P100 nurse mains, do you actually enjoy the game?


Honest question. Do you actually enjoy winning every game with 5 gens still remaining and absolutely no resistance?

I mean I get it after few bad matches switching to nurse and having few easy games but winning 500 matches in a row without any resistance? I would think it would get boring after a while?


  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Non of killers are on Nurse's level. This killer is from dark age of DbD, which we got very busted mechanics. But now they all gone except the Nurse.

    I don't know when they are gonna rework this killer. Killer like should not exist.

  • Droneinthrwind
    Droneinthrwind Member Posts: 92

    Most people hate DBD but they still play it because it's the only thing they are good at. Kinda Stockholm syndrome.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482
  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,426

    *Most people think this is the only game they are good at when in reality they are still not good*. If this is the only competitive game someone is good at they need to broaden their horizons greatly.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Judging by some threads, I'd say they are having a lot of fun with their power trip. Kinda sad that getting good at the most broken killer in a niche game is the greatest achievement of their lives but to each their own.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,138

    I mean... Nurse is mechanically pleasing. It's fun blinking around and guessing where people went. Unfortunately she makes me motion sick, but I understand the appeal.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    Well it goes both ways on both sides. Usually childish BMing comes from fragile egos, low self esteem and low self efficacy, so they use the game to make up for those short comings in real life.

    And on topic, yeah I think nurse is busted.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,061

    Plus, it takes a lot of time learning proper blinking. So far I've been able to win only with the add-on that shows me where I'll "land".

    This is why I appreciate when someone really knows how to use her.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,138

    True !

    And I think maybe because of that, but most Nurses I see (at a very average mmr) are quite kind towards lesser experienced players. They know how it's like to be learning and failing a lot. When I was starting to play survivor, Nurses were some of the kindest players I'd run into, whether it was giving another chance to me or my friends when she was dominating or just being nice in endgame chat.

    I always offer a kill to nurses who've had a tough game and didn't manage to kill anyone otherwise, to pay it forward.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    Not really, actually.

    I've been playing since late 2021/early 2022 and have wracked up 1,600 hours. Probably at least 500 hours just on nurse. It was fun for the longest time though, for a few reasons.

    • One, she feels super rewarding to play as you can clearly see your skill effecting the outcome of a match.
    • Two, I'm competitive and winning is part of the fun for me so full meta was the way to go.
    • And three, I come mostly from shooters like apex or valorant so her precise inputs and demanding timings really stood out for me.

    It eventually became boring because getting kills was too easy. Survivors typically dont understand that breaking LOS, mindgaming and forcing a LOS blink are how to counter nurse and opt instead to use typical looping with extra steps. It wasnt becoming too easy because shes too strong, more because the perks I was using and the survivors I fought made it too easy. Like, its no fun to chase as nurse if I just LOS blink every time and they dont even bother reading me, or double backing or anything at all. The fun of nurse is half from the precise inputs and half the predictions. I'm of the opinion that nurse gameplay takes the barebones core of DBD and puts it on steroids, making your survivor dependent on how well you can read and predict each other. In place of pallets and vaults, you need to force a misblink or break LOS etc etc to win. I love that about her, Its why I gravitated towards her to begin with.

    But yeah eventually I got to the point where It was just too easy to get kills and win a match. full meta loadout I tried running a personal build, pain res+CoB+nowhere to hide+free slot. It worked pretty well, and was also more fun to use than lethal+nwo+bbq+deadlock. There wasnt really much that just happened passively with my new build, pain res was interactive, CoB I had to kick something, at which point NTH would help me start a chase. But that also turned out to be too easy.

    Now I'm at a point where I dont really play her much anymore. I mostly play huntress now, since she also requires precise timings and inputs to function. Nurse will always imo be the most fun killer for me, on paper at least. I really love the mindgames that go into a chase with her, how you are constantly on your toes on either side trying to break LOS or land that perfect blink. The precision, flicks, and just vfx as well made a for a "YESSSS" moment with pretty much every down. Until I actually got pretty good at her, and running full meta became boring. Then running soft meta became boring. Most survivors dont understand how to counter nurse effectively, there is counterplay imo its just very different. Survivors just give up If I snowball too hard, if I get midwich they just dc if they hear a blink (cant blame em).

    Im unironically considering playing her with just shadowborn and infectious fright, because right now I can 4k without tunneling unless I absolutely need to. Unless I'm actively 2 hooking everyone before going for kills then I'm gonna get the 2k at 3 gens, adn at that point I've won. And if I hard tunnel from the start they just dont stand a chance unless I'm on leri's.

    Im kinda hoping they nerf her in some way, without gutting what makes her fun to play. That way games would be more challenging instead of people just giving up or going down 10 seconds in because nurse is hard to counter.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    Yeah, that addons super helpful starting out. Shes super hard to learn, but if you want to I'd recommend taking the addon off and going trial by fire. Its gonna be super frustrating for a few games, but everyone who plays nurse has to deal with that to have that muscle memory lol,

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,782

    Question for console nurses - how long would you say it took you to get the hang of her? Wondering if I should bother committing the hours to learning her

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    Pc nurse here, but I though I'd give my two cents. As a PC player with the extra range of movements thanks to MnK, I'd say it took me about 2 weeks to a months of consistently playing her to average about 6 hooks a game. To truly start killing with her it took me maybe a month or two of experience beyond that to do.

    Console nurse is SIGNIFICANTLY more difficult than pc. There is much less room for error in your movements. On pc, if I overblink I can flick back around real fast and blink back/swing. If someones trying to 360 me, I can pretty easily bap em right on the head no matter where they are. On console though, flicking is practically impossible within the short time span given. So if you want to land a hit, you need to predict them right, turn your camera mid blink (I do this on pc but I can still flick if I mess up somehow), not get 360-ed, make sure you are in range and then swing. If you aren't, repeat. Nurse is quite flick reliant for consistency, so any god console nurse has my utmost respect.

    Some perks I'd recommend starting out are:

    Nurses calling (free down lol)

    deadlock (passive slowdown, doesnt need a hook or anything to work)

    nowhere to hide (easy chase starter, can also land you a free hit if you have the aim)

    im all ears (see nowhere to hide)

    BBQ (obvious reasons)

    NWO (endgame clutch ehe)

    just thought I'd give what I can, even though im a PC player lol

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Since Nurses kill rate isn´t as spectacular as most people claim, i´d say they enjoy winning occasionally.

    Until her kill rate actually hits those spectacular levels, i´d be careful with asking for nerfs. Since the last balance round wasn´t exactly what people hoped for.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,782

    Cheers for that, very helpful. So I'd wager I'd be looking at a few months at least to become somewhat adequate with her. I play casual so I'm not fussed with 4ks or being god tier, but I'd like to at least get a good game going. The playerbase might just have to tolerate me learning the ropes for awhile lol

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    Lol yeah if your just looking for basic consistency, 2-3k on average 1-2 months seems accurate for console, considering the steeper learning curve. I did think of one more thing though, a few addons to use/avoid.

    • never use the plaid cloth addon, you'll never wanna stop so you wont get the muscle memory lol.
    • use wooden horse in moderation. It good for new players, making mistakes less punishing. But its the same situation as plaid cloth.
    • heavy panting is prob godly on console, extends lunge after 2 blinks so you will get hits more consistently.
    • theres one addon that basically gives blinks sloppy, its a green. definitely her best lol, especially if you are gonna run nurses calling.
    • her iridescents are mostly just for memes, but 3 blink nurse is easy mode and combos well with campbells+bbq. Get one hook->uberblink crossmap->use third for hit-> ez game.
    • <3
  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Some bad guys bullied me, now i gonna take revenge on all of you. You evil bully survivors!!! I will take you all down with Nurse.

  • Droneinthrwind
    Droneinthrwind Member Posts: 92
    edited June 2023

    It feels like this forum players faces nothing but swf bully squads.

    I play 70:30 survivor to killer and literally faced bully squads twice. One was head on squad which was a bit annoying but they didn't do gens so it was 4k at 5 gens. Another was flashy squad but I was plague so I just camped one guy with corrupt while everyone was injured and it was easy game afterwards.

    While as survivor every second game is blight and nurse or wesker. Half the cast of killers I haven't seen in weeks.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 684

    I have no opinion either way as I run in trash tier with survivor so I don't see nurse much, and about the only time I play her is to knock out a challenge. However I love how the thread went from "Nurse players are terrible people with no life" to "Hey here's how you can improve your Nurse games" :D

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,072

    Not P100, but I'd probably be there or close to it if the prestige system had been implemented sooner.

    I enjoy the games against good players. A lot of survivors don't want to hear this, but it is possible to run a Nurse and offer resistance. For every 10-15 easy games, I'll get 1 game where there's a few survivors who actually know what they're doing, use edge map sight blockers, and put up a fight. Those games are fun. Then I go back to survivors who run around a corner once and say "breaking LOS doesn't work".

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,782

    Thank you! I've heard many times that Campbell's Last Breath is a must have add on. I'll give her a spin tomorrow.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124
    edited June 2023

    no problem, happy to help! Yeah campbells is absolutely busted. Just hold down the button and go 40m is about 2 seconds.

    dont get discouraged if it doesnt go well just takes some dedication to learn her

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868
    edited June 2023

    I'm not really a main nurse but I know how to port and stuff. I spammed her last month just because I was in the mood. I lost my first round because I haven't played her* in a while (about 6 months, I don't know).

    The next few rounds were all wins. The more I played it, the easier it got, so I ended up playing with no perks and no addons. Nothing has really changed. I lost about 5 games out of roundabout 50 and most of them were without loadout.

    (DC games aren't even included as almost every second game is a surrender festival where they are not interested to play against a nurse which knows how to port.)

    The few games i lost were against really good survivors or it simply was lerys.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,073

    Nowhere does the poster imply that they play Nurse to get revenge. Only that they play Nurse to even the playing field with toxic/sweaty survivors.

    It’s better to play one of the stronger killers and feel like you can do something when you get put up against strong opponents than it is playing a basic killer and feel hopeless. It’s no different to survivors who tire of solo queue and form SWFs.

  • DrFrozen
    DrFrozen Member Posts: 144

    I do enjoy nurse, probably most fun killer to play as. Brings new playstyle other than looping around the same pallet for 5 minutes

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,130

    I get one every couple of games unless i play nurse where that's pretty much all i get (probably because i win most games with her).

    But lets say i play trapper. I'll play a game, get a SWF bully squad, clicky clicky, teabags, the like. Probably a map offering to like the game, or a farm map or garden of joy. I'll get maybe a few hooks, maybe get a kill if i get lucky and camp.

    Next game, its 4 babies that immediately kill themselves on hook as soon as they step in a trap and i hook them


  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,329

    There is no incentive nor reason to play half the other cast of killers tho.