Group Experiment on Solo Survivor

I have a theory that my solo queue escape rate is completely dependent on the time of day that I play. My perks don't matter. My playstyle doesn't matter. Even my individual performance doesn't really matter. It's the time of day and the matchmaking that occurs at that time. I want to do an experiment where I play during the day on some days and track those games with a controlled set of loadouts, and then use those same loadouts in the evening EST and compare the escape rates. I will also note the role bonus and see if there's a correlation between escape rates and role bonuses.
Problem: one person's results won't mean anything. My experience at my MMR could very well be unique to me. And I'm extremely busy between work and school, so I won't be able to gather a huge volume of my own games. But what I can do is summon any other solo queue masochists who want to track their results vs time of day and role bonus.
If anyone wants to join in, start tracking. I'll probably post another thread in a week or two (assuming I remember) with my own results where everyone else can post theirs.
My escape rate is slightly better in the evenings. I get matched with more swf duo and trios though, so that probably helps. You can tell by how much more coordinated they are. During the day the teams are all over the place.
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In EU servers i have better exp between noon and evening. Probably the reason is most tryhards are playing atm. So my teammates are good like as killer is.
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nighttime is always when the super good people come out
i worry for when it’s summer and the 12 year olds are free to stay awake *cries in bad teammates*
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Also, I'll add my results to your thread. Probably worth distinguishing between weekdays and weekends too. Weekends are punishing in my experience, I tend to avoid playing on weekends but I will in the name of science.
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I always think I should track my games (since BHVR is allergic to releasing stats) but I never get around to it. It's a bit hard to track not gonna lie, although I like the idea of it.
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As a survivor I have matches with better skilled mates in the evening. Tunnel, camp and NOED are more common on the killers' side.
As a killer matches are more difficult late in the evening due to SWF groups appearing.
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See, this is interesting and why I wanted to do this. Exact opposite of my experience. I usually escape the overwhelming majority of the time in the afternoon/early evening, and my team rarely even completes the gens after 8 pm EST. I've loosely tracked my results before but only for a few days. My afternoon escape rate was ~70% and my night escape rate ~25%. A massive, otherworldly dropoff.
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Not entirely sure about time of day, but role bonus definitely has negative correlation with my win rate. By which I mean, Killer bonus = more escapes as survivor, Survivor bonus = more kills as killer.
This is obviously completely contrary to the purpose of those bonuses, but it implies the weaker players are following the BP.
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Or just a greater number of people play (including those you label weaker). If the number is greater then the bonus serves its purpose...
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By contrary to the purpose, I mean that it ends up being more beneficial to me to not play the role with the bonus, because I'm more likely to win if I don't. But this means I'm not filling the queue that's more in need, and I'm missing out on a BP bonus.
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I am going to check this in practice tonight.
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To be honest I feel the same way (dunno if it's the truth though). Maybe in the evening more people play SWF. So if you're solo you get matched with other solos more frequently? Idk, how to explain it.
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It *feels* like the killers stay the same and the survivors get worse. It's one of those instances where I think it's hard to defend hiding MMR. Something specific is happening that is affecting player experience and we can't give feedback on it without breaking all sorts of rules.
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I dunno if this is any help (probably an anecdote), but I think someone did a study on league of legends and what are the best times to play (if you care about winning). And it was in the morning hours and the worst hours were the evening ones.
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I dont even play DBD at night because of this. The intense, taunting, sweaty, tunnel-camping , 'hit you on the hook over and over' killers are all over the place from 5 PM to midnight.
Playing at the crack of dawn is great. Or 3 AM. I almost never play killer, but I bust out the twins maybe once a month for a game.
I 4ked this group with the twins and thought, "wow, I'm getting good. at killer" One of them was a streamer, so I went back and watched his stream... he was high as a kite and doing a viewer challenge where he couldn't look behind him lol. And I BARELY pulled out the win.
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@Nazzzak @Justa335i y’all wanna form a SWF?
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I'm sorry, I'm not going through solo queue, not even for science
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Well it's not much evidence but this afternoon and yesterday afternoon I wanted to dc / didn't escape once. So far 3 games this evening after 4ish, I've only died because I let the killer hook me for points or to hook trade someone. It does seem like I'm getting paired with more duos and trios later in the evening so that could be it. I normally only play solo but when I play with my brother we can tell a big difference with just two of us on a team.
Edit: Scrap all that the next 3 games were typical solo queue games.
Post edited by Moonras2 on0 -
Normally, actually I have the same experience as you, but my teammates quality go down around 4pm est. But tonight was different, I had good teammates until around 11pm est and then it dropped completely. Killers did remain the same around quality except I got a baby wraith at some point.
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I can't commit to a swf at this stage (sahm with kids keeping me busy) but I appreciate the offer and will hit you up in future when I can be reliable :)
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I have my best results in SoloQ from Monday till Friday during daytime. In the last two months my escape rate is around 50%. I have the feeling killers are not sweating this much as in the evening/night/whole weekend. My mates are pretty decent too most of the time. Of course terrible matches occur and sometimes I get a losing streak but overall I'm fine with my matches.