99% rooster can play vs Good SWF

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coq fight
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Who is the 1% who cannot?
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My thoughts exactly
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Anyone can test it right now if u have doubts enjoy ur matches
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well duh, The Rooster is the best killer in the game. I mean, we thought nurse was bad but then her power, the peckening, was able to just... one shot you from across the map and insta mori you through walls, floors, cielings and other survivors. My whole swf got insta moried bc we were running in a straight line and didnt know the was the rooster yet, so she killed us al with one shot bc she had lethal.
bhvr pls nerf pig
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Damn, just I when I started maining the rooster others have found out about her strength as well.
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ikr its crazy man. I know that dbd players have been aboslutely begging for a farmland-avian-bodyhorror-dreamcore-horror type killer (like from attack of roostothicles) but lethal makes her too op man.
i miss the nurse and blights every game, now its just rooster rooster rooster
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it's supposed to say roster
took me approx. 20 minutes.
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To be fair though, she doesn't have an addon like C33. I'll take an insta mori over that any day.
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Hm. Versus a good, not great SWF?
Yeah, I'd say that they can compete depending on perks.
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They don't call it Dead By Daylight for nothing, you'll never hear the morning crowing.
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Of course he can, nobody can beat the all powerful 99% rooster.
Seriously though, when is 100% rooster going to be added into the game?????
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This thread most certainly did not go according OP plan.
Or did it????
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i mean, she is getting an addon pass soon. hopefully Mother's Beak doesnt get buffed. I'd rather not see all palllets instantly break every time she lands peckening, that'd be crazy
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Took me a few seconds to realize it was not about some chicken ...
The mental image was kind of funny though.
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If a 99% rooster can beat a good SWF..
What is a 100% rooster capable of!?
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It's not considered good practice to tune roosters to 100%. You never want to put all your eggs in one basket as a developer.
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One third the Trapper.
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They did say the next license would be a big one
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Poor Trapster :(
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If it's only 99% rooster, where does the 1% originate from?
Also, if the 1% is not a bird, how the ######### did those genes work together?
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I doubt it, he is certainly strong chicken, but he doesn't have anywhere near closer power to sir chickengton III.
He will lose.
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Science taught me roosters were males. Current social discussions and this particular thread are showing me something else. Who to believe??
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who would thought...this is what they was talking about!
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What? Lol. I'm sorry but I actually don't understand what the topic is about :)
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Why don't you try it yourself and give us the results via video? Since you are convinced of your opinion. Before I write something like this on the forum, I would provide video proof of what you say, proof of your matches with every single killer against the top swf.
I personally have played all the killers, I like to vary, but being able to win against a strong swf with Legion or Freddy... Well it's practically impossible, unless they make big mistakes
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artist? but those are crows
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Does this mean we're getting a rooster 🐓 skin? We wana be a OP birdie~
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that would be so sick
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We see it now. Clucking instead of screeching~ And chicken noises for swarms~