Two of the worst killer maps will be boosted from tomorrow

Garden of Joy and Borgo.
This'll be fun. /s
Garden of Joy is pretty good for Dredge and other teleporting killers. At least in my experience. Borgo I don’t see enough to have an opinion on.
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I honestly don't mind Garden of Joy as a killer, but I hate everything about Borgo.
I tend to play Stealth killers, or Dredge/Doctor/Plague, so that could be why. Stealth killers work fairly well on Garden, but there is virtually no coverage on Borgo at all. Meanwhile the latter three are essentially map-controlling killers in one way or another, and Borgo's immense size and the ability to see the killer coming a mile off with a myriad of pallets to choose from means holding W is king.
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Then it's a good time to go outside and touch some grass.
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I’ll be making survivor for a bit then. Otherwise, I have lots of map offerings on my main killer now.
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yeah absolutely despise those two, gonna be bringing map offerings I think
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I think I'll stick to ToTK this week instead.
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I'll still get Red Forest, Rancid Abattoir or Shelter Woods. Those maps love me.
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They know how the community feels about these maps and they boost the odds? This seems political IMO. This rubs me the wrong way. Feels like they are trying to lower kill rates I mean why else would they do this?
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I don't mind those. It's ######### Macmillan/Shelter Woods etc. that I hate with passion.
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Just take me away from badham *please*
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I might actually like borgo if it weren't so dark and visually muddy that I can't see any survivor crouching in dark clothing without glasses
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I seen killers bring maps that usually is survivor sided=example cold wind and ofc am like uh why would they wanna go there. Turns out to be a spirit/cause grass movement abuse or death slinger because he can shoot through the corn. the game/rpd=dull merchant/dredge/doctor/nurse and ofc leries/rpd=scratch myers. The two maps I really wish to see be redesigned or go is swamp maps and dullwitch elementary school. Annoying when killers bring midwitch but even more worst when its survivors who votes these maps u.u. am finally putting my 250 sac wards to use now.
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This is something far to many game designers do and I will never understand; why push players towards elements that you know are broken?
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Brogo is quite bad for dredge. at always, it depends on rng, but Borgo tends to have large Lockerdeadzones, and often gens are nowhere near a locker.
For Dredge, Skull Merchant map is the only one worse, because there are so few lockers to begin with, and most are not relevant.
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Good, i genuinely would rather be playing on those maps than play on any of the MacMillan, Autohaven or Coldwind maps altogether.
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I love when the devs raise the odds of maps they know a large portion of the community despise. /s
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Perfect time to use my map offerings.
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I picked a fantastic time to be taking a break
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Well looks like I'll be using a lot of map offerings then.
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I'm glad these maps are boosted because this week I've got like over 50 hours of work to do plus uni projects so I'm glad I'm not missing much.
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Good thing I’m already Iridescent 1 on killer, guess I can stick to survivor this week.
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I love both of those maps as a killer lol I hate getting lerys even though that's the opposite of how some people feel, there's just too many damn windows when you face people that know how to tie areas together.
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thank god Map Repeat Prevention doesnt work on "events" .......WHY tho?🤨
yeah lets just send killers into by far the worst maps in the game to have "FuN" during the event , best idea ever.
great i like playing on a big open map with a strong red filter that hurts a lot when tracking , also has a insane amount of safe connected tiles/pallets into each others with no mindgame and can be only be countered by huntress , BUT not only that it also has an extra small mini shack window structure that can spawn on 1 corner of the map to make things even BETTER on top of the most safer shack in the game because of the random stuff on the window. 🤔
about garden of pain.....ughhhhh ......I guess I'll be running bamboozle during the entire event to handle the infinite on m1 killers or be forced to play huntress i guess , soo much fun.
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For other teleporting killers yes
Dredge cant use his power at all on some portions of the map and this can be even worst depending on which tiles spawn where
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how is the knight map as killer I actually haven’t played it since I took a massive break
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Sometimes it seems like the devs just like to troll the community. This is one of those times.
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Ahh. Yeah, at least on GoJ lockers are everywhere. I guess it makes sense since it’s the Dredge’s map but I love it when I play Dredge.
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I hear a lot of people say the devs don't spend very much time actually playing the game. This event is making me a believer.
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Bro... what? That map is awful for Dredge.
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Not for me. There are lockers everywhere naturally and even more spawn when you play Dredge. Also when it’s dark it’s even worse for survivors because there are a lot of structures/obstacles for them to get caught on. Maybe you just aren’t a good Dredge.
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I just hope this will make the devs looked in those maps more. Like tone down the redness more on Borgo and remove some more pallets and shrink the map more. Also hope the remove more clutter on Garden of Joy.
Cause I tired to practice to more on Garden Of Joy and Borgo but it never works out for me at least from my experience. I really hate to sound like a quitter but I came to the conclusion that these are the maps I will refuse to play on. Normally I wouldn’t care cause I usually tolerated Cowshed, Old Haddon Field, and the game. But for me these maps everytime I play on them I get the worst luck.
Oh forgot add this but I may also bring in other map offerings. So that way I don’t have to deal those maps either.
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Or maybe i am just aware that loops are extremely close together making his chase power very underwhelming.
And that main building is just very unfair.
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That map is horse ######### for any teleporting killers besides nurse lmao. in your experience with what? 10 hours survivors? ☠️. all loops on that map are connected, just hold W and you cant do ######### about it.
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Horrendous. It’s massive, random ######### all over the place, and survivors can see you coming from three miles away. Oh, and the color accents on the scenery look like scratch marks, so that makes playing killer super fun 🙄
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The main building is very strong naturally but it spawns several lockers, which innately helps Dredge. I haven’t really struggled with Dredge there. Other killers? Yes. But not Dredge. Heck, even Sadako does alright for me there (but I don’t chase with her, I just build condemned).
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It's pretty big and its colours can bother you. Hiding and visibility are both great for survivors - difficult for killers with stealth ability.
edit: from a design perspective the level looks great (cupboards have a medieval-ish design)