I feel like More passives like Pinheads Chains and Dredges Nightfall would be fun

Certain Elements of danger of not completing a side objective could lead to more compelling and heart racing matches. Something creeping closer at every passing moment. Even if you make it map oriented it could work. Fog rolling in on Elementary or perhaps bombers flying overhead on a WW1 map causing noises to be covered?
If there is another killer like Pinhead, I am quitting the game. Most miserable and broken thing ever to go against in solo q.
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He’s not that bad? He can’t camp the Lament Configuration anymore and soon Franklin’s won’t force survivors to drop it.
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He's pretty miserable. He's not DM (nobody is) but he's pretty unpleasant.
Also, Dredge's Nightfall really hurts my eyes, so he isn't exactly fun either.
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No I dont want no more killer like pinhead or dredge for that matter, night fall is such a big crutch power , =cant see things, can find survivors with no effort + easy down.
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It’s only solo queue that really suffers against Pinhead. And because it comes down to a lack of coordination, the answer to that problem is to SWF. That’ll help & it seems to be what BHVR wants anyway, as they’re consistently harming solo queue.
I like Dredge’s Nightfall. It’s basically them repurposing that old fog offering that made the maps really dark. Dredge is a rare killer so you probably aren’t dealing with it too often, or at all since you’ve stopped playing survivor, no?
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It seems people are more focused on Pinhead and Dredge than what my true point was. I was just saying More passives that affect the match as a whole would be fun. I personally don’t mind going against either of their passives, but this could allow them not to overly complicate a killers power by just giving them two. 1 passive and 1 Activated.
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Yeah but the majority of the playerbase solo queues.
Personally Pinhead is my second least favorite killer to go against due to how many people don't understand how his power works and decide to run with the box instead of just straight away solving it or waiting until he picks up. Chain hunt is the most derailing and annoying power to go against in the game IMO.
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Loudspeakers for Trickster. /s
inside the trial there are 3 loudspeakers, after 60s or less depending on how many injuries Trickster has caused they´re gonna start blaring the music from KARD. /s
Survivors have to turn the loudspeakers off otherwise their laceration meter is rising, 1 laceration every 10s and the music gets louder for each one /s
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I would love something like "Spider killer"(sorry arachnophobic friends), after survivors run X time, spiders detect movement and power bar fills.
When filled, Spiders appears everywhere making survivors scream non stop interrupting a lot of actions.
Or whatever i just want a spider swarm at my command.
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I would not be exactly happy if the game overall became very loud. Even if lerys is generally killer sided map, I just hate to get it as spirit or pinhead because of how loud the map is (random cable shocks sound like pinhead cube. I just can't count how many times I wasted precious seconds looking for it only to find open cable).
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Literally just do the box. It's not rocket science. I escaped vs him three times last and I was playing solo.
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Yes, i know how to counter Pinhead. Thanks 🙄
This is very easy when you are playing as SWF on comms. I’m totally fine playing against Pinhead and feel like he’s balanced if you can communicate with your team. The problem is that if you can’t communicate with your team, either nobody is getting the box and it’s permanent chainhunt, or everyone is going for the box and nobody is doing gens and get a 30 minute match where 2 gens get completed. That has been my experience with every single Pinhead match.
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I told you what to do. Go do the box. Don't hold m1 and say oh my God my bad terrible spooky solo queue teammates are so worthless when you won't just go do the thing. When you won't do objectives you are the awful teammate everyone complains about. Literally go pull your weight before you look to what everyone else is doing.
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so which one of the 4 survivors are you talking to here in this hypothetical scenario? All of us? So we all listen to your advice and go get the box? Or we all assume that someone else is doing it?
Ok, got it 👍
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No. You. You specifically. Don't say to yourself oh someone else will go get it. Sometimes you have to be that person.
I just had a 3 out vs PH (1dc). You know what I did? I got the box. It wasn't hard. 👍