Can devs please do something about camping?

i have played as both killer and survivor, as killer I hook and leave because I know that I get more points when I hook everybody multiple times. My problem with this game are the try hard players that will use the hillbilly or the cannible to one hit down you. I have watched these trash players hook and stay right next to it waiting for the team to down. How we combat it is sacrificing a player and rush gens so the killer will only have that one death. My question to the developers is can you make it so that while the killer is within a certain perimeter of the hooked survivor, the entity slows down the bleed out function. There has to be some sort of penalty for just standing there. This will some what stop the camping issue. And to those who are saying low ranked killers do that, this is not true, I have played nothing but ranked 1-4 this week and the majority of them camp.


  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    I always suggest to merge all those threads with the same suggestion into one mega thread, but the Mods ignore that all the time.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    Pretty sure that their is no merge function on the forum

  • babygirl91580
    babygirl91580 Member Posts: 66

    when I say camp I mean the killer just sits right next to the hook , all the high ranks do this on PS4 from what I have experienced, so are they all garbage? As I stated I have played as both killer and survivor and I don’t see a point in this, other than the killer being lazy and not wanting to patrol the map.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Something like this was tested in the first PTB and was heavily abused by the survivors, thats why the idea got dismissed

  • babygirl91580
    babygirl91580 Member Posts: 66

    Or the killer not wanting to chase the survivors because they don’t want to be looped. Mind you looping and pallets are the only thing survivors can do against the killer. If the killer is refusing to chase and camp for the one kill they are trash. If they are getting high ranked because they camp that doesn’t show they are a good killer.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    If a killer stays within a close proximity of the hook for most of the game then NOED shouldn't activate

    Right now its easy for many to camp because they know their crutch will still kick in at the end of the game.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    When someone creates a new account for this forum, there should be a note saying "If you want to comment on camping and suggest that the hook timer should stop when the killer is close: Please note that several threads like that already exist."

  • babygirl91580
    babygirl91580 Member Posts: 66

    so Basically every survivor should run kindred 3 on their load outs and the moment u see them camping after a gen is done do not persue. That’s how I play but most do not , because most wants to be a hero and get the other player off the hook. This only really has to do with hillbilly and cannible because of the one hit down

  • babygirl91580
    babygirl91580 Member Posts: 66

    Not really because while they camp that give the team enough time to take out all full totems

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @babygirl91580 You don't need Kindred. Just wave your arms when you are getting camped on the hook. That's international survivor sign language for "killer camps, don't come for me".

  • billynair
    billynair Member Posts: 78

    camp = ez gen rush... if your team doesnt get at least 3 gens with you on the hook with a camper, they are to blame... I like getting camped, it means my team will win, no problem here...

  • Blue_Diamond
    Blue_Diamond Member Posts: 122

    "KiLleR maiN Btw"

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340

    Bubba disagrees.