POV: Fast Gen
They definitely caught me off guard with that one lol. From my estimation, that's about a 20 second gen. Probably the fastest I've seen one pop in a bit. They definitely came to play, but I don't think the outcome of the match is super important.
Just a fun little post that I wanted to share :)
We love Brand New Parts
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Nah, just killer not applying enough pressure.
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And what was outcome?
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i don't think it's important, it's just a silly clip of a fast gen
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Based BNP user
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Very true!
It was almost a challenging game lol
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Looks like somebody wanted BP.
I don't know the last time I've seen three survivors all spawn in main building like that before.
It's really a shame the game engine doesn't support a replay system. It would be an interesting curiosity to see different POV's for something like this.
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That wasn't insanely fast. That's the power of 3 survivors with Prove Thyself and a single BNP or 2 survivors with 2 BNPs.
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Why do you choose to run towards the gens that are locked? If you'd ran to the one they were on you would have stopped them.
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Clearly you should improve your macro skills, no other explanation possible!
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Because survivors spawn in near the locked gens. Better off meeting them there to start chase before they can start/find an unlocked gen. These survivors obviously made a beeline for the middle gen though.
Edit: grammar
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Wish my team mates were this efficient sometimes lol 21 games today, escaped 7 (2 were hatch, including one pity hatch) xD matched up with a 3-man swf, all P40+, equipped with toolboxes. I thought 'oh here's that gen rush crew I hear about' and none of them touched a single gen (kudos to the Nemesis who walked the entirety of Mother's Dwelling to try find me hatch)
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You know what people said to me about these extra fast gens? Apply more pressure
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Almost? I assume you tore them up after this. Lol
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Generally, that's true.
People also say to exploit other weaknesses, which I did here as well.
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I saw a twenty second gen so I thought I was playing against some mega juicers. I was...not, no offense to them. I may have gone too hard on them honestly.
Also, @NerfedFreddy that's the outcome
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Skill issue, your chases are slow. (jk)
Btw, perfect example of how useless corrupt could be.
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Two or more BNPs, probably one Prove Thyself and survivors spawning near the main building.
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Exactly why I think Corrupt is overrated. It can be strong, certainly, but it's all RNG.
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How the heck did that Leon only get 1k BPS???!
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probably killed himself on his first hook. Also was probably the first downed.
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Pretty odd to do that if you pop the first gen that quick.
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Perfect example of the first gens don't matter
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This just demonstrates that A. Corrupt should affect the gens closest to the survivors and not furthest from the killer and B. BNP should never have made it past concept.
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Not sure if people even need BNP to achieve this, prove thyself can already reduce gen time to 28 seconds by working with four.
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And people are defending this in other threads and it just makes my head spin, does it need to be more obvious how broken gen rushing can get?
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>2k on Leon, 6k on Claud, 8k on Yui
>P E R F E C T example
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Most killers here would say a 20 second gen is a unwinnable situation
Yet like you said.
2k on Leon, 6k on Claud, 8k on Yui
The 20 second gen didn't matter in the slightest. You can snowball out of control at any time
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I expected them to be on a gen further away instead of starting together in main building and pretty close to killer. Good thing first gens popping quickly doesn't mean much. I've lost count the number of times my team looks like great start with multiple gens popping only to completely collapse with 1 or 2 gens left.
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Yeah, PERFECT example of snowballing in match where first persone kill himself on first hook (even with 20 sec gen done), and other two insta give up. Really great match analyze 👍️
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He actually didn't.
He just never got saved after going down because the others kept trying to do gens, which I kept sending Guards to.
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You can also get your snowball melted at any time...
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Random comment but I figure a thread started by you is the best place still: I really enjoy your presence on the forums, Pulsar.
On topic; it's always funny to see how sometimes the fastest first gen(s) can have no effect on the match outcome whatsoever. - Though, seeing how some people insist the BNP and the 20sec gen are *the* issue (which to me reads "broken beyond repair and ought to be yeeted asap") is also... curious --- given the context.
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Yeah unwinnable against good survivors which these clearly.
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I don't really know how to feel about this, though. This seems to me like a 1 in 6 in 6 in 6 in 6 chance, ie like rolling 4 sixes in a row with a common dice. It can happen, but is not a scenario that you would consider the general rule. In my experience, a group thats THIS efficient with its first gen, won't unravel like this if you slug them all, or facecamp, or tunnel, they would soldier through and slam gen after gen. Its so unfathomable that someone would kill themselves on first hook after such a start and such a setup.
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He didn't kill himself on first hook, he just never got saved
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I know you go all in to win but man is your build obnoxious, especially considering the killer you're playing
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I'd love to see the game, not to question how you played it (you won, you played well, I reason like this), but just to see how bad these guys were. No offense, but seeing prestiges 80 (almost 90) do so badly has a certain effect.
GG anyway
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Thank you
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Prestige has nothing to do with skill, I'm a P100 Jonathan but I play almost exclusively Killer.
Iirc, Leon tried for a Breakout/flashlight play and went down close to hook due to Assassin. The two others made the mistake of thinking they could get away with not doing a double save on Leon. Girl got grabbed after I didn't fall for the unhook mindgames.
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Thanks Halloulle, I really appreciate the kind words.
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If you start snowballing and then momentum shifts, that's generally either due to a very high-skill Survivor play or you screwing up as Killer.
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It was a Knight.
Most players off themselves on hook when they see Knight or Dull Merchant.
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They clearly rushed the gens for a quick game so they could sit in queue somemore
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Not exactly on topic, but what is a good program to record games like this? Will do some research when I get home. Thanks!
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Nah, this is supercommon. Survivors just have the upperhand at the start. Early gens will fly at the start cause that's the point where you haven't been able to get pressure up. Once you do generators will slow down or even grind to a halt. That's just the way the game is. The mayority of my matches are first 2-3 gens being done in 1-2 minutes and the last ones taking way longer if they even get finished at all
Too many killers have the mindset that losing a battle is losing a war. Which stunts their growth.
Looking at it realistically the 20 second gen was the dumbest thing the survivors could have done here. They grouped up which especially at the start is a terrible idea and blew all their early pressure and all their resources into one gen. With 4 more remaining.
If these actually split up Pulsar here would have been in a much worse position. 3 gens done at the3 minute mark is way more dangerous then 1 at 40 seconds
You won't see 20 second gens vs good survivors cause good survivors know what a terrible idea it is to blow all your resources and early game pressure on a single gen.
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That's literally worse than hook suicide, lmao.