Monday's Stream---What Are You Hoping For

So we all know or are at the very least assuming they're announcing the PTB but what other things are you hoping they'll reveal and talk about during the stream Monday?
Me personally I REALLY want some info on the Freddy rework, a time frame, how far along, maybe a teaser on what it even is. I hate surfing Youtube for Freddy videos and find that Monto is the only person who enjoys him and that others flat out hate him or laugh at him. I want to see ma boy make people scream in terror like when Spirit uses Prayer Beads or Michael has been secretly watching you for the past 15 seconds.
Please devs, announce the Freddy buffs for us, we beg of you!!!
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I think it'll be just new chapter stuff and perk/balance changes tbh.
Freddy rework is a fairy tale bhvr tells Freddy mains before bedtime.
I'd like if the dlc/update just drops with no real ptb Tuesday and thats why the devs sent a few streamers from the community this time to mini-ptb Monday.
That probably won't happen either tbh.
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I suppose the new chapter will be the core of the stream but other than that I really don't know what to expect. Hopefully they'll mention upcoming perk or addon changes as they were planning to adjust certain things in the game to make up for the loss of the old tinkerer perk IF I remember correctly.
Anyways I hope Not_Queen will be part of the stream. I love her positivity.
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They'll probably showcase the new chapter and answer some questions.
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I hope they give us a full overview of the new chapter and explain some lore and how they came about the new killer/survivor.
I'd also like them to discuss their roadmap for optimization and what's on the pipeline for Freddy like a status update on that rework.
I am very happy they decided to show us the new chapter this way instead of seeing it in the PTB first. All platforms get to experience seeing the new killer at the same time. This way just feels more complete and there is real hype around it. 😁
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A mini-PTB, that's pretty cool actually. It wouldn't be as well tested as the live PTB but that's pretty cool because it gives the Devs some extra time to tweak some things before going public and getting waves of hate comments.
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I love their streams, they're always so informative until they get really tight lipped lol I'm really excited since they haven't had one in a while.
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The Freddy rework is most likely not going to happen on the next chapter. I would expect them to keep reworks and such for mid-chapter patches.
What I am expecting is starting off the stream with the full trailer. Then they will talk about the Killer's power, the Survivor, the map, and any small changes for it. Maybe announce another thing, like FPS optimisation or Switch release. Lore and Q&As will probably be left for another stream.
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3 things, freddy rework announcement, end game change, and ffs a nerf to gen speed
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End game, I remember they spoke of that briefly, that sounds exciting. It's probably nothing too big but anything is better than what we got, unless it's more perks.
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I'd appriciate it if someone could take an oath on behalf ot the entire team that never again will we get a perk as broken as Decisive Strike.
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New chapter teaser and PTB with new characters.
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To see Dave on the stream again, talking about new killer's lore. Also announcement of next PTB.
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Who said they're showing us the full chapter? They might just be announcing the PTB, perk reworks l, etc.
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No one said. That’s the point of this topic... what you want to see on the live stream tomorrow.
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The monday stream wil probably by dedicated to the new chapter.
I only hope that we get a viable killer
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They going to annonce the new chapter and that probably be it.
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would be nuts if they went the route they did on freddy and pig and there is no ptb and the monday stream is them rolling out the dlc for all platforms and showing the showcase trailer for the new chapter........and then i wake up to reality.
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I hope to see all the new contents
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Im hoping the new killer has stealth mechanics without some kind of slowing effect for survivor safety/incompetence.
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Freddy Rework info
Adjusted end game info
New cosmetics for survivors
The new killer to be some sort of evil crusader
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If it's a fantasy of what i want, changes to killers to make them scarier, we all love a good scare!
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Freddy rework
DLC Info
About Licensed Cosmetics and Characters
some lore
the Fanart part
PS Endgame info and confirm of Mid-Chapter Balance Update are coming back after Chapter 11
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A killer just like the spirit or the hag.
That's all I am hoping for.
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I am hoping that I'll not be disappointed. Seems to be a trend.
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I hope the new killer's name is Oliver Patrick so people can always say he is OP
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If they nerf gen speed then they need to increase the time it takes to die on the hook.
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Well, think it was Tyde Tymes wife that stated in a video that March 5th will be the 90 day mark from the last DLC, if that's so will we even be getting a PTB or just BAM here's the new DLC?
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Legion buff.
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They don't need to be on exact dates. Spirit was late too so we will get a PTB first most probably. I think it was @not_Queen who stated that they needed PTB feedback and there would be a PTB.
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Well gen speed is 80 secs right now solo, hook death if not saved is 2 mins per survivor, starting to see an imbalance here? I think if hook death takes 2 mins then gen repair should take 2 min each that would be balance. How do you think survivors would like it if a gen took 2 mins to reapir and only 80 secs to die on hook?
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Statistically most survivors die according to current developer statistics so it might prove difficult to make a change to gen repair speed without imbalancing the game for most players. Remember they're not balancing the game around top notch SWF teams which is why there's a huge gap between them and solo players.