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The wiggle time can be buffed?

I would like to know if you can buff the wiggle off timer to 10-12 seconds instead of 15 seconds? I think it will reduce from the saltyness of the survivor player base and will be a good adition to the game. It is stupid to be able to carry a survivor on the shoulder for 16.8 seconds if you have iron grasp guys. I just have some games that were very (and I mean VERY unpleasant) because of the wiggle mechanic.
PS: It is not necessary to buff the base wiggle timer (even tho it would be nice) you can try to rework the Boil Over perk to be a perfect counter for iron grasp (75% wiggle effects and 12% reduced time to wiggle off instead of the distorsion of the hooks that are in the proximity)
Please consider this opinion or at least explain to me why you cant buff it (if it is not possible to be buffed)

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  • Member Posts: 1,072

    First, this is nerff second without any perk a killer can carry toy 50 meters so if you sabo one hook the killer can't hook you ( IG give 10 meeter more) if something like this happens you will make it easier for survivors to escape.

  • Member Posts: 1,187
    Milo said:

    Not a change to the base. A potential buff to Boil Over

    Oh, you’d like that wouldn’t you Kate 😂
  • Member Posts: 2,410
    Could you wiggle out of Leatherface's grasp in 10 seconds? No. You probably couldn't at all. It's fine. You aren't meant to wiggle off all the time.

  • Member Posts: 3,823
    The wiggle time is fine as it is right now.
  • Member Posts: 1,714

    @Milo said:
    Not a change to the base. A potential buff to Boil Over

    The problem I see with that is that I think boil over is already effective in certain maps like Haddonfield, Springwood and Lery's. It might turn up OP in said maps if it's buffed.

  • Member Posts: 160
    Ya wiggling off should not happen often...that is what ds and altruism is for...making wiggle offs easy kills your altruism points as well

  • Member Posts: 1
    I agree with the OP something has to be done. Wiggle time takes way to long and even if you manage to fill the bar it hasn't let you escape. Today alone I have played 10 matches where my wiggle bar was full and nothing happened and I got hooked every time. To top it off boil over hasn't been working and decisive stroke hasn't been working either. The hooks have been way to close and to many to avoid. Not sure if this is just killers being buffed more and more or survivors being nerfed. Ps I play with a full group who all have the same opinion.
  • Member Posts: 7,669
    Only if wiggling free puts you back into dying state.
    You (by that I mean the Survivors) do NOT need another second chance!
    You got caught, you get hooked. 

    You don’t seem to have understood the point of the whole wiggle action. It is NOT meant to free you from the Killer, instead it is supposed to limit the Killers ability to choose which hook you get hooked on, so you don’t end up in the basement every single time.

    if you ######### up the chase, you get punished. I do not believe you should gain yet another second chance.
  • Member Posts: 387

    Think twice before you post. A perk already exists to escape from the killer. We do not need a change to the Main Mechanic, but a Buff for Boil Over.

  • Member Posts: 1,164
    Please, stop asking. This idea is dumber then Legion's power idea.
  • Member Posts: 571

    Please for the love of God, no

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @UncleBughy said:
    I would like to know if you can buff the wiggle off timer to 10-12 seconds instead of 15 seconds? I think it will reduce from the saltyness of the survivor player base and will be a good adition to the game. It is stupid to be able to carry a survivor on the shoulder for 16.8 seconds if you have iron grasp guys. I just have some games that were very (and I mean VERY unpleasant) because of the wiggle mechanic.
    PS: It is not necessary to buff the base wiggle timer (even tho it would be nice) you can try to rework the Boil Over perk to be a perfect counter for iron grasp (75% wiggle effects and 12% reduced time to wiggle off instead of the distorsion of the hooks that are in the proximity)
    Please consider this opinion or at least explain to me why you cant buff it (if it is not possible to be buffed)

    I would like to ask you one question.
    Do you like being slugged on the floor, helpless and waiting to bleed out such that your misery ends?> @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:

    Could you wiggle out of Leatherface's grasp in 10 seconds? No. You probably couldn't at all. It's fine. You aren't meant to wiggle off all the time.

    I doubt that anybody of us would move at all if we get hit by a chainsaw into the upper body

  • Member Posts: 166

    @Toxicity23 said:
    Think twice before you post. A perk already exists to escape from the killer. We do not need a change to the Main Mechanic, but a Buff for Boil Over.

    Yes but if you dont run DS, killers dont have to have optimal routing to get to a hook, you can run into a dozen things before making up your mind and still make the hook. Issue really is killers get Invinc frames in the hook animation. People keep using logic here as an arguement, well I think a survivor is going to kick you in your chest if you try to hook them, no invinc frame.

  • Member Posts: 166

    @Condorloco_26 said:

    @Milo said:
    Not a change to the base. A potential buff to Boil Over

    The problem I see with that is that I think boil over is already effective in certain maps like Haddonfield, Springwood and Lery's. It might turn up OP in said maps if it's buffed.

    It would be a niche perk, but if you play killer a lot you'll have hooks memorized anyways. Hook obsecuring is 12m, you can get to hooks I believe you can get up to 50m without carrying perks. (correct me if im wrong)

  • Member Posts: 15

    I think the wiggle time is fine. just change it from wiggling your joystick to smash a button or two like on pc. So many times I've been wiggling and the bar just stops from accidentally hitting the other joystick

  • As a survivor main I would like 1 less second because the amount of time im 99% of wriggle and I get hooked is FuwuKING NUTS. As a killer if the wriggle bar was 1 second lower I would probably never kill anyone ever.
    Buff boil over maybe but it can't be too strong. I think at max it would be able to be like 6% tbh or we will have a more OP D strike.

    The only thing I think that should be changed about the carry mechanic is killer should get a little stun that increases the wiggle success a little. I think it makes logical sense that you can't jump off a second floor of a building with a Claudette wriggling to holy hell and not have your grip partially loosen. Even if this was like a 5% chance at a full escape I think that could make some cool moments and careful plays.

  • Member Posts: 1,714

    @Victory said:

    It would be a niche perk, but if you play killer a lot you'll have hooks memorized anyways. Hook obsecuring is 12m, you can get to hooks I believe you can get up to 50m without carrying perks. (correct me if im wrong)

    I was talking about all the bumping into obstacles, doorframes and such.

  • Member Posts: 264

    This has nothing to do with a free escape, it has something to do with balance. But it looks like you don't know what this word means, look it up and educate yourself.

    A killer shouldn't be able to carry a survivor across half of the map to the basement. Right now wiggling is completely useless.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Yeah pretty balanced. After killer had to get a survivor just let him escape again.

  • Member Posts: 2,221

    they could buff boil over a small amount not much at all. As for increasing wiggle progression rate , no. I say no as a survivor main. That’s why there are so many damn hooks on the maps now.

  • Member Posts: 346

    You're right, they shouldn't be able to do that.

    And they can't.

  • Member Posts: 2,582

    Do you just press the wiggle button once every 30 seconds?

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    The wiggle bar only exist so that the killer cannot literally and figuratively hold you hostage. The wiggle bar was never intended to be a reliable means of escape unless your team co-ordinates a body blocking/hook destroying plan.

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    I just hate when a Killer messes up on where to carry me, or I got downed in a good spot to not be hooked...and I have a damn pixel left on the wiggle bar and they get to Hook me after wiggling for what seemed like forever.

  • Member Posts: 460

    The killer is stronger than you. The entity needs people killed. Nobody who is a high rank at this game cares about the "Survivor playerbase saltiness" because people with experience in this game (That means players who can play both survivors and killers at equal high skill) know that survivors are the advantaged. You shouldn't be using the word balanced without having experienced this for yourself, so get to educating yourself.

  • Member Posts: 316

    Don't attack someone because you disagree with their opinion. If would be fair for you to ask for BP for wriggle but you shouldn't ask for a killer nerf you should ask for understanding. If you played more killer you would not ask for this change.

  • Member Posts: 316

    Don't attack someone because you disagree with their opinion. If would be fair for you to ask for BP for wriggle but you shouldn't ask for a killer nerf you should ask for understanding. If you played more killer you would not ask for this change.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Nea I see your comments are still getting approved. :P

  • Member Posts: 100

    Oh, no. Someone suggested that the game should be more balanced? FREE ESCAPES!! Let's downvote him and complain that our easy kills will actually take skill now.

  • Member Posts: 3,154

    No, are you mad?

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Even tune down to wiggle time for 5% is already alot. I had countless time wiggle to 95% and hooked.

  • Everyone, just post "nope" in this thread. This thread has been offically dubbed the nope thread

  • Member Posts: 346
    edited June 2019

    I would agree with this if it weren't for the fact that it's wrong.

    The Wiggle timer's existence is not to get off the killer's shoulder, it's to pressure the killer into not carrying you into the basement across the map in fear of you coming off of their shoulder. If you're hooked before you're not able to wiggle off, the killer deserved to hook you there.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    As it very well should be, it is not meant to be a free escape. It is a niche ability.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501
    edited June 2019

    Do people forget that the killer is not an NPC?

    There's an actual person playing killer. They have to deal with four survivors, each who can finish a gen in 80 seconds, each who can use perks and pallet loops to extend a chase to infinity. The killer is fighting a losing battle against time, especially if they're trying to three-hook all four survivors. If the survivors heal each time they're unhooked, and the killer wins each chase, that's six hits per survivor to hook them three times, for a total of twenty-four hits and twelve hooks. Don't forget that the first hit also gives the survivor a speed burst to help them reach the next loop. And on top of all that, after the killer manages to win the chase and down a survivor, we should punish the killer by making it easier for survivors to escape off their shoulder? Why? Playing killer, especially if you try to play nice and not tunnel/camp survivors, can already be extremely frustrating.

    The change you're suggesting would mean even more frustration and could lead to fewer people playing killer, and the ones who do remain are going to be the ones who tunnel, camp, and slug, making the wiggle-free-timer buff irrelevant.

    Edit: Also, Flip-Flop exists. It's kind of memey, but I have managed to escape off the killer's shoulder using it.

  • Member Posts: 581

    Well if we are talking reality and a grown man was carrying a grown man like that...yeah, probably lol.

  • Member Posts: 650

    Wiggle time used to be shorter and got nerfed because of killers complaining that too many folks wiggled off. Now maps have been made smaller, hooks have gotten closer together and the survivors are like well could wiggle be better too. And this whole thread is screaming no way that would be OP. I have not wiggled off in forever, I get killers all the time passing 2 hooks to take me to basement and like some guy said above, even if you fill the bar there is a delay so you still get hooked. To throw survivors a bone in this vein they added a point value to struggling. But basically that was the devs saying, "We know y'all are taking it in the butt here, so here is a bit of lube." And sabo is pretty shabby now, the hook is back right away. So the only hope is to sabo while the killer is walking toward you and if he hits you it starts over, useless.

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