To the people complaining about toolboxes needing a nerf

Medkits already got nerfed, so now you go to the next item and start complaining about toolboxes being OP/broken..
While we still have Blight and Spirit with the OP addons and still not being looked into and Bubba,Huntress and Infinite Tier 3 Myers facecamping and nothing you can do about it. So we have much bigger problems then you Killers getting ‘genrushed’ every game, I’ve seen good Killers still get a earned 4k then most Killers that play scummy and still get a 4k with being toxic to us. So let’s nerf some Killer addons first and camping and tunneling, then we move on to genrushing with toolboxes
Nerfing only one side at a time only leads to community uprising. Realistically whats more common, running into a blight with op add-ons or stacked toolboxes? I could easily argue that the more common thing should be nerfed first but I hold any bit of self awareness.
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Fair point, we should nerf the strongest addons and items on both sides.
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Or... alternatively, we could nerf everything survivors have because it's lot bigger problem for average killers than survivor issues, then we can move on to addon/camping/whatever problems.
Just think about it, it's not like toolboxes haven't been complained before the medkits nerf, so we should deal with BOTH things first!
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round all the op stuff up and take it out back. personally, on the toolbox thing id like to see them get refocused like how the med kits did. Maybe make them all have the exact same charges but decrease the time it takes to deplete the box by rarity? like the better box you bring in the faster you can get the charges dumped. turn them from something you use to boost the beginning of a gen and turn them into something you use to finish the gen under duress. like you know the killers coming and you won't make it in time, so you dump all the charges at the very end to force finish the gen where you otherwise wouldn't have been able to? with this in mind maybe the boxes can be buffed in how much they actually shave off time? IDK im just spit balling. I just personally like how uniform the medkits became after their latest rework. they are simpler to understand in what they do, and they are a waste to use selfishly.
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- Something being stupidly OP does not justify something else being stupidly OP.
- Facecamping is literally on the roadmap to getting addressed.
- "Us?" It's a game, man. This "us vs them" mentality doesn't help anyone.
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Toolboxes OP where they last 5 seconds. 😂
A lot of people from here they haven't play the times where you could use your toolbox for an entire gen and more. 2021 killers are soft as a butter.
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Toolboxes themselves have ben nerfed enough. BNP's however could stand to see some changes. At the very least, they shouldn't continue to work after you've let go of the gen. Being able to pop a BNP as the killer comes, let go, and then have the gen complete itself 15 seconds later seems broken.
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I think all item add-ons should be removed for survivors. I ALSO think all add-ons should be removed for killers as well. It would make BHVR's job sooo much easier. Items and (most) powers aren't busted. It's usually busted add-ons that make match ups unfun.
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I'm pretty sure there is not a single person trying to defend Spirit's and Blight's disgusting addons. 2 things can be problematic at once. How do you expect a weaker killer to compete when your loadout is strong enough to contest even a Blight with strong addons?
These extremes need to get fixed. Otherwise the game will continue to screw over weaker killers, which leads more people to play the few that can actually compete.
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Pretty sure nobody here is defending Blight and Spirit's OP addons. And face camping is getting/has been addressed.
Toolboxes already received a heavy nerf back when sabotaging was changed. But BNP needs to be addressed and dealt with.
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Eh, I always said toolboxes needed nerfed before medkits.
"While we still have Blight and Spirit with the OP addons and still not being looked into and Bubba,Huntress and Infinite Tier 3 Myers facecamping and nothing you can do about it"
Not everyone can play Blight to his best ability, especially console/controller gamers. Spirit got a nerf last year and Infinite Tier 3 Myers takes a lot of work to pull of properly. Not sure what the issue is with Huntress, is it Iri head? That got nerfed too about two years ago and Bubba is just memes, learn to love him, he's funny.
Also facecamping is being addressed.
I do agree with your Blight assessment though, get him in the bin
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this will remove any sense of build variety on killers though?
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So Blight
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These add-ons (for like two killers that barely utilize them most of the time) are op so they need a nerf but not toolbox BNP's eventhough they help aginst ANY killer and make a significant impact in the game because healing got nerfed.
Very good argument truly.
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Tool boxes are an issue because killers got their gen regression perks nerfed and now gotta deal with at least two people a match bringing either a very long and speedy toolbox or BNP.
I Know Blights add-ons Are an issue but he has a learning curve of a right angle. If they touch his add-ons too harshly (like they do with most killers nerfs) he will be useless. Making something useless isn’t the goal when nerfing, it’s creating balance with most other things.
If they were to touch toolbox’s I’d like it to be BNP nerfs or changes and perhaps a look at how many charges some of them have.
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Personal opinion as someone who plays killer frequently medkits need to go back to how they were and flashlights need nurfed. Blinding the killer should be rewarded with wiggle progress not an overall drop. Go agaisnt a swf of all Kate's with flashlights AND they all have boil over and lithe, it's getting ridiculous to be a killer when ever perc is getting nurfed into the ground. Medkits imo were never a problem.
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I see far more commodious tool boxes than blights running op add-ons. But I advocate for nerfing all the time.
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I cannot tell you the last time I went against a Blight that wasnt using at least one of these:
Double Speed
Alch Ring
Compound 33
Adrenaline Vial
And I go against a Blight at least once in 10 or so games. Meanwhile Survivors have I see a BNP with a strong toolbox from time to time, but just 1 of them isnt too impactful.
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- People are complaining about blights addons
- camping is literally getting removed from the game so stop complaining
- "genrush" in quotations? its the killer equivalent of getting tunneled. Uninteractive, uncounterable and boring.
- tunneling isnt toxic, its just an overpowered strategy. Its god awful annoying but god forbid people play to win, wanting to win is so toxic. but yeah nerf tunneling
- addons are absolutely not as pressing an issue as gen speeds.
survivors getting nerfed more because survivors the stronger role right now.
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I mean, you really don’t have to nerf toolboxes if you reel back on some of the regression nerfs… TBH I’m kind of getting sick of the removal of things from this game just because some demographics hate it, like back when there was a lot more to cry about, at least there was more dynamics involved in the game. We should probably get to a point where we realize nerfing things isn’t going to make a game we played for over half a decade anymore fun…. It only removes said fun.
And frankly, I don’t see anything so egregiously OP as so many others seem to. Strong SWF’s can still be a pain, but there’s nothing much more they can do there, they have to exist. Meanwhile, killers like Blight and Nurse exist, but nurse is really not all that common, and blight has counterplay, even with his best add-ons you can still dodge a lethal dash and he’s not all powerful at every loop. I feel like if you’re complaining that hard about anything right now, you have an agenda, like you really just don’t like losing to the other side and can’t stand when games don’t go your way. That goes for both sides.
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What I think you meant to say is SWF is the strongest role. Go play solo queue and tell me that with a straight face. BHVR can choose to ignore it all they want but solo queue is disgustingly bad right now.
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You said it yourself nerfing one side will never go over well. They should just nerf these toolboxes, BNP, and OP killer addons in one patch.
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The community would still not be happy
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You have to look at if from more than a killer perspective...That 'variety' you speak off exists in both roles. But many players don't want the variety of BNP speeding through 15% of a gen. Neither do they want a tombstone Myers snatching them up and removing them from the game.
Many of the add-ons are simply OP (by design) and tend to heavily tilt the balance of a game one way or the other. But you really can't design around those being in play (without alot of work) because many games won't have them.
So the choice is to accept that imbalance of add-ons on (for both sides); nerf all add-ons to have minimal effect on match balance (extra BP, or cosmetic changes); or eliminate them from the game altogether.
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The same people who think toolboxes are fine when they knock 20 seconds of repair time of a gen (potentially multiplied by 4 survivors, or more with perks), are the same people who think the killer having a perk that can regress a gen by 13 seconds when they hook a survivor is a huge problem.
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Toolboxes are fine. BnP's not so much.
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I see way more Flashlights in my games and Medkits tbh.
And I don't think I've seen a Blight not bring some of their strong or strongest add-ons and perks.
Any side that brings the strongest stuff forces the other side to play on their pace.
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You have to remember, killers don't play solo or don't care about it. Either they play only killer, or play with SWF or play solo to "relax" (meaning not sweat or tryhard).
So you won't get far with most of them. When they say survivor is strong, they always mean SWF.
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So 4 survivors being able to knock 20 seconds off a gen each (more with perks), this is excluding BnP btw. This is totally fine. But killers having a perk that regresses a gen by 13 seconds when they hook a survivor is a huge problem?
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Firstly that is an edge case scenario. One that requires every survivor to bring the best toolboxes they can. Which in turn means no flashlights or medkits. Giving the killer advantages in other areas.
Secondly I never said regression perks didn't need a look. They very well may need to be buffed a bit. I haven't had issues but my experience isn't the only one.
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Just because something is rare, or they have to "bring the best they can" or because not every survivor is going to run this stuff, doesn't mean it isn't a problem. I'm guessing you also think nurse should be nerfed?
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Everything in the game needs an overhaul balance change.
Perks are way too much game changer, tools/add-ons too.
Nerfing healing was the worst decision from the devs, it is now almost impossible to heal. It is not "you loose more time healing" as the devs thought it would be; it is "you are forced to play injured the whole game".
Now killers jsut need one shot to down a surv most of the trial.
It does not work against SWF cause they use META perks, protection hit etc but playing in soloQ an duoQ is hell now.
It is just an exemple, there are many things broken now, it has been years since devs do, mostly, bad changes.
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I mention it being uncommon because it's silly to not look at how abuseable something is. To your point Nurse is still extremely busted but given she also isn't that common I don't think she needs addressing.
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Everything that is busted need to be adressed.
It is not because we see her 5% of the time that it is fine if those 5% are jsut unwinnable trials.
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Eventually yes. Unfortunately priorities have to be made. Nurse is busted but Blight needs looked at more.
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Once all items become homogenized they will get stale. Medkits already are and they're boring. I used to get excited seeing a ranger kit, now it just sits there and rots in my inventory.
If toolboxes get changed, then might as well go item less and just not even bother.
Instead of nerfing things BUFF things on the side that's having issues. Idk, just my suggestion but what do I know :)
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Nerfing repair speeds of toolboxes (or personally i think removing them altogether, and make them just a sabo item and buff sabo) does not homogenize the items. Each item has a specific purpose. You can't repair a gen faster with a medkit or heal someone with a flashlight. Each item has a purpose.
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The thing is Flashlights are already a weak item to use. You don't get a lot of value out of them and it can only be used in VERY specific situations. And these situations are even fewer than before, since Locker saves are gone, LightBurn is gone and all other killer interactions also gone with the recent nerfs.
Another nerf to flashlights will probably leave them in the pitiful state which maps and keys currently are.
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There's a reason the strongest survivor teams who are doing challenges usually bring toolboxes with BNPs, they could safely be toned down. Solos rarely run strong toolboxes imo because it's not as easy to get value out of as a medkit. But if you nerf toolboxes, I really think you should buff solos somehow, either with more info they can share with each other like perks, or something else.
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Well i agree but i guess with the money BHVR has made with DbD, they can do a complete heal chapter where they actually fix everything instead of releasing busted patches
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How about like others have suggested we nerf each add-one equally at the same time. So that way each side can feel more balanced.