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How do you do deal with a bully squad

jamally093 Member Posts: 1,522

Seems bringing lightborn doesn't work anymore even then doing on good match makes the game think I'm OTZ so other then lobby dodge or simply go to a corner and go AFK doesn't seem I can do anything else so anyone have any tips on facing a bully squad.


  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    They are usually being so altruistic. So targeting one of them will make them do mistakes. Because they will want 4 - man escape. So you just need to tunnel one of them, take all free hits they give. Slug them if you need. Be aware about UB because most likely it will be in match when you have teams like this.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,400

    Before blight, they underestimated me and let themselves crumble for the most part. Although playing the worst killers in the game reduce your options in these scenarios to the point of being a bot. Blight on the other hand I don't go against skilled bully squads often so they just die. Skilled bully squads also die eventually because they aren't actually doing their objective and grouping up against blight regardless of add-ons will get you slugged, unless the map is very terrible collision wise.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Just keep going. They always die to altruism.

  • SpiritsHusk
    SpiritsHusk Member Posts: 169

    Most of the time they just play to be annoying or just to long out the game in terms of alturism, sabo hooks, body blocking, just play normal most of the time and they'll die.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,049

    Ugh, those flies that want to swarm around you were on of if not the MOST annoying thing as a casual friendly killer.

    Even if you play normal, hit them all and slug them, the moment you go to hook one of them, one of the other uses ub and they nearly completely reset.

    At that point i mentality quit and just goofed around with my power depending on the killer or in extreme cases switched to my other screen and waited for them to get bored and finally finish the last 99ed gen so i could open the gates.

  • TheMruczek
    TheMruczek Member Posts: 187

    They are very predictable. They will head on stun you or go for flashlights saves all the times.

    The thing i do is leave one of them slugged then go for the nearest person around me. And since i usually have stbfl taking hits is quite pointless for them.

    Usually playing more scummy will result in you winning, however if they let's say just abuse some sort of design flaw of the map like having no mither+soul guard combo in main building on Eyrie of Cringe, you are just screwed.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I usually kill them with kindness. But instead of kindness, I use slugging

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    They don't do gens (or do very slowly) because they are busy harassing you. Bully squads are the easiest opponents, they could bully all they want, but whats the point if game does not progress, time is on your side.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Bully squads have a serious tendency to not touch gens, so as long as you play normally you'll end up killing them all while they swarm around you to be altruistic. I personnally find those games to be lots of fun, but I know that's not a very popular opinion.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,022

    Im not really great at Killer but some things help me.

    1. I always equip Franklins’ Demise. Bully Squads hate this perk with a passion because it renders their items useless and they can’t bully you if they can’t blind you or sabo hooks (unless they bring in the Sabo perk). Just get ready for the salt in the end game chat. They will definitely call you bad. I just giggle and move on.
    2. Identify the weak link and remove them from the match. They came into the round with the intent of not playing a “normal” game. Return the favor.
    3. Undying + Haunted Grounds. It’s a slept on Perk combo because hexes go fast, but it’s so nice when you get early downs at the start of the match. Plenty of times I’ve downed and hooked three people before the first gen is done.
    4. Play a stronger Killer. Some killers really do suffer against them, especially if they have no anti-loop. A non-basement Trapper with brown add-ons is begging to get t-bagged at the exit gates, while a Skull Merchant will make them roll their eyes and beg for the match to end.
  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,057

    Lightborn is a must and it can do wonders. Sometimes the bullying lies in the fact that there is always one survivor chasing you (while you are chasing another survivor). They want to do the save but it is useless so that's a wasted time. If a tactic fails they have to switch up which gives room for error.

    Committing to a long chase with a single individual is always an option I preferred. When I see it is SWF I do one long chase. I don't give all of them the opportunity to make fun of me. So, imagine you are getting better at such a chase and eventually win. The last gen pops and you down the survivor. I don't allow them the camping fest. I stand back and let them do the save by nodding. Eventually, they also nod and we are all a happy family. Of course not, but it's worth the try. I don't let them practice camp save with me.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Generally for me, i don't bother playing against them. I either leave the match or go afk. If I'm playing 4 player swf bully squad there are plenty of games I do stil lend up getting the 4k...but even wins just aren't worth the time and frustration. I don't want easy games and I'm totally fine getting 0k sometimes, but to have everything you do getting denied over and over just isn't fun. Wins against a team designed to make your game experience miserable aren't enjoyable to engage in to me

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,345

    Never lose your cool in the match.

    Play to win and keep a level head, you'll win a lot of the time.