ghosts.
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How do you know he is not getting anything? He might get a new skin next patch who knows.
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He isn’t popular anymore i see way more jonahs
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I dont care if they sell or not. To simply ignore your first official lgbt character with not even one incoming skin for pride month is honestly embarassing.
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David can't get all the skins. So does David just get his skins during Pride month now? Is he just the token gay?
No, David's had his time in the spotlight. This years pride month is more charms, maybe next year is another LGBT character or something.
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You care or not, that's the fact i said. They are a company. So if they use their sources, they will expect to win money. That's how companies works.
And David is not alone. All of unpopular survivors have similar treatment.
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But david isnt unpopular. They said it themselves that he is popular. So i dont know what you're talking about comparing david to other unpopular survivors.
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Well he is no longer popular in my games. I am almost never seeing him.
But i hope they add more skins for people who maining him.
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Most likely this was before DH nerf, David now no longer has any meta perks, which will tank his popularity somewhat.
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By male standards, he's still common. Maybe you are going by overall roster. Obviously, you'll see more on the female side than male in general, but i literally still see him several times a day.
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This is completely unfair to say they are ignoring him. "Because he's gay" isn't a good excuse to give him a skin. It should be because he's David King and not completely defined by his sexuality. This attitude of expecting lgbt characters to be treated differently by virtue of their sexuality is selfish and risks turning them into just a token character. If you care about this game then you shouldn't say things like "I don't care if they sell or not." You're wanting a character to be given special treatment regardless if it would benefit the company in any way. What will happen with the next lgbt character? Will this attitude persist? Will they be expected to become the face of DBD and set apart just because they are an lgbt character? Diversity is good when it happens naturally and goes unnoticed, not when a red carpet is rolled out for a character because they're not straight.
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Bait thread.
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Finally, somebody with common sense.
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I don't like the David gay change. but i would hate even more if he got cosmetics just because of his sexuality. let bro be gay without it being his whole sich
also can we stop acting like rainbow capitalism is a completely good thing, sure its nice that being gay is mostly accepted and companies can make money off of it now days but its still predatory
Post edited by IlliterateGenocide on5 -
Damn you spoke facts
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I hate to break this to you but David being gay was literally nothing but virtue signalling. Even if they do bother to acknowledge it again it'll be the bare minimum.
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Being disappointed by what a corporation gave you for Pride is an important part of being gay.
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Yea. Once again. I dont care. Because other characters like feng(who barely has lore and is a stale character) is treated like a token character anyways because they are exploiting her cuteness to get more money. She's literally getting spoon fed with cosmetics while others get crumbs.
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Well yeah it's basic supply and demand I would imagine
Feng skins sell the most ----> Keep making more feng skins ----> People keep buying them ----> Repeat step 2
The only way to get them to stop making feng skins, is for the people who buy them to stop - but they won't and you can't make them lmao
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Responding to a character's popularity with more cosmetics isn't tokenizing the character. Its just good business. Your argument was based entirely around the sexuality of a survivor as being the only reason why they should get more cosmetics. That is tokenism.
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Yeah, but this is the time of year where we all hold hands and celebrate tokenism while corporations pretend to care about LGBT rights (after most battles have already been won and public opinion is on their side) in a shameless cash grab.
Where's your sense of capitalism?
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It is tokenism of her. Because they did it before with feng racially by giving her a lunar year event and a prime reward in the same month when any one of those outfits couldve gone to any other less used characters like jake, yui, etc. Instead they give both to her. I dont have a problem with them using this tactic to boost their sales, but i would like to see consistency by giving these opportunities to other characters besides her on special occasions. And david deserves it because he is popular on the male side of the roster. They even confirmed it themselves when they revealed his sexuality.
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I don't think the Lunar event was done just because Feng is in the game. Other games do Lunar events (World of Warcraft and Overwatch come to mind) and its not because they have any particular character in the game.
Its fine if you think David King should get more cosmetics, but you did argue your point based on his sexuality by mentioning him and pride month as a concerning reason to you why he hasn't received more attention. Sometimes I wonder if David being gay is the only thing about him people care about.
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Yes I did argue that because pride month is around the corner. Of course im gonna use that. And i really dont have to explain more about his character because for one, i wanted to make the post short and sweet to the point. And two, we literally already have a pinned post about david king on this forum that has been pinned for over a year explaining the impact of his character meaning alot to him. And being gay adds on to it. I really dont have to go more into detail when that post in itself explains everything for me about him and how popular he is and impactful to the community
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You didn't reference that post at all. You said the devs are ignoring their first lgbt character to which I said was an unfair thing to say. You could've reiterated your point and mentioned how much the character means to you and in a nice way said you would like to see more cosmetics for him. You didn't do that though. You went straight to pointing fingers at the devs saying they are ignoring him.
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It's difficult to design compelling character backstories when every single character has zero mention of any romantic relationships with anyone.
Example: the whole reason the Nurse ended up working at Crotus Prenn was because of her husband, the bread winner, dying. That's a good detail and adds depth to her character; a personal tragedy forced her into a soul sucking job for decades because she lived in an era where women couldn't (weren't allowed to) financially sustain themselves properly.
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Like i said, i kept it simple and to the point because they are ignoring him right now. Its a fact. Im not gonna sugarcoat it. And they know it too.
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Not to mention how this month is National Military Appreciation Month. Yikes take.