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Advices On Playing Hillbilly ?

Member Posts: 3,140

My friends are sick of me playing Legion in our custom matches so they officially banned me from being killer unless I picked another.

I figured I'd wanted to try Hillbilly for a while, so I did a game with him, and even though it was Léry and I kept bumping into stuff, it was really fun getting those chainsaw downs !!

So I'm thinking on playing more of him, but I'm still a bit lost on how he works or what perks are good on him. For that first game I used green/yellow addons for faster recovery from bumbing into stuff and faster curve.

I'd love some advice on how to play as him ! =D

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  • Member Posts: 1,993

    Seems you're looking for discussion on this topic. Sorry all you got was a link.

    Trapper main, so can't help, but good luck! Billy is so damn awesome to play against.

  • Member Posts: 614

    +1 on this. It's the gold standard guide for billy

    @ op Tofus guide also still has good information despite it being a bit outdated

    Gtvel is imo the best billy out there, and I'd recommend checking his stream too and you'll learn a lot and him/his community are pretty knowledgeable about stuff and generally helpful to people who wanna learn :)

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    Try to get a feeling for his power. How long does it take to fully charge a chainsaw? Can you feather (99%) the chainsaw without having to look at the bar? How high is the initial turn rate and how far can you actually curve? Where do you need to start a chainsaw in order to get to where you want to go?

    Some things I've learned with him:

    Don't try to curve on every single loop. There are loops that are shaped like squares or circles and you will never be able to hit a curve here.

    Shadowborn is your best friend. It allows you to see more clearly what is right next to you and helps with getting spun and not getting disoriented.

    Don't use his Engravings addons immediately. Try to get a feeling for his base kit first and then try to improve running Engravings.

    Practice juggling the chainsaw and looping at the same time. It's one thing to know the timing of your feathering but it's another to actually be able to fully concentrate on mindgaming a survivor and spinning like crazy while not getting disoriented and not messing up the chainsaw at the same time.

    Learn collisions. There is no way around it. In order to effectively use Billy's chainsaw in loops you need to know where you can curve and at what angle you can press into walls. Some (very few remaining) tiles have walls where you can really push yourself into them at an angle and not bump while others (mostly bushes) will make you bump even when you can't see them.

    This last bit is very important. Billy can be incredibly frustrating and most Billy players find themselves fuming at hitboxes eventually. When you feel like that, the best thing you can do is take a break. Maybe play a different killer and come back when you really feel like playing him again. Eventually you'll get more used it and learn how to play around it.

    Most important: Have fun. As long as you enjoy playing him you'll be motivated to play as him and get more experienced.

  • Member Posts: 3,140
  • Member Posts: 5,347

    One tip I did at the start was not to worry so much about using the chainsaw as a weapon, moreover as getting across the map quickly or catching up in chase.

    Doing so gives you a feel of the chainsaw and the meter bar, which you can then start translating into using this to down survivors.

    Maybe do a trial or two this way before learning to slice people into teeny, tiny pieces.

  • Member Posts: 255

    Don't. that's my advice.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    I'm not anywhere near a good enough Billy to give advice. The link to the guide is the best I can do to help.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Np. I sadly don't have the skill or experience to give you direct advice.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    For the power, a big part of the learning curve is timing. Time to charge his sprint and how long to cover the distance between the start of a sprint and a survivor. Mix in getting a feel for the extremely high initial turning speed.

    After that, then mix in different addons. Pretty much all of his strongest addons have drawbacks. It leads to a lot of frustration.

    There are like five or so worth running with variation in opinions. It gets very nuanced, especially for a beginner. Builds can be utilized to offset these (like Tuned Carberator with Game Afoot and Play With Your Food).

    Doom engravings may be his best addon. But death engravings is not. Stacking these is why many players feel he is so hard to use. It’s self handicapping.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    Learn blight, I tell you this from someone who spent a lot of time learning billy, even when you can curve your skill will not matter due to map design and the limitations of your power it will always be up to the survivor skill if you get the down or not.

    The only real thing I learn from playing billy is I wasted my time and should have learned blight since my skill would actually matter there, do NOT commit the same mistake I did.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    I might try Blight out, but I'm very much playing for fun and not to be the best I can at the game. I'm happy being average, and the average survivor is not very good ! =)

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    That I cannot deny, you are a 100% correct, good luck then.

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