lets discuss which characters are worth getting to p100

and why thalita and skull merchant are the correct answers? Hey if I am going to be playing dbd for so long I want to see the very best the game has to offer ^_^
edit: is there really that much of a change in what killers get in addons at a p100 level?
what are the communities picks?
If i would play DbD long times again i'd p100 Jill and Nemmy. Since they are my fav survivor and killer.
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Correct answer is your favourite character
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Well my correct answer is Spirit since I already have her P77 and my second highest prestige is Artist at P16. Spirit is most definitely a no brainer right now.
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Once I get all characters to P3 I'll spend all my extra on Demogorgon :3
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Bait post as usual, but blight as always. I simply no longer poses the patience to hold w for longer than 10 seconds at this point. It's far too interactive and boring. Although my blight is no where near p100 simply because I bled 90% of my bp between 6.1.0 and auto-leveling update.
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Finally made the push to start the journey towards a p100 Sadako.
Other than that, cba, tbh.
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There's literally no reason to bother trying to P100 anyone. Especially not the trash you mentioned.
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Correct answer is ✨literally NONE✨
it’s not worth it at all for me. Currently I concentrate on getting all chars to P9 to get all rewards and otherwise I only level if I want bloodweb items (eg event items)
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I start with claudette and Dredge, and will then move on to Jeff and Hag.
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Have neither the time nor inclination to p100 anyone can't see why anyone would bother.
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Killer P100s will likely just be a happy coincidence with my leveling style. I mostly spread the points out as I play many killers.
My average killer Prestige Level is just over 13 with my highest being 29. New killers included.
If I had focused on just one killer, I would have one and a half since the rework. Same with survivors.
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I would say if we’re trying to be objective about which killers deserve P100’ing, it’d be any killer with four or five great addons with Very Rare or Iridescent rarity.
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P100 Blight. I now have endless supply to C33 and alch ring.
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None of them... What do you get when you reach P100
Players either avoiding you at the lobby... or trash talk at the end
But for the sake of the question... Pig, Spirit, Huntress and Hag
Or all of them
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Billy. He's worth everything and more.
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If it ever came to that (but it won't because I enjoy living and seeing the sun from time to time)...
Haddie and Hag/Legion ! <3
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you are getting close..any particular outfit you use for her?
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awesome someone who loves haddie...and which legion member?
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so you do get better addons each web then? and congrats on getting to p100
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I use a lot of outfits on her. I’ve mostly been using the hooked on you skin recently.
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Original 3- Dwight, unfortunately meg, and Claudette
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what do you have against attractive females?
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bait post because i ask who you would p100? how is that a bait? unless you dont think thalita and skull merchant are attractive enough to see every game til the p100?
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any reason for claudette and dredge?
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how high a prestige are they?
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guaranteed 2 iri addons per web.
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I have an issue with those two terrible characters.
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Jill P21 and Nemmy P15
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Claudette is my mainsurvivor since i started playing the game, mostly because i like the stealth approach, and she used to be the invisible woman. While i was a main survivor, i did play both roles, but mostly survivor. When dredge was released, he instantly became my main killer., and i started playing 50/50. Since solo survivor is really no fun at the moment, i became a killer main with dredge.
Afterward is Jeff, because he is basicly my Avatar, only i have more belly and my beard and hair is mostly red/white nowadays.
Hag and Doctor are basicly the only other killers i can really enjoy, so they are on my list, too.
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My favorite is Frank, but I often play as a lost mascot because it's silly and fits my playstyle. Unfortunately the best color in that set is Julie's. So I play as her a bit too !
Do you play them as well ? If so who's your favorite ? =)
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I did Jill/Claire and Cheryl/Lisa
Ada or Rebecca next.
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I play blight, you think I care about attractiveness in any video game? The only point in difference survivors for me is that ability to not tunnel them as killer. I bought ferryman blight and based on the design of skins in this game that skin will never be topped for me personally.
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Your favourite characters, but for me none until they add something after the p10. Maybe put legacy on each character when you reach a certain level, and even a unique skin when you reach p100
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For me it's Dweet and Mikey.
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They missed an opportunity with the prestiging. There was a an opportunity to add cosmetics, charms, new items for characters, portrait frame colours, lobby decorations etc.
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You should probably stop going into forum posts just to get upset at people who like things you don't. It's kinda pathetic.
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Currently, it doesn't really matter. Until there is actually some kind of tangible reward for hitting P100, it's strictly for show.
I'll probably P100 2-3 survs (my mains), but I don't know that I'll ever P100 a killer, not because I don't play killer (I do a lot), but because I play so many different killers on a regular basis.
But if you play any particular character(s) a lot, you'll hit P100 eventually, unless you just don't like items.
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I'm not upset at anything. They asked which ones are worth it. I gave my answer.
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I'm almost there on ole Ghostie. P92 atm.
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congrats on playing a good killer...out of curiosity why dont you use the belkin skin?
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that is dedication...so why ghostface?
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how hard has it been with mikey?
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i like julie and yeah i love playing them just that it is hard after a certain mmr level...usually use enduring spirt fury nowhere to hide and jolt as my build with julies mixtape and legion pin/iri button
saving up shards for the blighted legion skin
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how are they terrible characters? well skull merchant is op i guess depending on skill level but thalita?
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SM isn't OP, she's just got old Legion syndrome, which is worse than being OP.
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None, it's not worth being dodged for 10 minutes once you find a lobby.
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Blighted Legion sure is an amazing skin ! I've my eye set on Never Stop Slashing, for my part. =D
I don't expect mmr to be a problem with me, as I don't expect or wish to reach higher skill brackets, but it must suck to find yourself more limited as you go.
I can't remember my exact build at the moment but for the addons I enjoy Pills & Mural way too much !
Good luck on your future matches =)
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Her lore is obnoxious.
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No harder than Dweet or any other character. Its all a grind.