More Audio Settings

Can we possibly get an additional audio setting for in game music(not just Menu Music)?
It'd be nice to be able to lower this when playing against killers with loud chase music, Nurse's new chase music for example genuinely gives me a headache.
People often say that chase music exists is a balancing measure, as without it it'd be virtually impossible to escape the killer since it'd be vastly easier to hear your footsteps and breathing.
I have no been able to find a primary source on this, but given how prolific the rumor is, I'd err on assuming that it is how the devs see the game. It would not be coincidental that nurse's rework recently gave her some of the loudest music in the game, and that the "music" option doesn't affect it.
So if that's the case this is unlikely. I do agree with you though, I think this is implemented in a really toxic way where different chase musics are much louder than others, which encourages players to turn up their sound to be able to hear footsteps and the like, damaging their hearing.
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I agree with you but I'm sorry- toxic? Is the music being mean to you?
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Did you read the rest of what I said?
A lot of gamers in general damage their hearing by turning their headphones up to better hear things, and this is exacerbated by loud ambient music and music, in particular when certain killers have music that's a lot louder than others. Like imagine you have it set so you can hear survivors decently outside of chase, and then when you get in the chase, the music absolutely starts blasting, that's really uncomfortable.
Personally I just use a compressor to deal with the problem on my end, similarly as to how I use filters to deal with excessively dark maps like Garden of Joy.
I don't actually think I'd agree with making it an option to turn off chase music, it probably would be way too hard to escape the killer if they could hear you perfectly, but I think some of the louder chase musics should be looked at and tuned down.
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I don't think that's what toxicity is widely regarded as being. Generally it's reserved for folks being rude to one another.
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People say "toxic" in reference to game design all the time
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If anything being able to have an on/off switch for default chase music(Trapper, Wraith, etc.) would be nice. As it currently stands though I refuse to play Nurse anymore because it's not a fun experience getting a headache while chasing survivors. A 2nd option would be nice.
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Why in the world would music be used as a balancing measure? If that's true.
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I think you have a point. But the balancing aspect is there most definitely and it plays HUGE role.
I think better solution would be for the game to lower ALL sounds the same way once chase starts - just so you don't get above certain noise threshold to damage your ears.
Because especially with nurse (and spirit and of course to varying lesser degrees for every other killer) - hearing your location means death to you. I don't need to guess. You just die
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is that a genuine question?
the tracking in this game is heavily focused on audio cues (footsteps including environmental sounds like grass rustling, breathing, injured noises, action noises during vaults etc). Of course the in-game music plays some kind of part in balancing here…
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Honestly, all those extremely negligible "balance measure" can be scrapped altogether without harming game in any way.
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Yes it's a genuine question, so with that understood, Good Nurses don't even really "need" sound cues either; a lot of her kit is really predicting survivors + aura reading make it even easier to not need acute audio.
It's just strange where such "balancing" acts are necessary.