Have the developers ever actually stated how they want killers to play the game?



  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,393
    edited May 2023


    I can't speak for behavior so i'll just get my tinfoil on for this. The easy answer for them is "Play how you want." It's deeper then that though because there is a noticeable performance gap that is increasing as the game evolves. One could argue it's shoehorning players into how to play if they want to be optimal and continue to have a positive experience. While I wouldn't say they are outright pushing people away from lower-power M1 killers, there is a power creep elephant in the room. Again, tinfoil hat on for this so take it with a grain of salt, but new killers are being made to be so much better than their older counterparts who were designed to be good at 1-2 things. As the game evolves their kits have been getting bigger with multiple powers that would have had separate killers for each back in the early early days of the game. Here's an excerpt I found from the new killer' Singularity Power.

    Quantum Instantiation

    "A dark Crystalline structure in an ancient ruin gifted - or perhaps cursed - Hux with sentience. He build a new body, and with it, a terrifying way to bend the rules of physics to his benefit.

    The Singularity can shoot and spawn Biopods around the map; these Biopods can attach to any verticle surface they land on. The Singularity can control a Biopod remotely and look through it, and tag Survivors, afflicting them with a Temporal Slipstream. When slipstreamed, The Singularity can teleport next to the Slipstreamed Survivor either by using the Biopods to tag them, or by shooting them. When a Slipstreamed Survivor is in proximity to another Survivor, the Slipstream can spread.


    After a successful Slipstream teleport, the Singularity enters Overlock Mode. In this state, walls and pallets can be destroyed faster, vaulting speed is faster and he cannot be stunned by pallets. Attempts to stun by pallet merely remove Overclock Mode and momentarily slow the Singularity.


    At the beginning of each Trial, several supply cases spawn, each containing an EMP. Survivors can use these EMPs to remove the Slipstream from themselves or others, or to briefly disable a Biopod. Once used, the EMP is destroyed"

    I look at this and say...why would I even want to play any other killer when this one seems to do 3 different M1 killer things but better. It makes me want to go to the shiny new powerful model, which is what it's obviously designed to do, but why do all this and make these older killers that have been neglected look antiquated, outdated, and left in the dust?

  • Frogsplosion
    Frogsplosion Member Posts: 273

    same, personally I find I enjoy games that last longer more. I think the 15 minute mark is the correct thing to aim for, any more than that and it gets tedious, but in order to do that I also think survivors need another victory critical objective besides slamming gens.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    The question you need to answer is : would you rather the killer Camp a 3 gen or camp a hook?

    Punishing the "3 gen style of play" and nerfing all gen regression into the ground tells me I shouldn't bother with gens. Instead I should just punish unhooks. Hit the unhooker and down the unhooked player to tunnel them out.

    If that's the direction you want to go then proceed.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,647

    Sure thing. By mobile, I mean allowing the entire trial to be considered your territory, not just the immediate vicinity around a generator or a hook. Insidious exists because it's extremely outdated, but your other examples are better exceptions; it's not always a hard and fast rule, it's a mentality. As a killer, you are not an immobile fixture guarding a specific spot, you're a hunter with the majority of the map as your territory.

    That's not to say literal mobility is necessary, but you should be roaming. Even Trapper and Hag want to leave their setup so they can push survivors into it. Any time you're stuck by a hook or a generator waiting for survivors to come to you, instead of going to harass the survivors yourself, that's what I mean by mobile vs immobile.

    As for what I mean by being decisive, I mean acting with a plan and not waffling in a particular spot racked with indecision. If you got a hook, move, try to capitalise on that pressure by occupying another survivor before the save can happen; don't stick around that hook unless you've got serious reason to think other survivors are already there.

    Killers pressure survivors by forcing them to act. Injuries do count, though they're a softer kind of pressure; healing doesn't take that long if survivors group up, but it is still time that they aren't on generators. Lengthening the game in general isn't the problem, but 40 minute games are. I don't have to explain that one, I hope.

    You sincerely do not need to camp to generate pressure. Anything that pulls survivors away from their generators is pressure.

    I hope that helps clarify!

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,467

    This would actually be fine if the bloodpoint gains were increased, and we deemed a single kill as a "win" for the killer.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,647

    Alright, we're definitely on firmer ground here, I appreciate the clarification.

    So, I do think the survivors involved do bear some responsibility, but it's not equal. A survivor committing to the generator or just running at the killer is guaranteeing a loss, more or less, whereas a killer who takes the chase has more of a chance of winning since they still have the gates to defend after the last generator. However, you're right; ideally the solution would require neither side to bear a serious risk of losing on purpose. I don't know what that looks like, but it is the ideal outcome.

    I try not to use phrasing like "more fun" when I can help it, because that's subjective. What I will say is that 40 minute 3-gen games are unhealthy, and have very minimal gameplay in them. I don't think any individual player is inherently a malicious scumbag for that situation happening, but I do think the situation itself is a bad outcome for the game, and that it's bad that it's a possibility.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396

    Isnt it so surprising how the devs want the majority of their playerbase to actually enjoy the game? Wild, I know.

  • Z0mbiv0r
    Z0mbiv0r Member Posts: 306
    edited May 2023

    EDITED because something obviously went wrong, I was quoting (and I'm certain it was in fact quoted) other user and somehow now it shows a quote from Mandy which obviously wasn't the one who should be quoted.

    I'm sorry, I find 3-genning as horrible as the next guy, but how is that an ego problem on the killer? I would say it's the same problem with survivors. Why is it the killer who should just drop the game and conciously allow survivors to win (to get tbagged at) and not the survivors who should drop the game and let the killer hook them?

    To be fair, I'm not defending that any of those is a good option, but as a player who enjoys killer more than survivor and have faced the situation in both cases, I don't really think it's just an ego problem for one side alone.

    Post edited by Z0mbiv0r on
  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,647

    Not the entire map, that isn't always feasible. The only important distinction is that you should always be moving and actively hunting a new target. My point is that you don't pick a small area and claim that as yours while never leaving it; you don't want to cross the entire map as Trapper or Hag but you do want to venture out to push survivors into your web of traps. Otherwise you're just... sitting there. Waiting. Maybe those two killers need improvements to help there (spoilers, they do) but that obviously doesn't translate to stationary gameplay being a good outcome.

    Indecision might have been the wrong word. But to risk picking you up on the same mistake- you say patrol. That implies the killer doesn't know where other survivors are and isn't actively going after them, it implies they're keeping a loop around something important and waiting for survivors to come to them, or for them to naturally come across survivors. That's again what I mean by being mobile, you should be actively hunting for more survivors to keep the pressure up. If you aren't, you just give them time to undo what you've managed to do so far.

    We can disagree about injuries, but that wouldn't change anything. Having survivors either occupied by healing or vulnerable to one-hit downs is a benefit to you as a killer, even if the former is short lived. Considering what I've been saying about pressuring as many survivors as you can at any one time, injuries matter. Moreso now that medkits were nerfed.

    I've addressed the idea of survivors being partially responsible for the 3-gen games above. I don't blame any specific player for those scenarios, I blame the fact that the game allows it to happen. It's a bad and unhealthy outcome. Neither side is responsible for ensuring the other has a chance at their objective; the game is.

    That feeds into your comment about the killer being an NPC- conversations about balance aren't about scolding killer players into acting like NPCs, it's about changing the game itself so that it naturally results in the most fun (or since I tend to avoid that term where I can, the most active gameplay) for everyone. Sometimes, yes, that involves taking away tools players would actively use for an advantage, on either side.

    The thing about your comments regarding this chase oriented style of play is that... I'm pretty sure this game stopped being a hide-and-seek simulator really quickly. It's just not what this game is, and hasn't been for significantly longer than it ever was.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,257

    I feel that all that needs to be done with 3-gens is to create a minimum distance that gens can be apart from one another. The system is already in place with hooks and making sure gens are a little more evenly spread out would do just fine.

    The other thing is to change The Skull Merchant's power into sonething far less obnoxious and unhealthy.

    Do that, and it would be better balanced. Whilst I agree some spawns currently are bad, at the same time survivors need to survey a little more and not rush gens without knowing where they all are in relation to each other.

    Deja Vu feels like a a permanent percentage boost and I originally believed Deja Vu currently does highlight the three closest.

    The devs aren't focusing on the right area here. I understand this might be a place-holder (I hope!), but this shouldn't need a convoluted solution - just somw figure adjustment to the spawning of gens.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    The majority isn’t always right. In fact, group think is ignorant a lot of the time.

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 606

    Surely they will tell us in late June-early July's Dev update that will lead ot the mid-chapter. If not, then later down the line.

  • NerfedFreddy
    NerfedFreddy Member Posts: 394

    If survivors can't have "infinite" loops, then killers shouldn't have infinite gen hold as well. Both create uncounterable iterative exhausting for opposite side gameplay loop. Both are the same and should be treated equally

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I was more referring to the Killers who find a 3-gen and hold it from the beginning of the match, refusing to leave it.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    It is a tactic to win the game. The killer’s intention isn’t to make sure the survivors have a bad time. They are playing to win.

  • jokere98
    jokere98 Member Posts: 587

    better idea.

    a bar on each completed Gen, that fills up if the Killer isn't within 16 metres of it. If it fills up completely, the gen can be repaired again (but the total count of repaired gens doesn't go down). If the killer goes within 16 metres of it, the bar resets to 0

  • ElodieSimp
    ElodieSimp Member Posts: 385

    So you glanced over all the killer buffs, noticed Deja Vu in helping assist a 3 gen where everyone is locked into a server for eternity, and that is what you're upset about. I don't get it.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396

    The devs said this years ago when killer was in a way weaker spot and the meta wasn’t to camp / tunnel the first survivor out within 3 minutes. Times have changed.

  • Slaphappyhobbit
    Slaphappyhobbit Member Posts: 47

    Ok....that's exactly my point though? The devs say things, and those things change. This person is claiming that because the devs said it, IT IS HAPPENING. Good lord, reading isn't that difficult.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,196

    In one of the pre-release streams that you can still watch on YouTube the devs said they planned to add SWF after release. They were running out of time so had to choose between KYF and SWF for one to be ready at release and they other for after release, they went with KYF for at release because they figured being able to kill your friends would be a selling point. In another stream before release that you can still watch on YouTube they have Cote playing killer and say that playing survivor with friends and coordinating will increase your chances at escaping the killer so you'll want to play with friends.

    The game has evolved over 7 years and these playstyles due to changes have become more efficient than they once were. They say as survivor you can play as team or play selfish, both are legitimate ways to play but the game rewards you for teamwork while selfish is more risky. They've made nerfs to selfish survivor play to make it not as efficient, most recently nerfing self healing. As killer you can still tunnel and camp but it's going to be more risk than reward, just like playing selfish survivor.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396

    Bro wasn’t playing in 2019 that’a for sure lol. Killers were absolute champs back in the day

  • buffcoyote
    buffcoyote Member Posts: 120

    No, they’re not. *They are “entitled” to follow whatever the devs/game decides is fair to play.* I just had a Ghostface ragequit because he failed to properly camp on me on the hook at endgame, and we all got out. He got mad because he was not good at chase, got a down and decided to take the stress of failure out on me by hitting me on the hook. They got the save and got me out, but before it could go through… he d/c’d. This is why camping is being nerfed. As killer, you don’t get to throw a tantrum when you get outplayed by indulging in cheesy unfun tactics. You *will* take your loss.

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 612

    Literally just play the game how you want. No one truly cares if you camp, tunnel, slug, don't 12 hook, 3 gen (with the intent of holding the game hostage), or you hit the survivor on the hook (which who actually is saying killers should get stunned or teleport for hitting on the hook lmao). Most people just shrug it off or get frustrated for the match, vent, and forget about it cause it's not that deep.