Boil Over needs to change or have more counterplay.

Recently I have seen many survivors using Boil Over in maps in which the main building has two floors, which they abuse so that they cannot be hooked. My most recent experience involves a premade with a swf group consisting of 4 survivors using BO, then two had sabo and No Mither (with the other two having unbreakable instead). I had to leave them in the dying state and make sure they didn't pick themselves at (something I could deal with as knight). These builds would be fine if Boil Over was at least tuned a bit down. The lack of hooks in a second floor of a main building forces you to drop many times, which gives them a huge wiggle boost, like if the perk wasn't already annoying before that change took place. I then tried the build in the same map I played against it, Ormond, with another 3 friends, and no surprises, the killer chose to slug us all on that second floor because there was no viable way of attempting to hang any of us. So there is a clear problem regarding this perk in its current state.
To add more counterplay, I propose that every 2nd floor has at least one hook so that these survivors stop being un-hookable, so you aren't encouraged to slug, a very boring thing to do. Thompson House and Eyrie of Crows do have upstairs hooks already, so why not do it on every second floor?
After reading some other comments though, it seems clear that the best way may be a full rework of the perk so that it becomes more useful instead of being annoying and encouraging a boring playstyle. However, I believe that by removing the feature that fills the wiggle bar when the killer drops while holding a survivor should be more than enough to tune things down enough. Many people state that a nerf will only make the perk less used, and that a rework could make it useful in other ways.
Boul over ONLY works on certain maps, the same way scratched mirror Myers or Sadakos Condemn Only Build function. It doesnt need rework or anything tbh. Its pretty weak as is
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Boil Over did get heavily nerfed to counter that strategy tho. BO feeds off current wiggle progress, so if a killer drops instantly, or almost instantly then it does literally nothing. It's more of a matter of a cordinated sabo squads, than BO.
However, I believe that by removing the feature that fills the wiggle bar when the killer drops while holding a survivor should be more than enough to tune things down enough.
Funnily enough, this would bring it back to it's pre-buff state, where, suprise suprise, it was not used. BO could get a rework, only because it hinders console experience when used.
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Casually maps in which main buldings have a second floor that has no hooks. It is not casual, and survivors use offerings to go to those maps.
Condemn Sadakos are a bad example, they do work most times.
Scratched mirror Myers is also a bad example, it has counterplay. He is slow and has no access to bloodlust, appart from not being able to lunge.
Boil Over on second floors has no counterplay most times unless that floor has a hook, and when used with sabo and no mither it forces a slug, which nobody wants due to the boredom it brings. And you may say that the perk by itself is not the problem, well same thing happens with Call of Brine and it got nerfed, so if that perk was worthy of a nerf, Boil Over is as well.
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Is there not a killer perk that counter boil over?
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you could also just slug them
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Slug them. Don’t play their game and they will get bored of trying it.
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The filling the bar when dropping aspect is the only part that has no counter, and that they try to abuse the most consequently.
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I most certainly love it when survivors waste their time with boil over and sabo play. My chance for 4k (or 3k+hatch) just went up by insane amount.
The perk is only good against console killers. Making the perk any weaker would mean less usage which means it would lower my killrate.
Main reasons for these are:
A, sabo teams barely do gens.
B, slugging means one less person and possibility to snowball
C, immediate drop makes BO wiggle bonus nonexistend
D, catching rhythm of BO makes you able to exceed max movement speed a little, so u make it to hooks u shouldn't be able to.
E, u can use elevation against those players if they would wiggle out in time (drop them so they fall and get staggered - you can catch them right after almost immediatelly).
Overall once you know about these counters, it's very easy to turn it against survivors (same as CJ or locker-grab saves)
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It seems you don’t understand. Sadako and Scratched mirror are as map dependent as boil Over. Period. And as long as you have map offerings ALL can be of use. Otherwise they are as weak as Boil Over on even ground.
So again, there’s no need for counterplay there, since it only works on niche maps and situations. Unless you wanna get rid of map offerings completely, boil over is fine as is
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Game is not exactly meant to slug every survivors, objective is hooks, not bleed out.
So yeah, "just stop doing objective" is not really a great advice.
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okay you do you