Since Freddy Is Possibly Going To Be Reworked Again, How Would You Change Him?

Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 1,064
edited June 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Freddy in his current state is very stale and rather boring in gameplay, but with the Q&A and him being confirmed to be getting changes (a rework even), that makes things exciting.

To the community, how would you change him?

Have fun sharing! πŸ˜ƒ

Post edited by EQWashu on


    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I would make him spooky after some fashion.

  • dollidahlia
    dollidahlia Member Posts: 343

    Maybe when you’re in the dream state, all survivor will look just like your character or all survivors will look like Freddy to you

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    Definitely lower the cooldown on his TP. Remove dream snares entirely, bring back pulling people into the dream. but this time you dont get slowed or anything after the fact. maybe give him a special power in a the dream world, like walking through walls on a cooldown or something idk

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    a combination of old Freddy and current Freddy could be an extremely fun killer

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 888
    edited June 2023

    While I do think a lot of people have some pretty thick rose-colored glasses about the first iteration of Freddy (the lowest killer tier was called Freddy tier for a reason), at least the gameplay was much more unique. I think bringing back some aspects of that would be fun.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129
    edited June 2023

    Snares and pallets base kit

    Addition of Dream totems via addons: All Dull Totems in the Dream world appear lit up. Survivors in the dream world could be inflicted with various debuffs (Exhaustion, Healing speed, Gen repair speeds or vault speed decrease). Cleansing these dream totems would permanently remove the debuffs accordingly. If these dull totems become Hex totems during the game due to Plaything/Face the Darkness, the hex totem effect will override the respective dream debuff. Pentimento on a cleansed dream totem only grants the respective debuff to sleeping survivors so that forever totem Freddy doesn’t become too strong.

    This would encourage Survivors to focus on staying awake as a priority rather than an afterthought. For the experienced player, Oblivious + Lullaby isn’t much of a debuff against a M1 killer. The amount of clocks or time required to wake a Survivor up could be changed accordingly to compensate. This would tie in with Freddy’s victims trying to stay awake to escape his grasp.

    His skillcheck related addons would actually see more value too as a final way of waking up if there were no newrby dream clocks to use/ no one to wake them up.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,256

    He wait 7 sec and anyone outside of his terror radius is shown to him. He invisible and has no collision with awake survivors.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I have no idea, especially since I wasn't around for old Freddy.

    That being said, I've faced some really good Freddys and I'm curious how they'll improve him.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960
    edited June 2023

    Back to the roots. His original design, while flawed, was pretty unique. Now he feels more like weaker version of the Clown.

    His old design with a few buffs could be very fun.

    Ohh and hopefully we'll get cosmetic for him to celebrate. I know it's not that easy because they license holders are kind of against it but I'd love for Freddy to get at least ONE cosmetic.

  • SleepyLunatic
    SleepyLunatic Member Posts: 415

    Why should all survivors look like Freddy for the killer???

    That would only hinder him and doesnt make any sense.

    Also that would be useless against SWFs.

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    The only rework I would do to Freddy is to put fake pallets on him without the need for add-ons.

    The other alternative in my opinion is to completely rework it once again, or to add one more thing further to his power

  • MimiDBD
    MimiDBD Member Posts: 302

    Make the dream world actually matter is where I would start. His add-ons most certainly need looked at. Freddy and PH have the worst set of add-ons in the game. I would also make snares AND fake pallets base kit. Allow him to switch between the two allowing 5 of each.

    Gamechanger update? He can teleport to finished gens during end game. He loses him primary power in end game. Can't think of any other killer that happens too.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,074

    To have a mixture of both current Freddy and Old Freddy, in the sense of how sleeping works

    Have all Survivors start awake and eventually transition into falling asleep, doing actions that would normally wake them up will instead put them into Micro Sleep. To fully wake up, they must use an Alarm Clock which now are limited to 1 use, but there are more that spawn.

    Dream Pull which would be a "new" ability to Pull Survivors into the Dream World. Tagging them with sleepiness will put them into Micro Sleep which will allow Freddy to hit them. Hitting them pulls them fully into the Dream World and are now affected by his abilities

    Dream Snares changed to not only slow a Survivor down, but grapple them for a short time which will prevent them from running outside the Snares radius for a short time.

    Dream Projection changed to be able to Teleport to Generators regardless if its finished or not. Faster cooldown for every Survivor in Micro Sleep and Asleep.

    This is just a very rough idea of Freddy rework post that I was working on a few months back, but it suffered the same problem of all my other rework posts which was it being way too bloated for a single killer.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,095
    edited June 2023

    Quality of Life pass for what we have currently, Old Freddy can stay dead & buried.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    He needs his dream state to actually be threatening. Unless you're a new player it's way better to just stay asleep and do gens then it is to waste time running across the map to a clock.

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 642

    when putting someone in the dream world it will randomly cause things to happen around the survivor.

    Dropping pallets, blocking vaults, slamming lockers every twenty seconds

  • FreddyVoorhees
    FreddyVoorhees Member Posts: 369

    Make Freddy not be present while awake but make him much more powerful inside the dream world. Its lore accurate. It will get people to prioritize waking up. Also make him stronger the more gens are done. It was a goal with his perks.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    First, make dream pallets basekit, alongside snares. Since they're pretty weak and limited in where you can place them, I don't think that'd be overpowered. He'd swap between them like Clown's bottles, and he'd have a shared ammo pool for them so they're still kept in check. The total ammo count could be adjusted, though.

    Second, dramatically overhaul his addons. Prioritise adding in more things that only affect survivors while they're asleep, as actual map interactables; fake generators, fake totems, fake chests, even fake breakable walls if you wanna be thorough. As a rule, these objects would all disappear when the survivor attempts to interact with them, causing them to scream and inflicting different status effects based on the rarity or combination of the addons used to create them. This would serve to make Freddy more thematic, in that the dream world is under his control and he's toying with what survivors can see, as well as making him generally more interesting to verse as you would be encouraged to identify which addons he's running and/or prioritise waking up via alarm clocks or teamwork.

    Beyond that, I don't think he'd need much. A few number tweaks here and there as appropriate, maybe, but the priority should be making his power more interesting instead of just trying to make it stronger.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    snares are a really boring chase power i really hope he gets something other than snares or he'll just remain as boring as he is now.

    I'd be willing to not give him a chase power (maybe just dream pallets) if he can get other stuff to work with.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Not every killer needs to only have a chase power. That's why I recommend giving him more fake objects to play around with.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,943

    Just bring back old freddy and change the mechanics and numbers a bit. The problem with old freddy was that it felt bad that survivors could do gens in your face. But they could have easily tweaked numbers or shifted things around. Old freddy from a design perspective was perfect, numbers just needed fixing.

  • KalamariGaming
    KalamariGaming Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 4

    They should remove snares completely, instead having dream pallets, dream walls, dream generators, and dream hex totems. He should also be able to teleport to generators, completed generators, and dream generators. If survivors work on a dream generator they lose a health state, and a new change to the dream pallets you can choose if you want them down or up, for walls survivors have to destroy them to go through them while freddy can just walk through, and dream hex totems give that survivor some status effect. Freddy should also have buffed add ons and new add ons.