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Would you like it if Old Freddy came back in some shape or form?

M0nkeBread Member Posts: 10

Would you like it if Old Freddy came back in some shape or form? 20 votes

F60_31FobboDhurl421QwQwIWasLeft2DieViktor1853Brandon48tuttoinunavoltaCorvusCorax86[Deleted User]ieatswfCoopyHonchoMrBrightsideNerf_Dweet 14 votes
MrPenguinAGMElcopolloSmoemikewelkkoushe 6 votes


  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Felt more connected to his lore while his new powers don't really feel like freddy at all

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    People have misplaced nostalgia for this failed killer concept that would have no place in modern DBD. I'll grant the supporters that old Freddy definitely had some unique mechanics but most of them just don't work with the game we have today. An m1 killer who can't m1 until waiting for survivors to fall asleep would get steamrolled by teams that don't suck, but simultaneously the HEFTY gen repair rate reduction while asleep is just asking for another killer that would cause excessively long games for newer or lower skill players. Not to mention that the free aura reading info old Freddy has on asleep survivors made any kind of stealth next to impossible.

    There's just too many disjointed, unintuitive, and unfun aspects of old Freddy's power and I'm not sure why people want that in the game again, despite it being more true to his character. But for me, gameplay comes first.

    I'd much rather see current Freddy have the ability to use both dream pallet and dream snares merged, and then receive an add-on pass that reflects this and outright does away with the overwhelming majority of his bad, ineffective, or downright useless add-ons.