VS Nurse 7 out of 8 games

Iv just been playing on dbd today. Im rank 1 SOLO. Iv played 8 games so far and in 7 off them iv encountered NURSES. Why is it so many that pick her, i know shes OP. But is that the only killer in the game that can kill all 4 surviver's without letting anyone escape at this rank? I'll probebly get hate and i know it's not the players fault.. But i feel like you shouldn't be matchmaking with a nurse every round.



  • thebl4ckshadow
    thebl4ckshadow Member Posts: 21

    It's not going to stop with meeting nurses tonight but i just want some feedback on what people think (:

  • Maelstrom1313
    Maelstrom1313 Member Posts: 230

    I had similar experience last night with 9 outta 10 matches been hillbilly just at high ranks alot of players don't like branching out to other killers they will stick with one killer an normally run with ruin, NOED, sloppy thanatobia or bbq... Of that's how it normally is on ps4 anyway

  • Samwise
    Samwise Member Posts: 36

    Nurse is the only killer that can counter / ignore every single defense survivors have, you can't pallet loop her you can't window loop her and even though Billy is the 2nd top tier killer in game he can still be looped to high heaven. The reason you see Nurse so much is because the devs absolutely refuse to make other killers viable. The only time I can even consider playing other killers is after not playing for a couple months and my rank gets back to 15 or so but at rank 10 and up it's nurse all day every day, wish it was not that way but till devs start making stronger killers or fixing weak ones enjoy Nurse / Billy I guess.

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839
    edited March 2019

    Nurse and Billy are the only ones who can handle SWF genrush without needing their best add-ons. Everyone else struggles in such matches. For the lowest tier killers like Trapper and Freddy the game becomes a living hell.

  • Maelstrom1313
    Maelstrom1313 Member Posts: 230

    I can handle groups of swf with with all the killers I have at red ranks so I can disagree with that comment, its just about how you play with the killers an their strategy etc

  • thebl4ckshadow
    thebl4ckshadow Member Posts: 21

    Thanks alot for feedback, I can understand you all. Does anyone know if the devs are looking into the general problem about this?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Regrettably, no. Some killers are simply designed to not be viable.

  • thebl4ckshadow
    thebl4ckshadow Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2019

    So im in a game right now, another nurse. GG, she's got hex totem and 4 blinks to. *EDIT killer won, we got down to 2 gens. Someone even disconnected, how is this fun? This was the first game after i posted this topic.

  • thebl4ckshadow
    thebl4ckshadow Member Posts: 21

    Most OP build in the game

  • Maelstrom1313
    Maelstrom1313 Member Posts: 230

    I'd swop ruin for bitter murmur or thanatobia but the build ain't too bad

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    The issue with Nurse being so prevalent in the higher ranks would solve itself if other killers were more viable to play. But alas, even the developers state that you should play Nurse and Billy if you wanna play to win.

    You could change your build to be more effective against Nurse. Quick and Quiet, Iron Will, Lightweight.. She is only a danger if she can SEE you. So vanish!

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Nurse is the only killer thats viable.

    Stop crying about every new killer being OP and we might be able to get more variety at rank1, just some advice

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    If you want more variety, join the movement to buff weak killers, then you can have something other than Nurse and Billy every game

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    U had bad swf groups then, simple is that. Swf death squads are going to dominate you, and it doesn't matter how skilled you are because the survivors rule the match.

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    Its weekend so all the toxic CWF's are out there and some killers are not having none of survivors s*it.

    Personally I avoid playing killer during weekends and stick to survivor as I cba fight toxicity with toxicity.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I play legion at rank one and usually do good, I am sorry about your experience with nurses, Billy and nurse are rare for me on PS4. Like others have said she is one of the main viable killers at rank one. Although I don’t think her and billy are the only viable ones.

  • thebl4ckshadow
    thebl4ckshadow Member Posts: 21

    @TreemanXD DS is kinda crap when you face a nurse to be honest. Yeah i got away, but he had 4 blinks so it wasnt a problem downing again. We did 3 gens becuase off DS i assume.

  • Maelstrom1313
    Maelstrom1313 Member Posts: 230
    edited March 2019

    No they weren't bad they were good so guess it does matter how I play as the killer cause most swf groups I dominate there's only odd few where 1 maybe 2 will escape, it's rare when I come across a group where all or just 3 escape...

    I've been gen rushed loads to where its down to1 gen left or exist gates need be opened from death squads an still fu*ked them up without using NOED or ######### like that, death squads ain't all that once you play them enough as you get used to their plays so can start predicting what to do next...

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    You want more diversity? Pray for killer buffs

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I agree, we need more viable killers there's only 4 right now (Nurse, Billy, Spirit and Hag) and debatably Huntress and Myers (I won't say Wraith cause he's a bit confusing as to whether he's ok or not). I want more variety myself, I want to face an actually terrifying Freddy or a scary Clown. Not jokes.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    Sure lad, everyone buys your story. Wanna give us a livestream how you stomp those sweaty death squads with a low tier killer?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Same here. Regrettably, the main audience for this asymmetrical horror game seems to be people who don't like asymmetrical horror games, which is why we're stuck with what we have now.

  • Maelstrom1313
    Maelstrom1313 Member Posts: 230

    I've done videos an live streams just cause you can't handle good swf don't mean everyone can't an just cause you say their low their don't make that true I've seen many 'low' their killers in red ranks with no perks an domonate so would you like to try any more excuses? Also if survivors rule the match your playing killer wrong 😉

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    Alright link me one single match where you stomped sweaty swf death squad with a low tier killer. Go ahead, any match you want and we will analyse it ;)

  • Maelstrom1313
    Maelstrom1313 Member Posts: 230

    Like am gonna tell you my name so you can 'analyse' how I play an so you can troll my channel I don't let that sh*t on my channel, just cause am a better killer then you an I don't let survivors rule the match but if you somehow manage to find it by pure luck knock yourself out have fun 😉

  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246
    edited March 2019

    The best way to get better at playing against a certain killer is to play that killer. Back in the day playing against a nurse could feel like GG after a couple minutes. If not you being hunted down, watching your team fall like flies while the gen you are working on is only 75% done.

    Having played a good amount of nurse I know what makes things tough for me, so I implement such tactics against nurses I go against.

    Note: There are some killer nurses out there, but generally if you play a killer you will play against that killer much more efficiently in my experience.

    Good Luck In Future Games

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    edited March 2019

    And here it comes, excuses cuz u can't proof your point.

    U r probably a survivor main trying to act like a good killer. Go home.

  • Maelstrom1313
    Maelstrom1313 Member Posts: 230

    my proof is on YouTube but I ain't giving out my name for my channel so you can troll it an get others too which I can tell you would from how your going on in here... An not giving you a link to my channel ain't an excuse... But like I said if you find it by pure luck knock yourself out you can say what you want on it

  • Maelstrom1313
    Maelstrom1313 Member Posts: 230
    edited March 2019

    Am a killer main an always have been I only play survivor every now an then but nice try... But if you wanna think am a survivor main if that makes you feel better oki you believe that now instead of wasting time how about you actually say something useful towards this threads actual post or make a new one an we can carry this nonsense elsewhere

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    edited March 2019

    Listen bud, no proof no word, simple is that. U can talk as much as you want, as long as you don't provide any gameplay you are talking trash. Period.

    Post edited by HavelmomDaS1 on
  • Maelstrom1313
    Maelstrom1313 Member Posts: 230
    edited March 2019

    I have my proof but just cause someone thinks their entitled to it don't mean I have to show it my proof is on YouTube if you can't find it that's your problem not mine so instead of repeating your self trying to make yourself look smart when it ain't how about actually contributing to this thread or make a new one your choice

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,151

    I normally just use her to complete daily or when I'm bored on console. She practically just skeet though anything you throw at her

  • Maelstrom1313
    Maelstrom1313 Member Posts: 230

    That's how I first started using her through daily rituals then once I thought I had enough practice with her from my rituals I started using her a little bit more

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Sounds like someone talking out of their ass.

    Anyway yeah if more killers were as viable as nurse you'd see some variety but right now no one is. Spirit is higher skill for equal or slightly less payoff and Billy is strong but certainly not on Nurses level. Hag too. Everyone else is mediocre at best.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    Go against marth88s Depip squad and lose with your OP trapper in 5-8 mins

  • Maelstrom1313
    Maelstrom1313 Member Posts: 230
    edited March 2019

    I only play trapper every now an then, dunno where you go trapper from as I ain't mentioned I main him but oki an I'd love to play against marth he's awesome an a great player aswell as go against his nurse

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Because every match at red ranks is identical to Marth88's team? lul

  • Milord
    Milord Member Posts: 273

    Are they all different players? You could be matched with the same person again and again if there aren't a lot of players around. I remember this one time I kept meeting the same Wraith player (like 1 every 3 match).

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    Nah but he claimed to easily beat sweaty survivors which mathematically is still not possible with trippy unless they don't play sweaty

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531
    edited March 2019

    Well i got question if killer is not viable with out the best addons like traper for example for what he is? All killers should be viable on all ranks not only from 20-10! If we got another killer what cant fight on rank 1 for what is his her purpes!? No need another dlc with somthing week.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    You can still sometimes easily beat R1s, the problem is when ppl play sweaty as hell then you won't beat those people because killers like trapper just lack map pressure (completely setting aside that survivors in SWF can follow him and disarm traps or inform ppl where he is trapping)

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    No, but u missed the point. He answered to that guy who said he can "beat every sweaty death squad with low tier killers"

    And he said he has proof but not gonna provide it (lame excuse, he doesn't have proof he's probably a survivor main trying to fool people)

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    Reminds me of all the ppl who claimed they'd beat the depip squad....nobody was able to because you cannot beat mathmatics.

  • Maelstrom1313
    Maelstrom1313 Member Posts: 230
    edited March 2019

    I never said I can beat any death squads I said it's rare for a full team to escape or for 3 to escape there's a difference... Also why would I lie its a game I started as a survivor main when I first played then changed to killer an I've said where my proof is but me keep sh*t of my channel don't mean it ain't there