What's up with Killers today?


I played way too many games today, but I was surprised at how much bming I had to witness today.

From Huntress hitting me on hook for some weird reason, to getting hit on hook and facecamped by Demogorgon at 4 gens (go figure) to Ghostface bleeding me out with another survivor.

What is wrong with you today killers(you know who)? It's only Wednesday.

Just needed to vent. I don't find it common for killers to hit me continuously on hook, but what do you know, it happened at least twice today. Send help, I'm losing my mind (survivors have been questionable too).


  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,409

    Some people are just like that. I see plenty of players on social media who say they love going out of their way to bully or troll others. You gotta let it be like water off a duck's back. Shrug it off. That stuff doesn't phase me anymore.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    I also had bad matches though. The only game I cracked was owhen I had two Jakes doing nothing all game but crouching and doing flashlight saves, that I tried to kill myself on hook and they wouldn't let me so I DC'd cause they would unhook spam me.

    Should I also start tea-bagging at killers for the ones who have behaved in the same manner and do it to baby killers?

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Just the cycle of revenge unfortunately. Who knows what they had to endure last game...

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 640

    Truly? No, but as long as you try your best and do the most you can then you’re better than most bming killers and survivors. Usually if I had some bad matches I switch to PH to cool off

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,025

    I couldn't care less what stupid gestures some random guy in a video game makes to me. Bleeding out is dumb, but I always take it as an opportunity to take a little break. And honestly, it doesn't happen often. 

    You must not take such people seriously and you must grow a thick skin. Remember, if you get angry at their immature behavior, they have achieved their goal.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    To be honest most of the time when I see a killer without no prestige it all makes sense and I am like ok, it's cause they don't know the killer and are frustrated, but yesterday it was a bad day in general as solo survivor. Even the teammates were bad a lot of the matches, I already started getting tilted way earlier.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    I sometimes tbag if I get too into the game, but when I see in the end screen that the killer is new I just apologize. I just tbag to goad the killer to me but overall It's not something I think to do the majority of the time.

    In my Demogorgon game I brought MoM, that I bought in the Shrine and I see Felix getting chased and I am like "ok I can take a protective hit", then Felix slams shack oallet in my face although I was right behind him 😅

    And then Demo switches to me and he starts camping me and hitting me, like what did I do?

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Killer games have been especially frustrating for the past couple of weeks. I usually do my absolute best not to carry over grudges to complete randos that just want to have a fun game and do nothing wrong, but I would be lying if I said that I have never taken my frustration out on someone completely unrelated.

    If you don't feel like you have done anything wrong, just try and imagine that the person on the other side is probably too tilted to think straight. It sucks I know, but none of us are perfect.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,053

    One thing it might be worth bearing in mind, there are not an insignificant number of console players now... I play on PS5 myself, and there doesn't seem to be any kind of chat mechanic after the game for console... unless I've been overlooking it this whole time... so I can never explain any of my actions or intents to anyone...

    In game, there are times I want someones attention, survivor or killer, and its kind of hilarious at times trying to work out how to convey a "yo!" At someone XD

    As survivor, crouch spamming is not necessarily teabagging, it's one of the few animations you can spam quickly to draw attention. I find myself trying to get peoples attention quite a lot with it, and crouching quickly is the closest thing to a quick cancellable spam animation I have... but I have to be very careful when I do it cause its associated with tea-bagging.

    As either I tend to spin in place to say hi, and then try to get people to follow so I can convey whatever I'm trying to convey...

    My point is, there are instances of undeniable BM, but instead of getting upset, try assuming it's something more benign or innocent instead of players being hostile.

    • Maybe them hitting you on hook was a controller blunder (I've done this at times)
    • Maybe the tea bagging survivor at exit is actually trying to say "gg killer, hit me for some free points at the gate!"

    Even if someone is being BM, if you assume it isn't, then that prevents YOU from tilting, and you'll enjoy the game much more.

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 656

    Maybe the tea bagging survivor at exit is actually trying to say "gg killer, hit me for some free points at the gate!"

    LOL. 9 times out of 10 they run out of the gate before I can land a hit, so no, that's definitely not it.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    To be fair, i can´t eat a whole one. Doesn´t matter how hungry i am.

    Anyway, we´re all humans. Everyone can have a bad day and unconsciously let it out on someone else. Best thing is to simply ignore it and move on. Fueling the fire by reacting to any sort of BM rarely has the desired outcome.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,053
    edited June 2023

    Let me have my comfort blanket man xD

    Seriously though, the point is, do what you need to to maintain your own mental, preferably without being an arse yourself.

    At said teabagger, wave at them by rotating in place. This means their tbag hasn't bothered you, and they may even let you have a hit.

    Tilt is the worst thing you can go into the next game with...

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,218

    I'm not saying this applies to all but it's not super easy to see the line where you're one footstep away from leaving the match and one where you're leaving the match. It is possible to want to give the Killer a hit but accidentally step just a little bit too far. I don't blame anyone I see being overcautious as, on the Survivor side, I have had Killers (albeit rarely) try to angle the hit to force me back into the match so they can pick me up and hook me.

    Rather than teabagging to goad the Killer you could just make yourself seen and/or bodyblock so there's no BM. Less inexperienced Killers are far more likely to fall for that than experienced Killers so why BM and make their day worse if they're not BMing?

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    No killer will leave their injured survivor. Bodyblocking might do the trick, but not always.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 7,890

    1 player BM on you does feel bad, it nothing in this game can be compared to a toxic squad of 4 players BM on you.

    First time I played against a toxic squad, I was no more play 8 hooks and let people escape, I played more dirty and most of the time I put it on later team.

    It was like a year before I had to rethink about it, and tried to understand that later team has nothing to do with previous toxic squad, or even a single toxic survivor has nothing to do with other 3.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,218

    They will if you make it impossible for them to get to them and, if the Killer won't even swing at you, you and the injured survivor have wrecked the Killer's pressure. The best counter to tunneling is forcing the Killer to spread out hook states. What most of my 3 or 4E games have in common more than any other factor is multiple hook states spread out over the team. What most of my 4K losses have in common is the last one or two remaining survivors with no hook states until they get killed. Hook states are a resource to be spread out and part of the macro strategy of the game. It's far more reliable to bodyblock to get Killer aggro than it is to teabag which is a crappy BM thing to do and only really works on Killers new to the game.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    I don't disagree with you, there are survivors who don't wanna trade their hook states and that can become a problem later on because they never use them up and if killer sacrifices them last they just died on their first hook anyway.

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    I can’t help but to laugh inside when people truly get upset about crouch spamming, it’s the end of the world for some people. I literally couldn’t careless when they do it to me

  • EmmaFrostyEyes
    EmmaFrostyEyes Member Posts: 685

    i get more toxic killers than toxic survivors in my games so I definitely don’t believe that killers are pure souls lmao

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 4,929

    This! Not everyone feels this, but most killers do. The regression and gen-kicking left went away, the hyperfocused gen-rushing stayed, and it is now that much harder to keep the pressure up in any way. You need down after down after down and even one bad chase can toppel and jeopardize your entire run. The stakes are high, so is the tension, and even slight, or just imagined, slights can push a killer over the edge and to vent some heat.

    The killers are definitely no pure, innocent souls, and outside of the game most survivor players most definitely don't eat little children, but inside of The Fog, there are definitely a lot of survivors who make it their greatest joy to torture the killer and show them who is boss. Of course its just a game, but especially when the tension is high, rubbing it constantly in that you won by a hairs breadth will eventually make a lot of killer players lash out in a toxic way. I am sure that a lot mostly nice killer players have felt and experienced this themselfes, so they can relate and talk about it here on the forums. There sure are just mean-spirited killer players who don't need an excuse to be arses, and there sure are survivors who never ever BM the killer, but in the vast majority of the games the script is flipped, and be it just a tactic to get the killer to waste whole minutes on your top-notch looping skills.

    Ideally a down should be an inevitability after a certain amount of time, but likewise tunneling and camping should be detrimental to the killers successrate and be severely limited, but at the moment we are far from that, so lets try to make the game bearable for all out co-gamers.

  • lifeisstrange
    lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300
    edited June 2023

    Only today? This is EVERYDAY for me lol specially because am a streamer and we know how bias killer mains are to streamers. Heck the killer can be a streamer themselves and be toxic to a survivor streamer.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,353

    I was with you up until the bias shined through. Then you lost me. I don’t believe it’s “the vast majority of games” where survivors are terrible and killers are just these innocent victims of online harassment/bullying. I rarely see BMing survivors *or* killers. I think most players in general play without intending to irritate others. But I think when killers BM it’s much worse. So that should be weighed more heavily than if a survivor teabags or whatever, slow clicks their flashlight.

  • EmmaFrostyEyes
    EmmaFrostyEyes Member Posts: 685
  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Ok so you hit someone 3-4 to stop the screaming then? That sounds like a reach tbh. One time I can understand, but more than that seems like you're trying to find ways to justify what their intentions. The good thing was that bming Huntress didn't get me with her Bloodwarden, so at least I got that going for me. Distortion saved my ass.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,218

    Exactly. If survivors don't force Killers to spread hook states they'll lose. One of the issues I find with tunneling is that the skill floor to tunnel is a lot easier than the skill floor to counter it. That's part of the reason why I always argue the game would be better off if camping and tunneling were made extremely difficult and then Killers were given buffs to compensate. I think it would be healthier for the game overall.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 4,929

    Well, I am a killer main, because thats the role I like the most, but I play about 60/40 split between the two roles, so I also know a good deal of the survivors side. Of course I am biased, but I am also pretty levelheaded and and try to be at least somewhat diplomatic between the two roles and advocating for balance.

    But it is my honest, experience-born and hard earned opinion, that way, way, WAY more survivors BM the killer and are just mean, then the other way around. As I said, both sides have their fair share of despicable people, but especially nowadays the killer has now time for BMing, if they want any kind of success in this game, gens just fly that fast.

    You can always break things down to "why do you feel so offended of them just ducking fast?" or "its just a game, man!", but the same could be said about flipping the bird to someone, or the equivalent that each culture has, or throwing slurs at someone, when its "just words". In the right context, t-bagging is literally rubbing salt into the wound and many survivors do it on purpose, just to rile the killer player up. I have very rarely encountered a killer, who purposefully slugged all four of us and let us bleed out or an Insidious Bubba, but I have encountered a lot of bully squads, who didn't want to win, but just tried to make my life as a killer as miserable as possible. Yeah, this matches eventually ended with a 3-4k, but it didnt felt sweet, it just ended the suffering. And the amount of times survivors wasted 2min of my life (and theirs) waiting at the exit gates, just to make sure that I see them leave, because otherwise I probably wouldn't have gotten the message that I lost, that amount is without numbers in the context of this game.

    On the same vain, the number of hatches or free exit gates openings I have given survivors is probably two categories bigger then the very very rare occasions were I got a free hook or mercy kill. One category of the survivors scoring system is called altruism, but thats just a game mechanics name. True altruism only extends between roles, when you really win nothing by showing the other person some kindness and actually lose something game-mechanics-wise, and the altruism the killer population shows towards the survivors one far outshines any smol motes of altruism survivors might have for a killer that they utterly dominated.

    I didn't want to write such a lengthy tract that essentially boils down to "us vs them", but somehow your post incited me to do so. Still, if you want a calm and civil discussion, just shoot, I now got it out of my system ^_-

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 4,929

    In the same vain, a single slap can also be something like a nod of respect for a good chase or something. Sadly killers can't emote and due to neglect earlier in their life, the only language they speak to express themselves is violence, but believe me, a single slap on the hook can actually mean respect, its all in the contect.

    Just as most t-baggings are mean spirited, but in the right context it can also be a guesture of friendship or submission.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 532

    I wish i had a screenshot of a endgame chat I had earlier where a killer who had hit me on hook repeatedly told me that they thought it would make me die quicker. How I got matched with such an obvious baby I will never know. I couldn't help but start laughing about it after they had told me that.

  • lifeisstrange
    lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300
    edited June 2023

    Still dont and get why to this day or time why solo potoates do not like running this lovely perk and when they go down in 2 seconds they dc or people assuming you kept hiding cause the killer never chased you till x time or never, umm yes i love to sit on my 90% gen and not have to worry on some nurse/spirit/blight zooming to it to chase me off it thank you. Huntress and blights 90% of the time will always have lethal/bbq/flood and even bitter murmur so yes you blocking their aura stuff makes em so angry!!!!!!!!!! lol. I remember a huntress with bitter murmur/bbq/lethal/floods and that add on that lets her see aura if hit by a hatch, she dear comes into my stream and calls me a cheater because she couldnt find me. Right lady read the perk I use. As a streamer not surprised when am tunnel/bm etch specially when I wasted so much of the killer time hahaha.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    It's because they use Spinechill since it's a general perk and very beginner friendly. But Distortion is actually superior for solo survivor and doesn't teach imo bad habits since you do have to take chase when the killer finds you after all.

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 640

    I Never Said it was the survivors fault. Bad matches could be Because of multiple factors. Bad maps, God Tier SWF (not blaming them), regular game frustration. I know the moment I get sent to any Preschool map I’m instantly in a bad mood.

    I was more pointing out Most killers don’t do this right out, usually they start to turn to these things after “Failing” their objectives the past few games.