Could we please help trapper by making grass thicker?

I have been enjoying Dead by Daylight since the past 2.5 years now. I still remember playing my first game as trapper and getting destroyed by the survivors but catching people in traps still has the same satisfaction as before.Ever since that time the game and the maps have changed a lot.

unfortunately for The Trapper with each map rework the amount of grass in each map has gone down significantly also almost all the places where we could hide the traps so they are almost invisible have been patched out. the recent maps like eerie of crows and shattered square have so thin grass that it's almost impossible to hide traps anywhere.

As hard it is to play trapper I would suggest either adding grass to loops so that hiding these traps become easier or making his traps so that they change color depending on the surface they are placed on so that it becomes a bit easier to hide those traps. Also this would help a lot in maps like the game or treatment theatre where there is literally no grass.

Any of these changes could help a lot and would be really appriciated, any other suggestion is very much welcome. Thank you


  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Personally, I'd be far more in favour of changing the traps in some way. As you say, there are some maps where there's no grass at all like The Game, or very little grass that's already quite thick, like Lery's.

    I'm not sure exactly what that should look like, but in general, I think it's a better idea for Trapper to bend around updated map design, rather than forcing all maps to bend around Trapper's power. Maybe making them camouflaged slightly to the map they're on, or partially transparent? That'd help with brighter maps too so he's not at a huge disadvantage there.

  • pranjalsharma
    pranjalsharma Member Posts: 10

    Exactly my point. And there's a huge problem in maps like shattered square or swamps where the traps spawn at the literal edge of the map and we need to waste 5 mins just to pick up a single trap. Some small tweaks should be really appreciated and would make him much better.

    I suggested adding more grass just in case the changing color of trap is hard to be implemented since there are different color variations in every maps. It would be cool to have thick grass added to open maps atleast so that survivors may actually have to second guess if they have to play the loop or not.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,351

    I thought the taller thicker grass was reduced/removed because of the game performance issues they caused the consoles & lower end PC's. If that is still the case, well there's the answer to that.

    As far as camo traps, that's far more interesting and imo deserving of a PTB run to try it out.

  • pranjalsharma
    pranjalsharma Member Posts: 10

    The grass was already tall when you look at DBD 2-3 years ago. But if you look at recent maps and reworks they have literally made it horrible. If it was a performance issue they wouldn't have had proper grass earlier. I think they just did to make the maps a bit prettier and didn't think about trapper a lot before doing it.

  • K139K05
    K139K05 Member Posts: 217

    An alternative (or additio) to that would reworking to tar add-on into a camo add-on, imitating the color(s) of the floor.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,014

    It's too late, each time they rework a map it's always losing grass, they seem pretty confident in the decision to have less grass.

    They should probably just buff trapper in some other way especially since there's no grass on indoor maps anyway.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 855

    trapper would be pleased if his traps would be semi transparent, like 30%-50% transparent, and 80%-60% with bottle of tar. It would be also nice if BHR would change traps from regular metal beartraps, to something more ghostly, maybe entity spiderlike legs that traps survivors, and do not trap trapper.

  • BarnesFlam
    BarnesFlam Member Posts: 654

    What if we give the bear traps the same invisibility mechanic as the Wraith?

  • pranjalsharma
    pranjalsharma Member Posts: 10

    I would be happy if it becomes basekit rather than an addon though. Since its just a qol change and won't make his power insanely strong.

  • pranjalsharma
    pranjalsharma Member Posts: 10

    Making them invisible or semi Invisible might result in unhealthy gameplay. I still wish they could make them change color according to the surface they are placed on basekit.

  • pranjalsharma
    pranjalsharma Member Posts: 10

    Then he would put 69 traps around the hook which would be all invisible and unless you're playing swf you'll end up being hard camped with invisible traps around you. Which won't be fun.

  • BarnesFlam
    BarnesFlam Member Posts: 654

    No, because they would become visible upon approaching them.

  • Frogsplosion
    Frogsplosion Member Posts: 273

    Thicker and SHORTER preferably, because I can barely see anything on maps like backwater swamp and the new red forest.

  • pranjalsharma
    pranjalsharma Member Posts: 10

    Then what's the use of making them invisible. Just changing colors would do the trick!

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,753
    edited May 2023

    One issue is how visible the traps are with the lack of grass. But the biggest issue I have with Trapper is honestly how outdated his power feels. It just feels clunky and slow to use. 6 years, and he can finally carry two traps basekit. Hooray.

    But what about the fact that he has to walk around the entire map picking up traps? What about stepping in your own trap during chase, which you need an addon to fix? The fact that setting a trap is slow and sluggish, even with an addon? How survivors can be out of a trap in either 5 seconds or 15 seconds? That's ridiculous.

    Compare him to Singularity, his setup is literally instant. I know, I know. They're not the same. But one power is modern, the other isn't. Trapper has the lowest killrate in the game. He needs some serious basekit buffs and reworks to his addons, like they did with Ghostface and Legion.

  • pranjalsharma
    pranjalsharma Member Posts: 10

    I can understand from where this is coming from. The buffs they did to him some time ago were desperately needed. As far as buffing him more, they definitely can do it but I don't think they honestly get enough time to look back at very old killers like trapper

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    Change the add-on for changing the color of the traps.

    It made sense when there weren't maps like Mt. Ormond of Eyrie of Crows, which conflict harder with the darker color those add-ons give.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Traps just need to dynamically shift their color profile to blend in to any ground.

    That guy was made when 100% of levels were dark. Now, we have levels that take place at high noon, with more sunlight than shadow. And levels of all sand, with no grass to be found. The questionable aesthetic shifts have invalidated his whole steez.

    Trappers Traps should have the same quasi-invisibility as a moving Wraith. Unspottable from far away, and only just noticeable if you're paying attention to where you're running as you get close to them.