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Shedding some light on why generators are flying

Orochi Member Posts: 183

This may have already been discussed in some ways here, but I just wanted to share my thoughts on this topic. I have seen people pointing out the healing nerfs may have something to do with it, but I am going to elaborate on that further.

I think the biggest reason gens are going so much faster now is the CoH nerf. In SoloQ, you would typically see at least one person running this, if not sometimes 2 or 3. And more often than not, these players are prioritizing searching for a totem and booning it ASAP. That's at least one person using what could be a full generator's completion time to boon. Not to mention having to keep re-booning once snuffed, which some players would do predictably and waste a lot of time or get themselves hooked trying.

Another part of this is that less teamwork was required to heal. In most ways removing this attribute to promote team play was a good thing; no more interference with hit and run and worrying about having to constantly snuff boons way out of your radius to stop gens. But as far as generators getting completed is concerned, you now have 1.) People being forced to find teammates to heal, but now they are teaming on gens more, making Prove Thyself even better, and 2.) Not having players go completely out of their way to run to the boon and self-heal. Considering getting healed by a fellow Survivor was comparable to the boon self-heal (I forget the numbers) I think people are actually saving time without CoH and can spend more time on gens. As Survivor, I was never a fan of CoH for this very reason, sometimes it was placed well and saved time, but also could waste a lot of time on gens too. Also, not having to run CoH frees up a perk slot for whatever they want, like Resilience or Prove.

The next part is the Medkit nerfs. No CoH does promote more Medkit use, but people can obviously opt to run their best toolboxes as well. And...THEY ARE. I will admit, as Survivor lately and understanding the meta and what people are going after as far as wanting nerfs, I've been bringing BNPs as much as I can. I've typically gone after them if I see them on my Bloodweb, and I KNOW they are going to be nerfed in the near future. Wanting the most of my Bloodpoint use, I am bringing them more lately, especially with Medkits being less effective (they are still good however). I don't know if others have the same idea, but even in SoloQ it appears to be so.

Now, we take a look at how this affects SWFs. The aforementioned need to team up for healing, less time wasted needing to boon, and more toolboxes? These healing nerfs have actually made them so much more proficient at wanting to pump out gens. Now they are 99'ing heals for Resilience (a perk you have no idea in SoloQ if your teammate is running or not) splitting up who brings Prove Thyself to team gens, and possibly a full set of BNPs or at the least strong toolboxes and maybe one flashlight. They can coordinate so much better to just pump out gens.

I know a lot of this is probably obvious, but I just wanted to sum up my thoughts on the matter since it's such a hot topic ATM. It was a mistake to simply nerf healing and not take a look at generator speeds in the process. It was easy to overlook since nerfing things seems like a good way to help (and in a lot of ways it still does), but the culmination forced Survivors to adjust and simply doing gens faster against all the tunneling and camping with no boons has resulted in the gens now flying. Thanks for reading.


  • Doomzilla
    Doomzilla Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 133

    Hmm, well done

  • Orochi
    Orochi Member Posts: 183

    Maps are getting looked at, thank goodness. I don't think they need huge overhauls but just tweaks here and there to make it less easy to just pre-drop and run to the next loop.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    The main issue was always Eruption. Of course you had PR, Brine, overcharge but the main issue always was Eruption.

    Eruption could make a killer that lost 4 gens in 5 min stall the game for half an hour.

    Eruption was seen in every killer, M1, ranged, S tier, C tier, everybody used this perk.

    Eruption was so easy to use and gave so much benefit that people got accostumed to 3 gening every game.

    I had friends that literally could not play any killer without spamming eruption over and over, they literally did not chase, not pressure, not hit, nothing outside of defending 3 gen.

    And even after i told them several times that eruption was severely broken and was obviously going to be nerfed, they still played every game until the day it was nerfed. Then, all of them started seeing the 'gen rush' meta and quit playing dbd.

    I do not blame them though, because there was no reason to not use the most op perk available, but i blame the devs not only because it took 9 months for them to realize how oppressive this perk was but also for not considering the impact eruption had in the killer playerbase.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    The only change I've noticed was fewer killers bringing gen-kicking perks.

  • Orochi
    Orochi Member Posts: 183

    Well yeah, in conjuction with that of course it's even worse. Just wanted to point out that it isn't just the regression nerfs. And I pointed out how it was a mistake to not do something about gen speeds and only touch healing. I don't think they foresaw how Survivors would adjust and just focus gens even harder than they already were.

  • Shodan79
    Shodan79 Member Posts: 11

    There is no increase, it just means the OP is bad as killer.

  • Orochi
    Orochi Member Posts: 183

    I'm actually saying this completely based on my observations as Survivor, but okay 🥲 haven't played Killer much since the inclusion of MMR/SBMM.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I haven't seen much of an increase in actual gen speeds.

    I've seen way less CoB, Overcharge and Eruption games, so that's good.

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 308

    The game didn't change, you're simply being matched against much sweatier players.

    The player count is half of what it was in June 2022. Who do you think is more likely to leave, a casual gamer looking for a fun match, or the hardcore player with 5000 hours and treating every match as a competition? There you have the answer: only the sweaty players remain now, the MMR algorithm matches you against them now, and you feel like getting genrushed because those are more efficient.

    This actually explains why the game feels miserable for BOTH survivors AND killers.

    This also explains why, counter-intuitively, nerfing solo queue is also a nerf to the killer experience.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,197

    I find it incredulous that a nerf to a healing perk is to blame for genrushing.

    This wasn't an issue before Circle of Healing was added to the game and completely changed the healing meta and hit-and-run landscape, so why is it an issue now?

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,188

    Yup. Eruption was absolutely ridiculous, and it let killers get away with some awful habits for a long time. It also likely carried many players way beyond their real MMR. You could get away with failing upwards in 60+ second chases with Eruption because you got your time back. Those same chases lose you the game without it.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,813

    Probably because it’s a better gamble for survivors to ignore healing to focus on gen repair. Healing up was a side objective for survivors. Killers who aren’t able to pressure their games well suffer most, but all killers are affected.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    It's funny cause I haven't used any Gen regression perks and still have matches in which the Survivors don't get all of the Gens done

    And then again there are matches in which I can't get anything done

    So IMO players don't want to lose matches so they'll play for the "win" and nothing more

  • Orochi
    Orochi Member Posts: 183

    It's not the only reason, just wanted to explain my thoughts on how it is adding to gen rush. The nerfs didn't suddenly cause it, it was already somewhat of a problem in some games.

    Insinuating that gen rushing isn't at least something that CAN be a problem is strange.