Didn't they say barbecue would disappear?

I was one of the few here that said barbecue wouldn't go anywhere after the "nerf" that removed extra blood points, apparently, killers didn't use it only for BP, huh?
Sorry for sounding entitled, but I was called clueless and worse by people here in the thread I made about it back then:
"Oh, they killed barbecue, no one is gonna use that anymore" except I just went my fifth straight game where the killer was using it. Distortion is now my main build lol.
BBQ really isn't that good, it's just players like me want direction without thinking after hooking. If I start seeing distortion in my games on more than one survivor consistently, then I will start tunneling for the first time in a year in half because you have chose a selfish perk.
I am a relatively lax killer but if I am threatening to tunnel, who knows what other players will do. Idk know what I am talking about because I'll get bored of tunneling in like 2 games anyway.
Distortion is simply top 3 worse survivor perk design period. The fact that I can run c21 on blight and constantly prock it without getting feedback means the perk is far too overtuned. No amount of perks or add-ons for other killers will allow them to push through the tokens if c21 blight can't.
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It would make no difference if you start tunneling or not, the state of the solo Q right now IS tunneling after tunneling. lol
And sorry you feel so bad about distortion, I hope you overcome these harsh feelings someday
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BBQ is a perk I use for mostly mobility or teleporting based killers who can use the information quickly.
Otherwise you have a plethora or other aura reading perks or add-ons that do the job better, last longer and activate in better situations.
BBQ was used for bloodpoint gain, and was realistically a sub par aura reading perk
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Lethal's buff made BBQ popular again. It's very fun combo to use.
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There is no perk that counters more than distortion by a very large margin.
There is also a massive difference between me tunneling and the average player.
People also say the state of solo q like there isn't a duo in atleast half of all games lmao.
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Bbq certainly isn't bad but it isn't nearly run as often as it used to be.
The fact that a whole year went by before you noticed it 5 games in a row and you could have your aha moment isn't as big of a gotcha moment you think it is
Still good though, honestly a bit underrated at the moment. Love it on Billy
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I mean, I don't really use BBQ. I find Floods to be vastly superior.
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Lethal, BBQ, Shadowborn and Agitation is my go to build on Blight and Hillbilly and tbf this is a balanced, fun, generic build.
I will never run Distortion because I want to be chased by the killer , it’s boring asf doing gens and sneaking around the map.
Come 1v1 me shack!
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I wouldn't use BBQ if it wasn't for lethal, and as soon as I P3 Sadako I'll switch it out for floods of rage tbh
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BBQ has always been a good perk on killers with good mobility, and was never solely used for Bloodpoints by most of the users. It’s not completely overpowered but can feel very frustrating if you are a casual player in Solon/2man swf if the killer has consistent short chases. But. To be fair. Those matches would probably feel frustrating without BBQ just the same.
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I used to run it on pretty much every killer. Not because it's strong but because I like the feeling of a perk activating when you do your objective.
I have uneqipped BBQ a week ago to see how much I rely on certain perks and to teach myself game sense above all else and honestly BBQ didn't make much of a difference. I don't have any trouble getting into the next chase after hooking even without it.
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BBQ usage dropped significantly with the removal of the BP bonus, down from 36% to 17% according to nightlight:
It's still in a pretty solid state, but far from it's former omnipresence. Me personally, I used to run it on each and every killer before path 6.1, just bc of the extra BP. But now I only use it for aura builds with lethal, or with killers that have high mobility.
Talking about lethal, that got buffed with 6.1 to extend aura durations, and thus increased in usage:
Since lethal now buffs BBQ, you could even argue that BBQs pick rate may be a bit boosted due to lethal.
So when you say you got 5 bbqs in a row, I would say you were either unlucky, or faced high tier / mobility killers were using BBQ makes sense. Do you know which killers you faced, by chance?
One last thing, with BBQ being used less, survivors adapted and stopped using it's counters (lockers, hiding behind gen aura, faking a direction). For some even to the point to practically forget about the perk during a trial, only to be reminded by the killer in the worst situations (talking from own exp. here ^^''). That of course works in favor for BBQ, less ppl countering it means more value from it.
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I consistently use it on my main and a few other killers, and it genuinely baffles me how many people seem to not realize that BBQ is still a perk.
The amount of times I see people walking away from a gen and standing still in done 'hiding spot' after I hook someone just to find them exactly where I saw them is unreal, like, don't you hear my heartbeat approaching? The worst part is that these people a lot of times are repeated offenders. The fact I bee lined to them the first time didn't trigger any alarm in their thick head
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I know at the time, I said I would never use BBQ again. Because at that time, Lethal did not buff other aura perks, and Pain Res gave you information after a hook that you could capitalise on. Pain Res beat out BBQ in every way possible without the necessary bloodpoint bonus, it always told you the gen that was being worked on, couldn't be mitigated by Distortion or hiding in a locker, etc.
Turns out I don't use Pain Res because that lost it's info entirely, but I still don't use BBQ anymore outside of my meme "all auras" build, and even then I could swap it for Darkness Revealed or something like that.
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I literally use BBQ + Lethal every game on Legion. It's still a great perk !
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I still use it quite a bit but nowhere near as much as I used to. I used to run it nearly every game, now it’s probably in 15% of my loadouts.
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Distortion honestly screws over your teammates more than anything. If I’m playing killer and I see somebody on BBQ, I’ll go chase them, but if I see nobody, I’m proxy camping hook. Distortion just booked a one way ticket to snowball city.
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Yea I am one of those whom ran it on all of my Killers (that I had it available on) cause of the bonus BP
Now I don't run it cause I've gotten used to the game flow after a Hook... not to mention the fact that some Survivors hide within 40M of the hook in the first place
I feel like the use of BBQ before the change was the Killer saying "I don't want to Camp and Tunnel... I just want my bonus BP"
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Well, what can I say?
They do have the option to use it too, right?
And the fact that I use distortion has nothing to do with being hidden from the killer, instead, I use it to know whether or when he will see auras, and if I can help my teammates that don't know about it, I'll help.
I don't get the "selfish" part of Distortion, if you think you're being screwed by it, then use it instead of those exhaustion perks you guys can't escape without using.
I mean, I may as well think Sprint burst screws me over each time the killer sees me in a generator with a mate, he zones out with the fastest run he can and I get to get pursued by the killer instead because I don't run exhaustion perks.
To each their own.
BTW: Killers nowadays can see my aura when they hook, when they break pallets, when they pick up from the ground, when they hit someone, when they kick generators, when we vault, when we get out of lockers, when we heal...
And you guys come for me cause I use distortion? LWL
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I rarely ever see it. When BBQ gave BP my team would hop in lockers, hide behind gens, try to get within 40 meters, etc to counter it. No one is doing that anymore consistently so not really sure what you are on about. So hate to say it you were wrong as it was the most ran perk with BP and now it's not.
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This is... quite the take, I'll say that.
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So survivors owe it to you to see their auras, and if they don't, "you'll show them"? This is a very strange mentality.
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I said at the time it'd still be pretty popular because it has a solid effect still. Obviously it lost a lot of usage but if you wanna know where to go after a hook there's few better perks.
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Not at all what I said or meant lol
I use BBQ to give myself an excuse to leave hook entirely, if I don’t see anybody on BBQ, why would I go further than 40 meters away from hook? It’s not a “I’ll show them” it’s simply me playing off the info I’m given and reacting accordingly.
Most games turn into snowball fights when you proxy camp and distortion encourages that.
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Not coming at you at all, simply pointing out that distortion can be the reason killers camp / proxy.
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You misspelled excuse
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I mean I guess, it makes no difference anyways. Most killers will not go across the map if they don’t have the info to justify it. Call it an excuse but if there’s no reason to leave the immediate proximity of the hook, why would you?
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i don’t run bbq at all and do it all the time
tbh, I didn’t even know it was such a big deal to do this instead of solely relying on aura reads?
let’s be real though, it is an excuse. If you want to camp then just do it. Don’t blame a survivor for running a perk. Otherwise don’t be shocked if you get blamed for trying to find excuses for camping and only use BBQ for this very reason.
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I like your thinking, your my fav survivor as a killer main. I'll throw the damn game for an amazing chase.
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Fully agree. Without the BP bonus, BBQ isn’t worth using over other aura-reading perks except on maybe a couple high-mobility killers
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My thoughts are that the aura reading was already pretty reliable. People wanted both, but for many (not all) the BP comment was an excuse to try to keep both. I never really believed so many chose that perk just for BP.
It's still a strong killer perk, especially amongst killers who can traverse a map with ease, or use abilities which can fire across the map. The moment I see a Blight in a trial, it's almost always guaranteed they'll be armed with Lethal Persuer and BBQ. Same with Nurses.
I'm currently experiencing killers with very obviously and similar perk selections. There's little experimentation now, although I blame that not on players, but the increasingly linear focus each side has left to work on. It's not healthy.
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I mean nothing I said is out there too far. If I can't find you when my build is dedicated to it, then I have few options left. And distortion countering the most amount of things in this game is a fact.
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I only run aura perks on 90% of killers I play. Usually a combo of Lethal, BBQ, Floods, and something like Nowhere to Hide or I’m all ears. I’m not looking for excuses to camp lol, I’m looking for the exact opposite. I play for 2 hooks on every survivor before I kill them, it’s the way I enjoy to play and play against. If I don’t see people on auras I’m not gonna waste my time and twiddle my thumbs looking around corners, I’m going back to hook where I know I can find somebody else. I don’t get why this is some sort of controversial / “you’re just looking for excuses to camp” thing. I’m not blaming people for running distortion, I’m simply stating that if I don’t see your aura, I’m not wasting my time trecking across the map.
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I think the idea was to make BBQ less of an objectively superior choice for Killers
It was a perk that not only gave you solid information on 80% of the roster, it also doubled your BP which was very crucial because the grind was really bad before all the changes. That and the added matchmaking incentive (as well as constant events) are what has substituted the BP bonus from BBQ and WGLF
Now, BBQ is just what it is - a very solid aura reading perk but it's not the OBJECTIVELY best one to pick anymore. Like yeah, you could run floods of rage or gearhead but those perks didn't double your BP so why would you bother?
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I have at least one team mate running Distortion in most of my games and it doesn't bother me as a survivor. At most, it keeps them alive longer, which is good for the team, and at worst they get no value because the killer has no aura perks. I think it's fine when players use perks to make up for their weaknesses/shortcomings.
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Am not going against you at all but I really wouldnt expect you to expect killers would drop bbq. No they didnt only use it for bp, it was always for the aura reading but they lie claiming it was for the extra bp they use it for LOL even after 6.1 bbq is used in 95% of games I play by nearly almost every killer with huntress/blight being the top ones of using lethal+it. Ah well I run distortion so whatever but yeah I suggest using it too to laugh at them when they cant find you on your 90% gen.
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BBQ is only making a comeback because they nerfed every gen regression perk to oblivion so people are trying to figure out what to do now. Current working theory people are trying is a chase meta where they just always are in a chase. But its not going to work unfortunately because survivors are too strong with some of these busted maps.
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BBQ has nice synergy with nowhere to hide. I run both with lethal pursuer and various other perks.
It gets you on your next target fast after a hook and nowhere to hide gives you that second aura when you reach the area/gen. It's surprising how effective this combo is at pilling pressure on all survivors. Throw in a gen kick regression perk and it's a pretty solid setup on most killers.
That 3 perk combo is all you really need to be honest & the last perk can be whatever you like. I quite like using monitor & abuse with it or hex plaything/fearmonger. Jolt works pretty well and overcharge/eruption/COB are still viable perks for that setup because you're always kicking gens for info.
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It kind of has disappeared? Not completely, but there are so many better aura reading perks out there.
I see BBQ a tiny fraction as much as I used to, and I personally haven run it since the BP bonus was removed.
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Edit : can't read. It's number 3 on nightlight at the moment. It's more popular than I would have thought.
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Yet another poor excuse for tunneling, why dont you say LAZY killers who want EZ games have to run crutch aura reading perks, that is why people who are smart runs distortion, you wanna use op brain dead mdr spirit and get me off my 90% gen in 1 second after hooking with bbq? nah ill be able to sit in comfort and pop my gen. Seem anything to give survivors stealth or some back up is crutch and no skill. Iron will/boil over/exhaust perks /circle/self care everything to killers is =no skill but we can say the same of yall with busted add ons like free mori myers amongst many things hmm? Oh lethal is not one of the worst most no skill perk for killers huh?
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It used to be on every killer I played, now it almost never appears. I used to put it on for aura reading focus builds but what's the point anyway? Every team has at least one Distortion and even outside that, most survivors have more than two digit IQs and know to position the gen between themselves and the killer so that the gen's aura blocks out their own (pretty good job so far BHVR). One of the most useless perks at the moment.
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It was clear that BBQ would not drop to 0% pickrate. However, on most Killers it was only used for the extra BPs.
A Blight or Billy might still use BBQ because it works with their power. A Trapper or Hag wont use it anymore.
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I don't really use this nowadays because other aura reading perks are generally superior (notably darkness revealed), so yeah it's not entirely useless but lost majority of values when they nerfed BP.
You can freely think it isn't reduced in number and somehow gets mad at objectively correct "accusations" you've got, doesn't change the fact it is much less appealing.
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There just aren't a lot of good decent killer perks anymore, bbq isn't the greatest because it gets easily countered by distortion once people start running distortion more you will see it die away, because distortion is overtuned against non-stealth killers. Very hard not to deny aura reading killers information with little to no effort. It's one of the reasons why I stopped using aura reading and just started using slowdown because aura reading is good when it works, but has many counters.
The reason BBQ was used so much is flat out because it gave bp with a decent effect now that it doesn't do that anymore it's just a fact that it wouldn't be a good pick. It's being used more rn because there just aren't many options after slowdown was nerfed so people chose BBQ because when it works it helps to make some chases faster or just give decent information. I don't really know why you made this post in the first place cause BBQ has always been a well-rounded perk, it just wasn't used that much because there were clear winners in the killer perk meta after the nerf to bp gain.
It's the same thing with distortion really, people called distortion bad just because aura reading wasn't used as much as slowdown so now that aura reading is being used more distortion is being used more and distortion will just make aura reading not used as much self-balancing in a way, it's just the way it goes.
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You're right about Distortion. Back when BBQ was meta, I wouldn't ever run Distortion, because BBQ was the only aura perk you really encountered with any regularity (maybe Nurses Calling now and then), and BBQ could be countered so easily by getting in a locker or hiding behind a generator.
Now though, with Lethal being more common and a range of aura perks in the mix, particularly Nowhere To Hide, it's harder to counter them reliably so Distortion has much more value.
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Well, when was that discussion, and when was bbq nerfed? And how much was it used afterwards?
So why make a thread now? because you see bbq recently again, since pack-all-regression-perks is no longer the meta, and killers try to go into chases faster again, and pack more detection perks.
But that does not make you right before, because perks run on a scale, and next to noone used bbq before the regression perk nerfs.
But since then, the meta and killer tactics have changed, and that gives vaildity at the moment.
So, you still were clueless, since you dont even see why it is run now.
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So they bring a perk that could be entirely useless and it's selfish? Will you also complain if people start to play around Bbq again?
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If someone relies on BBQ for whatever reason, it means they'll want to use the information they get and play around it accordingly. Getting no value from BBQ can only mean 2 things:
1) The survivors are within a 40m radius.
2) The survivors counter BBQ in whatever way.
Someone that relies on BBQ expects to waste time wandering around the map aimlessly, if they can't find you immediately after hooking, which makes camping more attractive and also allows them to capitalise more in case the survivors are nearby.
Also, Distortion raises the probability of the killer tunneling. If the killer can't see your aura, they'll go after someone who's aura they CAN see. That means someone else potentially has to take all the chases you deny the killer by running Distortion, which leads to your teammates getting hooked and dying when you are still fresh.
I don't blame you for running Distortion but you can't really be surprised when a killer does the logical thing and plays accordingly.