Knights flag.

Are you kidding me? I thought when a survivor got to the flag it just gave them a speed boost. But they're actually IMMUNE to hits during the duration of this? That is one of the most DUMB aspects I have ever seen in this game.
I do hope they had a medkit and Ijust didn't see it or something.
Call to Arms basically removes that. You can launch guards from so far away it doesn't matter.
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yea turns out knight should have literally any counterplay at all (which is easily subverted lol). Just zone them from flag it's actually that easy
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You saying Knight is strong? LOL you can land the orb thing almost directly on top of a survivor and have it not activate on them. Then when it does they just outrun it 75% of the time anyways. Like it needs some built in function to avoid downs at all? That is so silly. You have INSTADOWN killers but knight who has to work for the hits has the silly built in make survivors immune to his own attacks feature? Horrible function.
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It’s so so so stupid that knight’s power can buff survivors.
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Yeah it doesn't make any kind of sense that should be there. Especially with how long it takes to get the down anyways. I don't think they should get the speed boost either but BOTH? Thats just nuts.
Would be like if Myers downs you there is a series of skillchecks that can instantly get you back up. Or if Huntress hits you with a hatchet you're immune to other hatchets for 10 seconds.
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From my experience, the flag usually does not matter. Since you want to move Survivors away from a Loop with the Guard. And it is better for them to just Shift W instead of trying to get the Flag.
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If they get to the flag then you don't deserve the down.
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His guards arent necessarily meant to get a hit every time, the only one that should reliably be getting hits is Assassin.
The rest are basically meant to zone (Jailer) or waste time (Carnifex)
The flag they leave behind is to actually capitalize on The Knights mistakes and to actually make an outplay rewarding instead of just putting the Survivor into a lose/lose situation. (which is already the case like 90% of the time)
As some one who plays Knight pretty often, a Survivor who reaches the flag mid chase is usually because they outplayed me or I just made a blunder.
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No, im saying that the knight is extremely uninteractive
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Yeah its like survivors speed up when they get hit or something. IDK whats going on.
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You tell me cause I'm not the one making a post bout it. If they get the standard then it a you problem. This is a counterplayed just like unhooking make the hunt go away for the rescuer.
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I've never seen a survivor manage to take the knight's flag. Being immune is a bit much, but still you understand that it is not easy to take the flag.
If you mean they're immune to all types of hits, ok that's too much, but if you mean they're immune to hits from guards, who cares.
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They simply gain endurance for 3 seconds when the get the flag, I think that's what he means, he is immune to hits.
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I don't play the Knight because I don't like it as a killer, so I don't actually know if they made any changes since I don't care. However, I also remembered that it gave endurance and not that it made me immune to hits
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There's no reason a mid killer like Knight needs -that- much counterplay when killers like Nurse and Blight don't :p
Just have the flag dismiss the guard, none of this silly Haste and Endurance stuff.
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There is plenty reason, very boring, or make the guards stunnable/blindable.
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Playing without the addon map of the realm is really a pain.
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That's why i burned with this game so much.
They are nerfing killers like Freddy, Slinger. They are even trying nerf Billy because of his most used (the only good one) add-on. But Blight and Nurse are just fine.
They are adding new perks which will work good for SWFs but no value for Solo survivors. They are nerfing self heal which is fine for SWF because they can coordinate and heal any time they want. But solo survivors? Who cares.
I really hated so much the new DbD. That's why i am playing this game so rarely.
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That was sarcasm.....
You're saying you don't deserve the hit. But how does that make sense when a survivor triggers the patrol after you've hit them? Like I have some type of mind control that can GUARANTEE the survivor goes the wrong way? They literally gain a speed boost off of my initial hit and then if they make it to the flag a speed boost AND a free hit? Thats ridiculous.
In this particular instance, I activated a patrol. The survivor avoided it because the radius is a joke. I hit them and they vaulted out of a jungle gym and ran to another setup but accidentally triggered the patrol. They dropped a pallet in the way of the guard and I went to the RIGHT side of the setup hoping to trap them. Instead of making any turn they just went straight over a vault behind the pallet and looped back around to where the flag was and voided my hit just as I hit them.
I played that right. They made a mistake out of it. But I end up with nothing? Had I looped the OTHER way I would've been ehading in the same direction as the guard and they would've just ran in the direction that I tried to trap them in. The only way I get something there is if she WALKS into me.
THe ultra irony is she even played THAT part wrong in ANY other scenario. She should've ran straight after the vault and would've been much further from me. But she doubled BACK towards the flag which in any other looping scenario with any other killer would've resulted in a down. But she touched the flag the moment I hit her.
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It's so hard to grab the flag, since it takes forever for the flag to spawn
Complaints about skilled plays from the other side.