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Lots of People Giving-Up/DCing Today?

Member Posts: 3,586

All of the following matches took place within 2-hour time period. There were other matches (a total of 10) with only 4 resulting in people DCing or giving-up;

  • First match, my Duo Partner had to leave quickly to go and eat so I played a SoloQ match. We are facing an Artist and my teammate gives up on first-hook then complains about the match being "unwinnable" despite the fact that they are the reason why it is unwinnable.
  • Second match, versing a Blight, Duo Partner is back, Blight really dislikes me and chases me for 4 Generators and DCs roughly before the last Generator pops. "-Rep" on my Steam account because I played "too sweaty" and "should be ashamed for ruining a casual game" despite me just being chill the entire time. They werent a bad Blight either, they just were impatient and missed hits because they got too eager.
  • Third match, teammate plays a Jigsaw Piece offering and instantly DCs when they hear it's a Nurse. I personally do not mind Nurse too much since I frankly dont care about winning or losing, and I feel good if I run a Nurse for a long time, we managed to get 5 Generators done and the Nurse DCed and complained about "survivor-sided maps" in the post-game chat.
  • Fourth match, a Spirit, two of our teammates DC instantly upon hearing the Terror Radius. Since the match is basically unwinnable, the Spirit just farms with us for Bloodpoints, I dont exactly remember the Killer's name but big props to them for doing so. It's nice to just see some kindness in the community every now and then.

I pray though, I just want normal matches. I seriously do not care about winning or losing, I just want to play a match in its entirety without worrying about people DCing or giving-up, it just feels really awful to deal with and completely kills the mood.

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  • Member Posts: 2,440

    Both roles, it sucks.

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    That's quite a lot in 10 matches. Also, 2 killer DCs? Weird.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    The killer DCs are obviously petty but is it so uncommon for survivors to DC against Nurse, Spirit, and Artist? They’re all really good killers who generally dominate their matches.

  • Member Posts: 8,601
    edited May 2023

    Having a teammate who hides in a locker for the entire first chase and gets found in a locker immediately after the killer hooks the first player completely kills my desire to play that match. The game is over at 5 gens because they can't be bothered to make quality matches. Why play it out? Not condoning it, but I get it. If DbD matchmaking is a slot machine instead of a reliable thing, players are going to keep pulling the lever until they get a good match. The devs have to understand that and address it.

  • Member Posts: 255

    Played 3 matches today, Wesker, nurse and Knight, both the knight and the Nurse DC'd, it's interesting to say the least.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    Went against a Skull Merchant earlier and someone DCed the moment they saw her. More understandable that most killers but still annoying. The SM of course -was- a 3-genner and continued to hard-defend her 3-gens even with a DC at 5 gens.

  • Member Posts: 348

    I kind of have to give up sometimes when the other survivors purposely get the killer on me for no reason

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    Must be something in the air. Played 4 games now and first game killer DCs, second game killer wants to farm, third game two survivors DC in the first cpl minutes, and last game everyone's letting go on hook

  • Member Posts: 2,426

    Yeah I played 1 game today as Dredge, the first down self sacrificed . After that just farmed with the survivors and let them go.

    Wish there was some sort of self sacrafice detection.

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    Ok but let's talk about the nurse dcing in gideon after having all 5 gens done in a 3v1 and complaining about survivor sided maps

  • Member Posts: 710
    edited May 2023

    I had a nurse match tonight where a Jill loaded in with No Mither and a flashlight. As soon as she realized it was a nurse, she came and found me and clicked her flashlight at me until I downed her. Sigh. Thankfully she got rescued by another teammate after "trying to unhook herself."

    She followed me the rest of the match, clicking her flashlight and trying to body block during chases. I slugged her now and then. Eventually, after 2-hooking everyone else, I let her bleed out and let the others leave.

    More killers need to do this, IMO. Of course, sometimes it is out of your hands (a teammate doesn't rescue them) or it happens so late in a cursed match that it's honestly acceptable to give up, but if someone gives up at the start of a match, make it the longest, most boring match of their life.

    Maybe they'll learn.

    (Probably not, though.)

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    Quitting is like a part of DBD culture at this point.

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