Map Offering + Mini Map Balance Discussion.


Greetings, Dead By Daylight forums! Today I want to discuss map offerings. While it's a good feature to see a specific map if you're new or if you need to do a specific achievement on that map, unfortunately nowadays map offerings are literally used in an unfair way to gain an advantage as a survivor. Obviously, this isn't always the case depending on the type of playstyle you're playing, and you might need a map in those circumstances, but something like Mirror Myers on Lery's, for instance, isn't really something that will guarantee the complete sacrifice of all survivors. But for the most part, it's used for survivors advantage, which isn't fair. The recent maps since Garden of Joy have been heavily survivor-sided, and it's not like the offering chosen by the survivor will actually benefit you; it most likely always benefits them.

Now, killers have the opportunity to simply use an offering to prevent this, but in a 4-man SWF situation, they can either troll you and not bring an offering, or all four of the survivors can bring the offering, which completely makes the sacrificial ward useless! So, most of the time, when a map offering is used, 90% of the time it's to make killers have a difficult time, and that isn't fair. And for the other 10%, it simply depends on what killer used that map offering; if it's a nurse, then sure, that's unfair, but you don't always come across a great nurse player compared to the number of good survivors who team up in a SWF.

Recent reworked maps haven't been that good either; if anything, they've just made the maps worse for killers. And what I think Behaviour should definitely do is do an update similar to 3.7.0, which balanced all the current maps in the game at the time and also completely removed infinites ( I mention how it can be worse for killers, but it depends on the generation of the map, and if you play Killer, you can definitely see how it's exactly fair. The other day, I was in a custom game with my friend (who doesn't like public matches), and it was on Badham preschool, and in the house with another floor and a single generator, there were 5 vaults in that one house, combined with a shack right next to it, and 3 filler pallets and a shack pallet. If that were me in that match, I would've given up, as any good survivor can use that really well. ( and Behaviour needs to create new tiles that are safe for both sides, including an M1 killer, without making it a death sentence for the survivor to use, and they also need to learn how to actually make a decent map that is balanced for all sides. And I'm not even going to mention breakable doors; that should already be common sense, and if killers don't destroy that, they're going to have a hard time on loop. But then it's unsafe for the survivors to use, so the gameplay isn't really fun for the survivors.

Furthermore, to conclude my points in a simple way, it's that the maps are horrible for killers and benefit survivors more, which sees map offerings burned to make the game harder for killers and easy for survivors (I am aware of exceptions), but it's used to screw the killers. Due to how recent maps are made to benefit survivors more than killers, which include reworks.


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,138

    I don't particularly like map offerings, but unfortunately your first paragraph says it all.

    It's abusing the system to get an unfair advantage when survivors use it, but when it's killers it's a-ok becuase "it doesn't guarantee a 4K" ? Okay....

  • xCakeStick
    xCakeStick Member Posts: 53

    I never mentioned that it's okay, I simply stated when a killer uses it it's for some gameplay reasons. And I did mention if it's against a good nurse how that isn't fair for the survivors, but 90% of the time it's used by survivors for their advantage.

  • Cyber686
    Cyber686 Member Posts: 64

    maps benefits swf more than average solo q player. both exit gates are always in the same side of the map within 5 meters away from each other and 1000000000000000 hooks and lot of dead zones with 0 pallets. what the hell are you whining about?

  • xCakeStick
    xCakeStick Member Posts: 53

    Exit gates probability of spawning close to each other is low, "1000000000000000 hooks" is unrealistic and will never happen at least attempt to give a proper statical response - furthermore to this point survivors can bring petrified oak with an in door map to make this unfair for killers and you obviously haven't been playing long to not see how maps spawn a lot of tiles which prevent dead zones, and if you go to these dead zones and don't recognise it as one you aren't good at survivor.

  • Cyber686
    Cyber686 Member Posts: 64

    same thoughts i have about you. if you are a baby killer that commits to a 100P survivor in the main building its skill issue

  • xCakeStick
    xCakeStick Member Posts: 53

    Many people would agree that map offerings are an feature that should be changed, the fact you have to be so immature about it in the discussion is pathetic, if you nothing to share that's useful you shouldn't even be here. And 100P doesn't mean skill, it means they've put time in the game to get there, which shows you don't know much.

  • bazarama
    bazarama Member Posts: 200

    Good points cakestick

  • Cyber686
    Cyber686 Member Posts: 64

    wow immature shaming tactic, classic XD. Being commited to a survivor in main building with billion windows doesnt mean you have any skill at all. we could continue to play this shaming tactic game or just admit that we both suck at the game its up to you XD

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,038

    In my opinion, I wouldn't want map offerings gone but not for a balance reason more as it is because i want to have offerings that actually are worth to use.

    Most of the other survivors offerings are useless and only serve to fill up the bloodweb with the worst of them being the luck offerings and the shrouds.

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 730

    Why are Sacrifical Wards, green rarity?

    You may get a terrible map anyways due to RNG, survivors not using a map offering or negating the ward.

    As a brown it would atleast be more accessible, more useful than the 50% BP offers

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 8,812

    Personally I like for the devs to remove map offerings and do an offering pass since frankly very few offerings are actually worth using.

  • Wexton
    Wexton Member Posts: 496

    I don't like map offerings in concept, nobody should be sent to a map because one person wants to go there. That's dumb. Even if the maps were balanced (which they aren't) I'd still be annoyed by them. In fact I think offerings should actually decrease your chances of being sent to a particular map, or just be removed entirely.