
Fizz Member Posts: 71

So, I honestly didn't wanna make a post like this but after several games of similar situations, I just wanted to share.

I'm playing as Leatherface, I'm playing very very poorly. I allowed a survivor to run me around the map for the whole game, mostly due to my own stubbornness and partly because I should have hit her several times and missed due to my own bad plays.

I end up catching her as the exit doors light up, I decided that since I played poorly and chased this person I was gonna make sure I get the kill. Her survivor buddies decide that's not gonna happen and try everything to save her, I ended up chainsawing one as they took her off the hook, so I got 2 for the price of one. Then as the first person died I had a second on the hook, yes I camped again and yes her survivor friend ran in and I chainsawed her and bam, three kills out of one of the worst games I've ever played.

However, at the end of the game, they tell me I'm ######### and that I need to learn to play and am a camper. Now I'll acknowledge I camped but only because the exit gates where open.

I guess the whole point to this is, why do survivors tell killers who kill them that they are #########? I mean they had ample time to leave and I'd have only had 1 kill but they made the choice to stay and get killed for it. Does their bad judgment make me the bad guy here?


  • Shadoureon
    Shadoureon Member Posts: 493

    I had the exact same thing not to lon ago with Leatherface aswell. I tunneled one guy the entire match and when the gates were powered I stumbled upon a different survivor. Chansawed her and hooked her. I went from guaranteed loss with only 1 kill to 4 kill because survivors thik they can save people from a hook against a leatherface.

    Me and a friend always leave and punish the killer. Sucks for the survivor but the only right thing to do is leaving.

  • holywhitetrash
    holywhitetrash Member Posts: 289

    because survivors expect to always be let go and that the killer should only play as mindless pallet eating machine and if the killer ever sees an uninjured person he must break off any chase with injured people and chase the healthy one

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Survivor perspective - Camping takes no brains or skill so must be a ######### Killer

    Sorry. Camping is a tactical choice and makes sense in this instance. It will continue to do so until Survivors learn to stop feeding it. I have to say I do not see that happening anytime in the next year, at least. I walk away personally and do something else (gens, hex totems, escape), but there's always at least 1 idiot who thinks they have to make the save.

    And I do have to say - Looping takes no brains or skill so must be a ######### Survivor

    It all comes around in the end. If it's effective, do it. There are no "Gentleman's Rules" in this game. Just don't do something illegal.

  • StalwartXX
    StalwartXX Member Posts: 80

    @holywhitetrash said:
    because survivors expect to always be let go and that the killer should only play as mindless pallet eating machine and if the killer ever sees an uninjured person he must break off any chase with injured people and chase the healthy one

    ^This. There does seem to be this expectation that if you hook someone you should leave the hook no matter whether their team are nearby or the exit gates are open or whatever. They also expect you not to go for the injured survivor when given the choice of them or a healthy survivor. I've even been accused of generator camping in a game against some particularly stealthy survivors where the last 3 gens were in a smallish group.

    At the end of the day if survivors want to body block me while walking with a survivor or body block by the hook or pallet loop or whatever then it's only fair to expect douchebag tactics in return. I don't agree with camping generally but there are times its permissible in my eyes.

    I tend to tunnel people who use questionable or annoying tactics. If you're going to drop a pallet then flashlight me as I break it, then you're getting tunnelled. If you teambag at any point, tunnel. If you block hooks while crouching, tunnel. Frustrating tactics get frustrating tactics in return, it's as simple as that.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @Fizz said:
    So, I honestly didn't wanna make a post like this but after several games of similar situations, I just wanted to share.

    I'm playing as Leatherface, I'm playing very very poorly. I allowed a survivor to run me around the map for the whole game, mostly due to my own stubbornness and partly because I should have hit her several times and missed due to my own bad plays.

    I end up catching her as the exit doors light up, I decided that since I played poorly and chased this person I was gonna make sure I get the kill. Her survivor buddies decide that's not gonna happen and try everything to save her, I ended up chainsawing one as they took her off the hook, so I got 2 for the price of one. Then as the first person died I had a second on the hook, yes I camped again and yes her survivor friend ran in and I chainsawed her and bam, three kills out of one of the worst games I've ever played.

    However, at the end of the game, they tell me I'm ######### and that I need to learn to play and am a camper. Now I'll acknowledge I camped but only because the exit gates where open.

    I guess the whole point to this is, why do survivors tell killers who kill them that they are #########? I mean they had ample time to leave and I'd have only had 1 kill but they made the choice to stay and get killed for it. Does their bad judgment make me the bad guy here?

    If you are playing mostly survivor, and tried to play killer - this is how we are treated in this game. Death threats, spamming our profile with insults,tbagging, bodyblocking, palletlooping and other "funny ways to play survivor" arethrown against us all the matches.

    If you are new - do not play killer, it is horrible. Stick to the survivor and try to be fair towards the killer.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Fizz said:
    So, I honestly didn't wanna make a post like this but after several games of similar situations, I just wanted to share.

    I'm playing as Leatherface, I'm playing very very poorly. I allowed a survivor to run me around the map for the whole game, mostly due to my own stubbornness and partly because I should have hit her several times and missed due to my own bad plays.

    I end up catching her as the exit doors light up, I decided that since I played poorly and chased this person I was gonna make sure I get the kill. Her survivor buddies decide that's not gonna happen and try everything to save her, I ended up chainsawing one as they took her off the hook, so I got 2 for the price of one. Then as the first person died I had a second on the hook, yes I camped again and yes her survivor friend ran in and I chainsawed her and bam, three kills out of one of the worst games I've ever played.

    However, at the end of the game, they tell me I'm ######### and that I need to learn to play and am a camper. Now I'll acknowledge I camped but only because the exit gates where open.

    I guess the whole point to this is, why do survivors tell killers who kill them that they are #########? I mean they had ample time to leave and I'd have only had 1 kill but they made the choice to stay and get killed for it. Does their bad judgment make me the bad guy here?

    Dont bother, camping is legit (watch dev diary #3)
    Survivors only cry because they messed up and died to your tactic. Just keep using it as long as it works (in higher ranks you will get 1 kill max)

  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    Nope sadly in this game you rely on survivors to make a stupid mistake and you have to take advantage of it which you did! So it’s not your fault it’s theirs they could’ve left but they chose not to! It’s not like you can have the choice to leave right? Play the way YOU want to! Because you don’t see survivors go up to the hook immediately and point to the hook? Right? So why make it easy for them if it’s not easy for you?
  • Fizz
    Fizz Member Posts: 71

    @RSB said:
    If you are playing mostly survivor, and tried to play killer - this is how we are treated in this game. Death threats, spamming our profile with insults,tbagging, bodyblocking, palletlooping and other "funny ways to play survivor" arethrown against us all the matches.

    If you are new - do not play killer, it is horrible. Stick to the survivor and try to be fair towards the killer.

    I've played this game since it launched on and off but I'm only now really starting to get into killer so I'm starting to see more and more of what others are saying is happening to killers. I'd rather play killer cause it's fun and survivor seems kinda simple most of the game.

  • Fizz
    Fizz Member Posts: 71

    Thanks, I mean I get camping isn't liked and I personally only do so in certain situations when it's sensible, I try not to tunnel but sometimes they are the easier target and you just can't help but go for them because of it. I just get confused as to why anyone would call anyone ######### after they just got beaten.

  • BillyIII
    BillyIII Member Posts: 365
    edited June 2018

    Enjoy the butthurt. A major reason to play the game imho, what with all the disbalance.

  • StalwartXX
    StalwartXX Member Posts: 80

    Just have to roll with the salt. A lot of survivor mains are the type of player that get off on toying with other players (teabagging, bodyblocking, so on and so forth), but this type of survivor can't handle it when their bullshit gets put to an end in a match or when they get a taste of their own medicine.

    Use the salt, let it flow through you XD

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    It's simple. Other survivors did not get their part of fun in this round, so they'll try to force it out of you.
    Worst case, instead of calling what they did "bad plays", they can just blame it on you and insult you to try to make you to feel bad about what you did.

    In any case, for some reasons, people oftenly prefers to die running around rather than escape when they can.

    The rule is pretty simple : always keep a bait in a match if you can, at all times. That's how you freely win rounds as killer. And yes, they're stupid.

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @Fizz said:
    So, I honestly didn't wanna make a post like this but after several games of similar situations, I just wanted to share.

    I'm playing as Leatherface, I'm playing very very poorly. I allowed a survivor to run me around the map for the whole game, mostly due to my own stubbornness and partly because I should have hit her several times and missed due to my own bad plays.

    I end up catching her as the exit doors light up, I decided that since I played poorly and chased this person I was gonna make sure I get the kill. Her survivor buddies decide that's not gonna happen and try everything to save her, I ended up chainsawing one as they took her off the hook, so I got 2 for the price of one. Then as the first person died I had a second on the hook, yes I camped again and yes her survivor friend ran in and I chainsawed her and bam, three kills out of one of the worst games I've ever played.

    However, at the end of the game, they tell me I'm ######### and that I need to learn to play and am a camper. Now I'll acknowledge I camped but only because the exit gates where open.

    I guess the whole point to this is, why do survivors tell killers who kill them that they are #########? I mean they had ample time to leave and I'd have only had 1 kill but they made the choice to stay and get killed for it. Does their bad judgment make me the bad guy here?

    Part of it as well maybe that you were using Leatherface. Lots of survivors associate LF with camping so they were prob salty that it happened to them. You did absolutely the right ( and only possible ) thing though, it was their fault that they screwed up.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @Fizz said:

    @RSB said:
    If you are playing mostly survivor, and tried to play killer - this is how we are treated in this game. Death threats, spamming our profile with insults,tbagging, bodyblocking, palletlooping and other "funny ways to play survivor" arethrown against us all the matches.

    If you are new - do not play killer, it is horrible. Stick to the survivor and try to be fair towards the killer.

    I've played this game since it launched on and off but I'm only now really starting to get into killer so I'm starting to see more and more of what others are saying is happening to killers. I'd rather play killer cause it's fun and survivor seems kinda simple most of the game.

    On low ranks they are simple, playing killer is fun. But higher you will only get salty survivors, loopers and god knows what more. Also your Steam profile will get flooded by salty survbois (check out my profile if you want to se 33 pages of sweet survbois' tears - )

    In your case play killer more, get higher (and by saying higher I mean ranks 10-1), and you will change your thoughts about playing killer.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    Because they have huge, fragile egos and they think they’re entitled to an escape every game and when they die, it’s always your fault, not theirs. They will call you trash over the smallest and stupidest of things. Wanna know why an SWF called me trash after I 4k’d against them as Doctor just last night? Because a couple of my swings didn’t connect. They called me trash because I’m not perfect. Heck, even if I had played perfectly or all four of them would’ve escaped, they still would’ve called me trash because of their egos.
  • Beverly
    Beverly Member Posts: 184
    edited June 2018

    Everyone here pretty much hit the nail on the head. People get so used to winning that they start to become delusional about it. They'll hook rush and delve straight into the eye of the storm thinking they're indestructible, and become baffled when they eventually get caught. They really should've known better than going for a save against a leatherface that was securing a kill at the end of the game. That is a HUGE no-no! Sorry you had to go through that sodium overload, lol. At least things took a turn in your favor!

    Post edited by Beverly on
  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    Killers used to have complete control over the hook. Now, survivors can swarm the hook and overpower the killer, rescuing their friend with Borrowed Time and who no doubt has Adrenaline. Survivors have adapted to this playstyle and since Leatherface is one of the few killers who can still assert dominance at the hook, they underestimate him, get destroyed for doing something they'd get away with against most killers, and rage as a result.

  • Kevvie
    Kevvie Member Posts: 175

    I never understand the "CAMPER" after the exit is opened. As killer if you have had a poor game and the exits are powered and open and you have someone on the hook what motivation is there to leave the hook? The only place that will have any kind of objective action will be the hook.

  • DekuKunn
    DekuKunn Member Posts: 19
    Everytime that a survivor insults you, etc Just say the Magic words. 
    Cry me a River Princess ;)
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    @Fizz I was playing as Nurse and the exit gates were open, I had to camp the hooked survivor because I knew with my luck that someone with borrowed time would save him, so I did. Eventually the survivors snowball into the hook and pick off 1 by 1 until I had multiple kills. Since I'm on Xbox one, I got hate mail. Just keep in mind that it was their decision to feed themselves to you and don't worry about what they have to say.
  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    The exit gates were open they could of left and didn’t. Don’t feel bad that’s their own fault. If I ever go for a hooked survivor once the gates are powered I know the risks. Don’t feel bad.
  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    When I play survivor and I’m running bond and I see other survivors hook rush and all get downed I’m like ######### did you think was going to happen? It sucks to be me when this happens especially in early game or middle, but mostly I find it hilarious. You see the most insane things other survivors do when running bond. 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @RSB said:

    @Fizz said:

    @RSB said:
    If you are playing mostly survivor, and tried to play killer - this is how we are treated in this game. Death threats, spamming our profile with insults,tbagging, bodyblocking, palletlooping and other "funny ways to play survivor" arethrown against us all the matches.

    If you are new - do not play killer, it is horrible. Stick to the survivor and try to be fair towards the killer.

    I've played this game since it launched on and off but I'm only now really starting to get into killer so I'm starting to see more and more of what others are saying is happening to killers. I'd rather play killer cause it's fun and survivor seems kinda simple most of the game.

    On low ranks they are simple, playing killer is fun. But higher you will only get salty survivors, loopers and god knows what more. Also your Steam profile will get flooded by salty survbois (check out my profile if you want to se 33 pages of sweet survbois' tears - )

    In your case play killer more, get higher (and by saying higher I mean ranks 10-1), and you will change your thoughts about playing killer.

    Because devs are incapable of implementing a proper matchmaking, you will even be introduced to the SWF toxicity in low ranks ~18

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @Master said:

    @RSB said:

    @Fizz said:

    @RSB said:
    If you are playing mostly survivor, and tried to play killer - this is how we are treated in this game. Death threats, spamming our profile with insults,tbagging, bodyblocking, palletlooping and other "funny ways to play survivor" arethrown against us all the matches.

    If you are new - do not play killer, it is horrible. Stick to the survivor and try to be fair towards the killer.

    I've played this game since it launched on and off but I'm only now really starting to get into killer so I'm starting to see more and more of what others are saying is happening to killers. I'd rather play killer cause it's fun and survivor seems kinda simple most of the game.

    On low ranks they are simple, playing killer is fun. But higher you will only get salty survivors, loopers and god knows what more. Also your Steam profile will get flooded by salty survbois (check out my profile if you want to se 33 pages of sweet survbois' tears - )

    In your case play killer more, get higher (and by saying higher I mean ranks 10-1), and you will change your thoughts about playing killer.

    Because devs are incapable of implementing a proper matchmaking, you will even be introduced to the SWF toxicity in low ranks ~18

    Ah, yes, this is also true.

  • NeoVid
    NeoVid Member Posts: 37

    It's the same as every other online game: "You beat me, that means you suck!"

  • Crucifixxed
    Crucifixxed Member Posts: 8

    Survivors are little babies that legit scream when they can't win. Laugh in their faces in end-game lobby, shake your head a little at the status of adults, and exit the end of game screen. You will trigger another screaming fit that will be lost to the void forever, but you'll have the comfort of knowing will exist because you took away their chance to verbally bash you with no viable basis. They hate that crap. You should have to sit there and listen to their self-righteous bull-crap.