Y7 map pool

Devs, please cancel this Y7 map pool event.
You're putting the 4 WORST killer maps, by far, all in rotation more likely to appear.
Killer is going to be absolutely painful with these maps in rotation,
Yeah, even I'm not crazy enough to play Borgo Garden back to back.
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And that is saying something haha!
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I wouldn't mind the removal of map offerings, the only purpose really, let's face it, is for one side to play on a map that is very much in their favour.
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Worst part is that it's meant to be the double XP event I think :(
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with the selection of maps it almost seems like a troll considering they are practically universally hated by the community
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yknow, my map offerings have started to gather some dust for quite some time
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I agree with this. I also find that whenever they do these map booster events, it's the same maps over and over again. Which then defeats the purpose of their system to eliminate going to the same map over and over again because it'll just flip between 2 or 3 maps. I'm having that experience right now where it'll go to a map, next Badham, next a different map, then Badham, then a different map, then Badham, then a different map, then Badham, etc you get the point. It's annoying, I hate Badham, and it's all thanks to Badham being boosted right now to "celebrate 2 years of dbd."
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Due to personal reasons I have temporarily become a Hag main.
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Me too but it's Jonathan.
Borgo & Joy are the worst maps to play on that i'm seeing a rework for those and for Toba Landing as well.